Saturday, March 10, 2018

I'm Back!


Hey everybody, I'm back😃, so let the games begin. There are, obviously, no games, but just sounded cool to write it!

I went to rehab for one week, fussing the whole time.  They put me in a room with a bariatric (however you spell it) bed.  Now, I'll be the first to say I'm a "tad" overweight, but a special bed for me - nope, not happening.  The overall room, left me feeling like the red-headed stepchild at the family reunion.  No lamp, no recliner, a curtain cutting the room in two.  I was initially almost in tears over this hastily put together room.  Now, I did not actually "nag", but I told anybody that would listen about my complaints.  Want a regular bed, thank you very much, a lamp and a recliner.  Those things were eventually put in my room, but the room dividing curtain didn't come down until yesterday, the day I was leaving.  Oh well, the next habitant (boy I'm having a lot of trouble spelling today) of this special room will at least have the bare minims of comfort.

I did my week of therapy, because in order to keep everybody happy, I had to spend 3 nights in the hospital (over kill, because I was ready to go home after one day), then a week in rehab, so that I can receive home services, etc.  When you're dealing with Medicare, and you want them to pay for something, you must follow the dotted line!  For my younger readers, bear this in mind, when you get to that magical age.  And, when AARP starts sending you their monthly magazine, don't just toss it, they always have some useful stories to read.

Yesterday afternoon, I had a most excellent surprise.  Benjamin and Stacey came to visit (happy, happy faces).  They didn't know that I had been sprung from rehab, and I'm sorry that I didn't let them know.  When they walked in, they were carrying the largest unicorn balloon I have ever seen and a shamrock plant.  The unicorn is so pretty and I just love it.  When the air is gone, I think I will lightly tape it to my den window, because we don't open those blinds very often.  Western sun and all that.

My life just gets better and better.  I think 2018 is going to be a good year for the Bassetts.  I'm feeling so much better and really walking quite well.  When I'm sitting, I exercise the toes on my right foot up and down, and it's probably my imagination, but I think they curl under a bit more than they did last week.  And, again, that could be wishful thinking.

Oh, getting better and better.  My two girlfriends are coming today to take me to lunch and I'm looking forward to seeing them.  I'm sporting leggings (plain black color) in a size that allows the leggings to be roomier and a really lovely gray tunic top.  I agree with the folks that do wear leggings, they are very comfortable.  I, however, have no wish to put printed leggings on.  No storks, fish, flowers, etc., will ever be seen on these legs, unless and until I'm the size of Twiggy (again, the name Twiggy will not mean anything to you).

After suffering through bed head for a week, this morning's shower was fantastic.  My hair, which I cut quite short, is very cute.  At least I think so, and in the long run, my opinion is the only one that matters.

Getting mighty spunky in my old age.  People had better watch out!

I'm so happy that I'm home, because the yard work that is going to happen in the backyard hasn't been started.  I know that our neighbors will undergo a bit of a shock when they see how many trees are being cut down.  After cutting down various dead Leland Cypress trees, I will need the landscaper to put new trees in their place.  My goal has always been to block my view of the neighbor behind me, who's kitchen window is in line with mine.  We just never topped those trees, and let them get too tall and eventually fragile looking.

Oh, before I forget, Jeff bought a very nice red vest for Bella, with "in training" patches on both sides of the vest.  She doesn't fuss putting it on, and he brought her to the rehab facility several times, and she was as good as gold.  But, there's more work to be done with her.

I guess that's pretty much what's been happening here at the estate.  I'll be back to daily blogging, starting tomorrow.  Thanks for sticking around, I appreciate it.



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