Sunday, March 11, 2018

Sunday, And I'm All Confused, Among Other Things!


Yesterday, my very special friends, Angela and Sharon took me out to play for the day.  Sharon brought me an orchid plant, which I'm hoping I can keep alive, but my green thumb is very limited.  Angela, brought me a basket of yummy food treats, most of them chocolate.  I felt very blessed that my friends would come and spend time with me.  We went out and "did" lunch, and a mostly quiet restaurant where we sat and enjoyed a leisurely lunch.  In my world, no meal, other than breakfast, is complete without dessert, so I ordered Tres Leches Cake.  If you haven't eaten this cake, do yourself a favor and order, you will love it I promise.

Then my friends took me to Target for some cathartic shopping.  I don't get out much anymore, and when I do go out, I generally have to use that stupid power cart, which I hate with a capital "H".  I needed a birthday card for Stacey, but as long as I was in the store, I found other stuff to buy.  I did actually buy a card, so my goal for shopping was met!  After buying the card, we roamed and I drove through the store.  I hate the little cart, because I kept running into things and/or people.  And that obnoxious beep-beep sound the cart makes when you're backing up, makes me cringe.  I never feel so handicapped, as when I'm forced to drive the little cart.

Oh, I also needed to buy new shelf liners for the refrigerator.  I bought the rubbery kind, and it works very well to try and maintain the glass shelves.  So, you can plainly see that there was a reason to go to Target.  Umm, I may have bought other things besides those necessary things, but I had so much fun with my friends.  Both ladies work, so for them to take one of their precious weekend days to spend with me meant a great deal.

And, getting dressed for my outing, I put on my new, black leggings.  I bought them in a size larger than I need, so that said leggings didn't show as much all the dents and rolls of my body!  I topped the leggings with a new tunic gray shirt, and I thought I looked fabulous.  What the rest of the world saw, didn't and doesn't matter to me.  I believe if you believe you look good, that's all that's important.  This belief may be occurring because I'm 68 now, and frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn!

Today, the nurse from the rehab facility is coming to evaluate me for services that I need.  All I need and want is to get some of my balance back, and maybe more important, how to get off the floor, when I fall down.  Once I've fallen, I'm like a beached whale, flapping my arms and legs in a desperate attempt to get up. Unlike last year, I now have someone come in and clean the house once a week.  Deep cleaning?  Nope, just the regular stuff (bathrooms and kitchen), makes me very happy.

While I was at Target, I bought the book a "Wrinkle in Time".  I want to read this book and then give it to Benjamin, if he hasn't read it, before he and/or I go to see the movie.

Well, friends that's my news for the day.  Have an excellent Sunday, and remember to go around and set all your clocks.


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