Friday, March 30, 2018

The War Has Started, The Battle Won And Miscellanous Stuff


Every spring, those little black ants think it's okay to invade the kitchen.  I don't care if the ants build a super city in the ground, but if you come into my space, you're going to die.  It's just that simple.

Yesterday, the ants came in through a crack somewhere, and ended up on my kitchen counter.  I make the same deal with the ants, as I do with the mice, do your own thing, but don't let me catch you.  The mice seem to understand this.  Are there still mice roaming around in the pantry, probably, but I no longer spend my energy to find where they've been.

Unfortunately, the ant scouts, did not make it home yesterday to report on their findings.  Nope, some kitchen cleaner sprayed on the edge of the window, pretty much stopped in their tracks.  Good.  I don't make any apologies for my actions.  My kitchen - not yours!  Of course, if you think about it, the ants are really small, and perhaps I should give them a break.  Not happening.  There are few things that get me quite as upset as seeing ants, or any other kind of insect, in my kitchen. So, if charity begins at home, then the ants had better find another house!

I was victorious in round one of the annual war, but it's early days and I don't know whether I'll be as successful in the future.  You know those signs, "No Dogs Allowed"? Well, I should put on my counter, that says "No Ants Allowed"!

Last night, was book club, and it's very hard for us ladies to stay on track.  There is wine and nibbles, and while we eventually come around to talking about the book, a large portion of the evening, is just us women talking. The hostess gets to pick the next book to read, and when she said she had found a book where mental illness came into play, I nixed that idea quickly.  I maybe "crazy", but I really don't want to read about it.  Particularly, since the state of my "mental-ness " (sp) continues to be a battle I have temporarily won.  Emphasis on the word "temporarily".  I may be a doubting Thomas, but I feel pretty sure that at one time or another going forward, my private black hole, which is depression, will show up again. Just stating the facts.

Jeff and I are going this morning to have eye exams.  I am in desperate need for a new and stronger prescription and/or my cataract has reached a removable size.  I don't know about you, but I don't like to read pretty much everything with the help of a magnifying glass.

Although the weather looks "iffy", Jeff and I will probably head to Baltimore with the top down in his car.  The theory is that if you drive fast enough, you won't get wet!  There have been a few times, when the theory was put to the test, and Jeff had to pull off the road, to put the top up.  

Happy Friday everyone.


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