Sunday, March 18, 2018

Missed Saturday


Happy Sunday to all of my friends.  I didn't blog yesterday, because, well because I pretty much don't have an excuse.  I just didn't get it done.

Jeff and I did the WalMart/Costco run on Friday (felt like Saturday to me), and we bought corn beef to cook today.  We also bought cabbage, but I'm not thrilled about cooked cabbage.  Is there some kind of "law"/"reason", that mandates you have to serve cabbage with corn beef?

Yesterday morning, Scott et al, came to the house for a late breakfast.  Scott ate oatmeal, Elly waffles and Wendy eggs and toast (might have been a bagel, I'm not exactly sure).  We enjoyed our visit with them, and while they were here, Jeff had Scott, who is taller to replace the burned out fluorescent lights in the kitchen.  Scott also was able to get out and replace a light bulb in the fixture above the kitchen table.  I didn't actually realize how "dark" our kitchen had become.  Once the new fluorescent tubes were put in, the kitchen is so bright that I think you could actually do surgery in there!  (Happy, happy face).  Due to a cataract, I need a bright light to see better.  The lights in the kitchen, could now pass as a "SAD" light for me!  Wendy brought us some persimmon cookies, which are super yummy.  She also bought me a giant book of different puzzles, because she knows that I love crossword puzzles, and am seldom without one in my purse.

The afternoon, just sort of stumbled along.  Scott had recommended a show "Highway Through Hell", and we watched several episodes.  The show is basically about a tow truck company, who responds to the many, many crashes and/or jack-knifed trucks on a particular winding road in Canada.  Since there was a time when we did towing, the show is/was entertaining for us.  The main tow company, has really large and heavy trucks to help pull out vehicles in trouble, which appears to be a never ending job.

I'm lazily moving around today.  I will clean up the kitchen and do some laundry, and then I'll find a chair.  I'm reading a book called "A Thousand Women", which is about the Indians making a deal with the government in the late 1800's, to swap horses for women.  All of the women volunteered to go and live with the Indians, mainly because their present way of life, was unbearable.  Think insane asylum, bad marriages, etc.  Initially, the women have a difficult time adjusting to their new life, partly because of a language barrier on both sides.  But over time, the women swap their "white" clothes for Indian garb, and several of the women become pregnant, which was what the Indians wanted.  I'm so close to the end of the book, that all I want to do is finish!

Fingers crossed for Tuesday.  The work in the backyard is supposed to be that day.  But, the weathermen keep predicting wintry weather for that day.  Damn Mother Nature!  I had intended and will do so, when the work begins, either Tuesday or some other day, to take my coffee cup downstairs, and sit in our plastic Adirondack chair and watch the magic happen!  Once the six trees are taken down, the yard will look really bare.  All the trees and box woods, in the front yard are 30 years old, and have endured years of snow storms and windy weather.  The landscaper will take out all the box woods, and replace them with new ones.  Since we no longer have a male dog, who peed on one bush practically every day, it eventually turned yellow (ya think?) and died.  Unlike Sam and Maggie, who when we let them out in the front yard and would come back in the house, when we called.  If we let Bella and Daisy out in the front yard, they'd just go running off.  Eventually, the girls return home, but we worry that there is a real possibility of one of the girls being hit by a car.

The girls are now no longer considered puppies.  Both of them being born in 2016.  And yet, we still are having trouble with Bella stealing things!  My slippers seem to be a favorite of hers!

Enjoy your day.


1 comment:

  1. We enjoyed our visit as well. Miss Elly was quite the spoiled one after waffles and syrup, cookies, cake, pretzels, and Rice Krispy treats to take home. I told her you did a good job spoiling because you are grandparents. She informed us that you are good at it! Ha! She also loved playing with Barbie, who modeled several outfits for Scott. �� He was thrilled!


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