Saturday, March 24, 2018

A Litttle of This and A Little of That!


The coolest thing I found online yesterday, was that Target is selling - wait for it - Unicorn ice cream with edible glitter.  Personally, I don't care if the ice cream tastes like crap, and I know it won't, I just have to buy some.

Since I started wishing about "Unicorns and Rainbows", last year after I was physically debilitated, I would tell doctors (who I know thought I was nuts) that I wanted Unicorns and Rainbows.  Those two things, in my mind, equate to me getting better.  Sadly, last year there were no doctors, or physical therapy that could "cure" me.

And, then I met Dr. Levin, a surgeon, who actually looked at me when he was talking.  Other doctors I had been to, spent their time looking at images on the computer, and not at me.  I explained how tragically my life had become since last May, and I wanted to be fixed and that meant Unicorns and Rainbows to me.  It's been 3 weeks since my surgery, and I'm doing fine.  Pain free? No, but for the most part tolerable.  I went to get my head shrunk yesterday, and I walked into the office, minus any kind of aid (walker, etc.).  Even with the amount of improvement I have seen so far, I'm probably going to ride those little riding carts (ugh), when shopping.  Of course, if I didn't actually go into a store, I wouldn't need the riding cart!

Jeff drove my car to Scott's house.  Scott et al, are driving to Tennessee, and the only problem Scott will encounter is how to slow those "horses" down!  My car could use a long trip, since it sits most of the time now. Although, since I know that I can drive now, "Cuzilu" (license plate) might actually get to go "out" more often.

Thanks to my ability to now record shows on the Cooking Channel, I'm in heaven.  These cake decorators do amazing work and turn out cakes that look too good to be eaten.  The cake designers never mention the price, but then again in my mind, I know we're talking about big bucks.  You know what I like about cooking shows?  Nobody actually gets hurt.  Oh, on some shows a chef might get chopped, but it's done tastefully.

Truthfully, this many years later, I can't remember what our wedding cake looked like.  I know it was a small cake, and probably rather on the inexpensive side.  Back in 1974, there wasn't as many "over the top" weddings.  Fast forward to today, and everything is bigger and pricier.  Wedding dresses now cost at least $1,000, but almost no brides on the show "Say Yes To The Dress", settle for the cheaper dresses.  They do know, I suppose, that you are just as married whether they wear a designer gown, or a burlap bag!

Easter is coming and that also means that Jeff's birthday is also near.  He'll be 69 on the 7th of April.  Hard to imagine.  How did we get so old? When we were married, I was 24 and he was 25. So where have all the years gone?

Our rather large (for us) landscaping work has been postponed until April 2nd.  You can bet that I'll be out in the backyard, coffee in hand, sitting on a chair and watching the progress being made.  I think I like having people working on the house, then getting a new piece of jewelry!  Guess you could say, that I'm a "cheap date"!

I had physical therapy yesterday, and I was very sore when we were done.  I told the therapist that I needed to know how to get off the bed easily, and more importantly, how to get off the floor when I've fallen.  We did the "help I've fallen" routine several times, so that I could learn what to do, when I am on the ground. She suggested putting my little plastic stool in the hallway, so that if need be, I could crawl to the stool, so I can stand up. My world would be almost perfect, if I can continue to practice with the therapist, to get off the ground.  Baby steps.

I have the day to myself, so I'll close now, and see what kind of "trouble" I can get into.

Happy Saturday.


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