Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Unicorns, Rainbows and Life


Almost a year ago, my life changed, and not for the better.  For reasons unclear to me, as well to the many doctors I saw, I was pretty much unable to walk, stand, etc.  For an entire month, I lived in my recliner 24/7.  My life, at that point, felt like to me, to be pretty much over.  I was forced to accept my new reality, and the reality of it all, wasn't positive.

I spent a month last year in a rehab facility.  Through the efforts of the physical therapist, I was finally able to get up and down stairs, which was huge for me.  I was able, with the use of a walker, "walk" again.  When I came home last year, I managed then as I manage now, to be able to go up and down stairs.  It's a lengthy process, since I am still unable to put my left foot on a stair step, and then put my right foot on another stair step.  I can now sleep in the bed, shower, dress and am able to do a lot more things for myself.

So, where do unicorns and rainbows come into the picture?  My family and friends know that I want to be "cured", and then my life will be filled with unicorns and rainbows.  Sound silly when I write this, but that's my goal, and one I believe I will eventually meet.

According to the internet, which knows everything, the unicorn “is the fiercest animal, and it is said that it is impossible to capture one alive. It has the body of a horse, the head of a stag, the feet of an elephant, the tail of a boar, and a single black horn three feet long in the middle of its forehead. Its cry is a deep bellow. Oh I wish that unicorns were not the stuff of dreams and imaginations.  Do I believe that a unicorn is going to make an appearance in my world?  Nope. Just a goal that keeps me going.

And rainbows fill the sky after a storm.  Theory is, and that's all it is, is that at the end of a rainbow, is a pot of gold.  Maybe, that pot of gold in reality is a winning lottery ticket.  If, that's the case, then Jeff and I had better start (a) buying more tickets; and (b) actually have more than one number on said ticket.  Neither of those things have occurred yet, but who knows what the future holds for us.

A month or so ago, I had an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon.  This doctor actually looked at me, while he was talking.  This was huge for me, because my interaction with surgeons in the past, displayed arrogance and a diagnosis of "I don't know what the hell is wrong with you", and suggested all manner of things, lose weight (ah, if it was that easy), exercise, which is kind of difficult if you can't even walk without a walker, etc.

Okay, I digressed there for a moment.  Back to the surgeon I now have.  Two weeks ago, I had spinal fusion surgery of two discs.  The doctor did find one (or maybe it was two, and the number isn't important), nerves that he "set free"!  Can I say hallelujah?  You bet I can and still do.

To comply with all things Medicare, I had to stay in the hospital for three nights, even though I was ready to go home the day after surgery.  Then, still following Medicare, had a week in the rehab facility.  I'm now home, and the therapists (physical and occupational) are scheduled to come to the house to work with me.  

Last summer, when I had therapists here at the house, I learned how to get up off a sofa, without assistance, for one thing.  I want the physical therapist this time to work on: balance, which I'm badly in need of; and how to pull myself up when I'm down on the floor.  Anything else, would be a bonus.

I see the surgeon today for a post-op visit, and I think he'll be very pleased with my progress.  I know I am.  Unlike the spinal fusion surgery I had in 1999, where I had to wear a back brace and the recovery was slow and painful, while this surgery hasn't left me in unbearable pain.  Before surgery, I was unable to unload and load the dishwasher without taking a break to sit and stretch my back.  Yesterday, I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, and cleaned the kitchen without sitting down.  After doing these things, I did need to stretch my back, before I could start another task.

When I do sit, I am pretty consistently moving the toes on my right foot, up and down.  I both knew and know that I wasn't going to get my unicorns and rainbows immediately after surgery.  My attitude is good and I just know, and I can't tell you how I know, is that in the future, my physical condition will make a breakthrough and my life will have unicorns and rainbows!  Please keep sending positive air waves in my direction.

To that end, Stacey and Benjamin brought me a really large unicorn balloon, who bobbles back and forth in the den.  I love it. I have a small purse that had both unicorns and rainbows printed on one side.  There's a small unicorn in the kitchen and another one that I've taped to the top of my monitor.

So on the day, when my right leg/foot becomes more normal, you will be able to hear me roar with gratefulness.  Who knows, maybe I'll be able to drive my car someday soon.

 Image result for unicorns and rainbows

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