Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Old Food/New Food


I have discovered while growing older by the second, that my food tastes have changed.  Why?  Anybody's guess, but perhaps I now have a more "mature" pallet ( I don't think I spelled that right), but you get the idea.

For instance, growing up I never ever put maple syrup on pancakes, etc.  I would only use Karo syrup.  I'm not even sure that I ever used maple syrup on anything.  Last time we were at the store, while browsing the syrup aisle, I bought some Karo syrup.  I toasted a waffle and poured the Karo on.  Big mistake!  My taste buds have changed I guess, because I actually couldn't stand the taste.  Who knew that would happen?

Cotton candy is another hit and a miss.  I have tried cotton candy when I go to fairs, etc., but now as an adult, it's more like a sugar bomb.  And, to my surprise, no longer crave or eat it.  Now, a good caramel apple, is still a favorite of mine.

I will eat everything pizza, and am now able to eat said pizza without taking all of the olives off.  That doesn't mean that I'm ever going to want to sit down and eat olives for the heck of it.  Clearly not that mature!

Coffee.  Once upon a time, I could drink, and did drink, multiple cups of coffee a day.  Didn't matter if the coffee was cold, I just enjoyed the taste.  In hospitals and other "fine" establishments, you get coffee at mealtimes period.  So, since 2013, have lost my desire to drink coffee all day long.  I have a cup in the morning, and that's it.  And, that's probably a good thing, since the last thing I need during the day is to be "jacked" up on caffeine!

One of the foods, that I still can't stand, is mushrooms.  Jeff, on the other hand, is a mushroom king.  He likes to put 'shrooms' in most of his dinners.  I just push the mushrooms off to the side and put them on Jeff's plate.  Problem solved.

Root beer doesn't taste as good as it used to.  Perhaps, it's the lack of that frozen glass that you would get at an A&W drive-in.  Root beer now just tastes like licorice.

I'm sure I could go on and on, but you get the general idea.  It's not enough, as we age, to have to put up with bumpy, lumpy skin, age spots and wrinkles, nope, we have to contend with a change in our taste buds!

By the way, we just watched Roseanne's new show.  The show wasn't particularly enjoyable.  It seemed like the cast was just trying too hard to be funny, and it didn't work out very well, in our opinion.

Kind of an icky day in the neighborhood.  Gray sky, and has sprinkled earlier this morning.

Happy hump day everyone.


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