Friday, March 16, 2018

It's a Winnie Poo Kind of Day!


It's Friday, but since all my days blend into each other, I actually had to check a calendar!  Welcome to retirement.  The sky is very blue, but the wind is whipping all around.  In our backyard, several smaller branches have come loose.  Bella, in particular, loves to chew on these branches, and that's fine, just don't bring them into the house.  You have to set limits sometimes.

The occupational therapist is coming today.  I'm not sure what she is going to do with me, but the rehab facility thought that I needed both the occupational and physical therapists to work with me.

Scott et al are coming to the house tomorrow for breakfast.  There are a number of things that Jeff can cook for them: eggs, waffles, oatmeal, etc.  Hard to say what the three of them will want to eat.

After therapy this afternoon, Jeff and I will do the Costco/WalMart run.  I'd like to take Bella with us, but I don't know if she would walk with me, while I'm in those stupid riding cars.  I will say this, she doesn't balk when Jeff puts the jacket on her.  When we went to the doctor's office earlier this week, I walked her to the car, and it was effortless on my part.  We're trying to expose her to different sounds as well as different people.  We, obviously, don't let anyone pet her, but she's so pretty, that people really do want to pet her.  We do ask them, politely of course, not to pet her, she's working, and when she's working, there is no playing.

Jeff made sweet 'n sour last night from scratch.  The one pot wonder was delicious, and will make a most enjoyable lunch today.  Yummy for my tummy!

In an act of an old woman, I painted my fingers red - really red.  I love the color, but more difficult to get off.  I hate chipped nail polish, so when that happens, I will either reapply or choose another color.  You can easily see how difficult my life is - to polish - or not to polish!  I have a very difficult life, as you can easily see!

I'm reading a very good book.  Trouble is, when I find a good book, then I'm rushing to do my chores, so that I can return to my chair and keep reading.  The story is about 100 women who, on their own accord, marry Indians, in exchange for horses to the government.  I am at the point, where these women realize that they will have to abandon not only their "city" clothes, but attitudes as well.  The Indians these women "marry" cause them no harm, but the Indian women - not so much.  Anyway, a good story.

I've also ordered, "The Grapes of Wrath" to read on my Kindle.  I believe this is one of the classics, and I'm anxious to finish my present book and then grab up my Kindle.  The nice part of the Kindle, is my ability to change the font size from regular to the Largest possible font. Of course, when I'm reading with this really large font, there aren't  many lines that can fit on the screen at one time.

I'm seeing an Ophthalmologist in two weeks.  I need my vision checked, but also need to know if my cataract has reached the taking out size.  People who have had their cataracts removed, say that their vision improved significantly.  I need that!  I have magnifying glasses all over the house, because I can no longer read the cooking directions on a box, and really can't read any information on a prescription bottle!  Just another thing that makes getting old - suck.

Also in a nod to age, I'm now wearing my glasses with the "old lady necklace" around my neck.  I was forever losing my glasses, because I would set them down somewhere, and then couldn't find them.  At least I was able to find on Amazon, a prettier necklace, than was available in stores.  I'm not particularly vain, but I knew that I didn't want to wear some kind of necklace that is rubber, or something similar to that.

Yesterday, I tried to give Bella more liberty in the house (leaving some of the gates down).  And, she repaid me by taking one slipper outside and destroying it.  I just wish if she's going to ruin something, ruin the pair. When I went in the backyard to retrieve the remnants of my slipper, I also found one Unicorn sock that I got as a  Christmas present.  Really Bella?  

When, we take Bella with us, we let Daisy have the run of the house.  She's too small to really get in trouble, unless she spends her alone time yapping outside.  I hope she's not doing that.

Cutting this short, because I have to tidy up the kitchen before the therapist arrives.

Happy Friday.




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