Friday, November 29, 2019

"Tovers Day"


Happy post Thanksgiving. In case you're not sure, "tovers" means, at least to me, leftovers! Jeff and I both agree, and sometimes that's rare(!), that some foods are better the next day.

We spent yesterday with the family at Andrew's house. With the exception of Elly (Wendy's daughter), everyone was there. There was an abundance of food (duh), from turkey all the way to pies (yes more than one). I was mindful of how much food I ate. No sense blowing a year of dieting, for just one meal. But, I did indulge in very small pieces of pecan (though I wanted more) and pumpkin pie. 

We stayed through the evening, with the computer geeks (Andrew, Scott and Jeff) going into the basement to look at something that had to do with servers, wiring or stuff like that. After clean-up, which for some stupid reason, seems to always fall on us girls. We sat around the table, had tea and chatted about anything or nothing.

Daisy had to stay home, since she is a nervous pee(rr). And knowing that, I can't relax because I'm always worried where she is and, more importantly, what she's up to. By the time we got home, which was quite late, Daisy was a ball of energy who needed to be held by her people.

Today, is rest day. While there are a few grocery items we should buy, but I'm so not going into any store. Particularly, WalMart. We don't need anything, that can't wait until Black Friday is over.

One year, we went to a store on Black Friday, not to buy anything, but just to see what was on sale, and, more importantly, watch the frenzy. It was such a madhouse, that we've never gone again to bear witness to the crowds of people. You can have a Black Friday experience, while sitting in your chair! 

I hope you have a quiet and pleasant day.


Image result for picture of black friday


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

I've Been Busy!


I have a very good excuse for not blogging at all yesterday and, while I'm late today. I really do have an excellent excuses. 

Jeff and I went to an open house at Benjamin's school.  It is a beautiful "campus", and I can see why Benjamin likes it so much. We were scheduled to meet three of his teachers. After visiting the classrooms, we went to the library for Benjamin to pick out a book. We wrote something like "we're proud of you", and we love you so much"! Every book was $20.00, and when it was  Jeff's turn to pay, he gave the library an additional $20.00 just because.

We visited his social studies class very much. The teacher was extremely personable and we had a lot of fun in his class. Unfortunately, I didn't seem to feel that strongly about the science and music teachers. It appeared that, in my mind, just killing time. Science was mostly a game outside, and the music class was relying on answering questions about Disney movies. The kids knew the answers to all of the questions. Grown-ups - not so much!

And, my excuse for today is that the tree company came here to take down the big tree in the front yard. Jeff and I spent most of the morning watching professional workers do what they are trained to do -  like climbing to the top of the tree, and cutting off branches and eventually the tree itself.  I had asked for them to cut me four 1-2 inches. Why? I'm sentimental to a fault, but I have no intention of putting them in my hope chest! I intend to paint initials on each one of the slabs (for lack of a better word), and then varnish them. They will be stepping "stones" in the backyard. The one thing that Jeff and I agree on, is we love watching people working around the house. We gave the men this morning, coffee and a chocolate and nut bar. I believe they appreciated us thinking of them. There is a notable (ya think) blank area in the yard. We'll put in another tree, probably a few inches closer to the center of the yard. I don't know how Jeff feels, but I'd rather wait until spring to put in a new tree.

The wind is picking up, and fortunately the rain that was predicted amounted to only a few sprinkles. If, it had been really raining, I think the job might have gotten cancelled, and we really didn't want to have to do that. 

Tomorrow, we are going out to Andrews "estate" for Thanksgiving. The menu has been worked out. So, I'm doing two things. One thing, if I can put out some food (like stuffing mix) on the table, then I'll be just that more organized. We're supposed to bring pecan pie, the stuff to make stuffing, potatoes and cranberries, oh and cole slaw. 

There will be so much food, but I must remember to use a small fork, eat slow and be sure that I leave something on the plate. The exception to that rule does not apply to desserts!
One of my jobs today, is to find the right containers to use while traveling. Second thing, is that I need to round up a few plastic boxes for any 'tovers" that we want to bring home.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.




Monday, November 25, 2019

Beautiful Day


It is just a beautiful day outside. Bright blue sky and no wind. For me though, it's a tad to cold (Jeff would say cool), but at my age, the internal temperature is most of the time broken! Just another old person thing to have to deal with.

Jeff went to the store yesterday, and it was a zoo, as I predicted. It was a small shop, buying the normal things we buy in produce, and the items needed for Thursday's dinner. My job, now is to find plastic containers, with appropriate lids (that can prove difficult), for leftovers! And, some "tovers" are simply better the next day.

I'm going upstairs with a plastic bag, which I will fill with larger size clothes. I know I should donate them, but I like a safety net. I have ordered several new pants that actually fit, as well as some sweaters. I'm very proud of my weight loss, so it's time (actually over time) to buy smaller sizes. But, when it comes time to order, I actually hesitate about what size to order. I know such a dilemma.

On Thanksgiving Day, I'll have to remember to have small portions, and, for good measure, leave some food on the plate. And, to be super aware about how much dessert I eat - and for me, less is best.

I know that some of you have the whole week off, so enjoy those extra days.



Saturday, November 23, 2019

Oak Tree and Thanksgiving


The tree. Thirty-two years ago, we planted a Pin Oak tree in our front yard. We even have a picture of Scott standing in the hole (large) before we planted the tree. Over the past (I forget how many months), we've had multiple arborists come to look at the old girl. And, everybody that comes out, all sing the same song. The tree, because of her size, could cause some damage to the neighbor's house. And, obviously, we don't want that to happen. This would not make us good neighbors. I've asked Jeff to tell the tree man that I need several pieces of the tree. Not only for the memories, but because I might use them as stepping "stones" in the backyard.

Thursday, we're going to Andrew's house for our Thanksgiving dinner. Every family is bringing certain dishes for everyone to enjoy. Jeff and I aren't, at least at this moment, are bringing mashed potatoes, cooked cranberries, pecan pie (thank you Costco) and stuffing. I may also go through my recipe "box" (computer) and see if there is a dish that is a family favorite. Like all Thanksgiving dinners everywhere, there is also too much food. And, while the ladies clean up the kitchen, the men will go into the basement and watch sports or something.


Image result for picture of thanksgiving dinner

Friday, November 22, 2019

Bella, The Counter-Surfing Dog!


From the time that Bella could reach the counter tops, she has "surfed" them, looking for food. We do know that she doesn't like green peppers, because we find them on the floor! Apparently, she is selective about what she eats.

Normally, before we go to bed, we "Bella Proof" the kitchen. Foods, like bread, bagels, etc., can and generally are taken. Last night, Bella was at her best. She found a plastic container that had a spoon in it, of Jeff's chili. She ate everything, but she was considerate - while the container was empty, she left the spoon! Jeff's chili that he made, was a bit on the spicy side. Who knows maybe Bella is suffering with a tummy ache today. If we set a mouse trap, with cheese or something equivalent, on the counter, would she still go for the food? We don't want to hurt her, just discourage her. Last night, when we went to bed, Bella didn't come upstairs right away. I told Jeff that she was looking for food. Sadly, I was right.

Now that Bella is 3 years old, she has gotten over, for the most part, stealing shoes, socks, cellphones, underwear, and things like that. I know this about her, but before bed, put my shoes in a safe place.  

We're having a very gray, rainy gloomy day. And, yes I have my "SAD" light on.

Today, is National Go For a Ride Day", as well as "Buy Nothing Day" (that one is boring), but to try to be fair to Jeff, I'll "attempt" to buy nothing! Wish me luck.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

Where I've Been


I have an excuse, and you're thinking of course I do. Let me explain.

With the rate of impeachment news being generated, television and/or newspaper, I'm quite exhausted. Perhaps you are too.

This morning, I didn't even get past the "A" section before I began to get sleepy. So what I did, of course, is get under a blanket, grab a dog (Daisy), and I quickly found myself taking a nap. I'm not sure what makes me so tired. Could be boredom I suppose. It's definitely not my lifestyle, which when I think about it, is well boring.

Yesterday, I ordered the 4A (the boys', but mostly Scott) Christmas cards and 2020 magnets. We send holiday cards each year. I'm pretty confident, because it's what I'd do, the card gets tossed (and it's really pretty this year), and the magnet hopefully ends up on somebody's refrigerator.

Also, went to see the doctor yesterday, and he didn't really have much to say about my EMG test. He believes that I need to see some kind of peripheral nerve doctor. I'm waiting for an appointment. If this doctor can't help me, then I'm ready to just give up. I mean I won't die from a "numb" foot. But, hopefully, I won't have to have this condition for the rest of my days. Fingers crossed.

I'm still losing weight, slowly. If I was able to exercise (iffy hip and foot), I would make more progress on the scale! But, since last November, I've lost 44 pounds. And, now I can truthfully tell Jeff that I don't have any, or few clothes that fit me. What a dilemma to have. Believe me, this is the first time in many years, where clothes were too big. You know the routine - you gain weight - and you buy bigger sizes. I have filled one of those black trash bags with clothes that are now too big. I'm not donating those clothes yet, but will keep the bag just in case.

Now, when I order clothes, I have a lot of trouble (mentally) getting the right size. My mind immediately goes to a size larger than I need. I don't actually know how I'm going to break this cycle.

My other problem I'm having is finding a ring size that will keep my beautiful wedding ring, as well as Grandma Bassett's wedding ring from falling off. I tried several sizes, and finally found the perfect fit - 4.5. The rings stay in place, which is very important to me, as are the rings themselves.

Jeff would disagree, but I think it's cool both inside and outside of the house. Today, I dressed in layers, and turn the fireplace on when I'm in the den.

A few facts: 34 days until Christmas and we can "celebrate" that today is National Stuffing Day as well as National Television Day. I can definitely get behind the television "holiday".


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Dirty Water


I know that most people (okay all people) would actually blog about dirty water. Yesterday, there was a water main break on our street. Of course, the utility people never told us about the break.

I went to the sink to get water for some reason, and when I turned the faucet on, I got nothing. Thinking that it was a one time occurrence, I went to the fridge, and came away with no water.

Once water returned, what came out of our faucets was disgusting. In the kitchen, Jeff just let the water run, and it took forever to get clean water. You then have to, of course, go around the house and turn water on in sinks, bathtubs and toilets. In the big scheme of things, this was a minimal disruption. 

When you can't have access to something, there becomes an absolute urge, to drink water, in this instance.

Every time I have some sort of body scan, almost immediately my nose begins to itch. Obviously, you can't scratch your nose, so I begin to make some sort of face movement, in hopes that the itch will disappear. Sadly, it doesn't always work. But, it's always worth a try.

Today is a follow-up with the bone doc. I have had an MRI as well as an EMG test (hated it), so hopefully he'll have answers for me. Keeping my fingers crossed. 

Today, is top down weather. I now keep a light blanket in the car for my legs. The car has a great heater as well as a heater for the headrests, but even having all systems on, my legs get cold.


Image result for picture of dirty water from faucet


Where I've Been


I took a mini "vacation" from blogging. It's not so much that I didn't have something to chat about, I just decided to take two days off. Apologies.

For most of last week, I was in "political" mode. I could, as well as you, watch ad nassum (I know that's not a word, but as close as I could spelling wise.

I grab my coffee, Daisy (who is 99% of the time on my lap), and the remote. The depositions that went on last week, was a bit like watching a soap opera but definitely more interesting.

I have no opinion, or at least not one which I want to share, but felt sorry for the people who testified for hours and hours. They obviously, had taken notes because their recall of facts was amazing. Me? I can barely tell you what I had for dinner yesterday!

Switching gears now. Scott, Wendy and Elly came by for a quick visit. We don't get a lot of company, probably because I'm so reclusive. Unlike most people, I'm perfectly comfortable in the house. Let's face facts - there is no need for me to tell someone that I'm feeling fine (and I'm not). I can remember grocery shopping with Mom after Dad had passed away. The cashier made the mistake of asking Mom how she was. Instead, of the polite answer - I'm fine, Mom went into a  lengthy diatribe about her health. I finally had to move Mom along, since she was holding up the line. 

When people ask me how I'm feeling, my response is always fine. Fine isn't actually the way I'm feeling, but most people don't want or need to hear you rant on about everything that is wrong with you. Frankly, they just don't have kind of time! And, you gain nothing about that kind of telling. Save it for the doctor.

We had chili for dinner last night. Jeff does most, if not all, of the cooking now. And, he does an amazing job of making soups and stews. Only downside is his adding mushrooms - I hate them. And, for the most part don't feel they really add anything to dishes (but that's probably just me).

I'm having trouble finding the right size of clothes (pretty much everything is too big), and when I order things, I still have a tendency to order up a size. I should stop doing that.

My other problem is my rings. I ordered a size 5 to be used with my other rings. Nope, 5 is too big. Today, I've ordered 4.5 size rings. I hope these fit, because I love my rings and now constantly worry that the rings (wedding ring is a biggie) will slip off my hand. And, that would absolutely break my heart.

I'll talk to you tomorrow.



Friday, November 15, 2019

It's Friday


For the most part, your weekend begins tonight. As for Jeff and I, it's just another day at the "office"! Jeff's office is upstairs and mine is on the first floor. An ideal situation for both of us.

Yesterday, my sister and I communicated about starting up again a sister box! We did this for a long time, and it was a lot of fun. I am going to send out the first box. A sister box is filled with things (inexpensive) that we believe each of us would like. Of course, we wrap everything we send, so it's like a super unexpected present that we give each other. I initially pick up some things that are around the house. Then, the next time I'm in a store, I obviously find little things to put in the box. You should try this box idea, with a relative or close friend. Trust me, both of you will be delighted.

It's a little warmer today, but still jacket-sweater weather, at least for me. If Jeff goes out in the car, he'll still drive with the top down. Why? Because it's a lot of fun, and remember we bought his car during the winter. 

Of course, if we get a lot of snow, then it's time to put my car into service. My girl is heavy, and drives much better in winter weather.

Popping off now.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Impeachment and Shooting


Day two of the impeachment hearings. I watch until my eyes glaze over. Unfortunately, this doesn't take me very long (or perhaps fortunately)!!

I settled down in my chair for day two. And, sometime during the hearings, there was breaking news. And, sadly it was a shooting at yet another school. I can't look into the minds of these shooters, but I wish I could. Are they simply mental?  Do they view their shootings, as not a big deal, and likely they get some kind of "high" for doing the shooting, and sometimes even gets away with it.

When the boys were in school, there wasn't any, at least that I know of, shootings aimed at school children. And, we were able to let the boys walk to school, not envisioning anything going wrong. Back in those days, people just didn't think about those things. 

If I had a school age child now, I perhaps would be on high alert for their safety. And, you can't help yourself from worrying. Why was this school targeted? My thinking is that you have to be off "your rocker" to gun down students, and sometimes adults as well.

I have been "mental" for sometime, but have never thought about hurting anybody. My brain just doesn't work that way.

When the planes crashed into the Towers, we all went home. I did have a talk with the boys, that if something closer to home occurred, and Jeff and I couldn't get to them, they were to drive to Illinois. My brother lives there, and that we would/could stop worrying. I called my brother to tell of our plans. He was okay with the boys coming, but not excited a bit, when I told him the dogs would be with them.

My advice from 9/11 is still the same. Get out of Dodge, if you believe that your families, are in harm's way. 

I admit this was a bummer of a blog, but occasionally, you have to write about good as well as bad things. Today, was one of those days.


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sorry For The Delay


I would have blogged sooner, but my computer was having "difficulties". The problem was probably me, however it doesn't matter about the "who"! If there is a chance for me to screw things up, I am able to do it multiple times in a day. 

I have set the Tivo up to record the public testimony, starting today. You know, that I don't "do" politics, but for today I'm making an exception. Much like when JFK was assassinated (8th grade English) or the horror of 9/11 (at work), this piece of history needs to be heard and remembered. Okay, that's all I'm going to write about politics.

We had "some" snow yesterday. It arrived in a hurry, and was gone in a flash. I know it snowed, because our open bedroom window has the white stuff on the screen. Not exactly the amount of snow that Scott would have wished for, much less our weatherman - he loves snow! Me, not so much. I shouldn't complain, because our compute is just going upstairs. I will tell you that the one positive side of being retired, is the ability to make an appointment when ever I choose. While working, you had to "check" in with the other secretaries to see if there was any conflict to their schedules. And, don't get me started about trying to plan a two week vacation!

I used a thing called "eraser" that took away most of the blue/black dye that the girls gave me. Now, I'm left with reddish hair (hate it), but I am finally seeing some gray/silver hair coming back, and this makes me happy. Perhaps, I should semi-permanently dye my hair silver, and see how that looks.

The house will be cleaned today, and frankly it's probably the best day of the week! There is only one bedroom and bathroom upstairs. She doesn't clean the living room, since I haven't been in there for many months. My office, like Jeff's only needs vacuuming. The rest of my work area is filled with papers. I have my desk and then two other pieces of furniture on both sides of my desk. There is paper to shred, paper to file (ugh) and paper that requires attention (double ugh). I know when Jeff and I were married in 1974, I told him that I would take care of the paperwork. At that point in time, we only had a few bills, a checkbook that needed to be reconciled. This was long before everybody shredded pretty much everything. I don't know about you, but Jeff and I shred pretty much everything that has our name on it. If it's a catalog, then I shred the back that has our address on it. in this time of identity fraud, the less you are putting out there, you can be vulnerable, when it comes to your privacy.



Tuesday, November 12, 2019



Today is a perfect day, if you suffer from depression, to put on your SAD light while you work. Since winter weather is not my friend, my SAD light is on, while I blog.

Yesterday, Stacey came to visit me. I always look forward to her visits, and we always find something to do. We decided it was time for nails and toes, which gives me, self-esteem.

After, we went to McDonald's for lunch. There are times, when the high school students are on their lunch break, and they consume most if not all of the tables. Oh, and the noise level is super duper high. 

I don't know about you, but when I was in high school, we didn't leave the school to eat our lunches in a restaurant.  Or, a fast food place. The town was small, so your options were definitely limited. We did have a "Dogs and Suds" (root beer) drive in place. And, there was only one restaurant, that I can think of, the name of which eludes me.

Last week, Jeff took me to have some waxing done. Unfortunately, the place was really full of teenagers getting their long artificial nails put on, or removed, so they could have a new set put on.

We went to CVS, so that I could buy my sister a Christmas card. My sister lives on the West coast, and I'm on the East coast. We exchange birthday and Christmas cards each year. We used to do "sister boxes", and they were a lot of fun, both filling a box, and then receiving a box. We haven't done this for years, but perhaps in the future, we could start up again. It's a little like having a pen pal.

Training again today. With the aid of a personal trainer, I continue to make progress. One of my goals is to be able to pull myself up on the plane's wing (a small part of the wing) and get into the plane. That would allow me to fly around with Jeff. 

Second goal is to be able to travel. I would like to take a cruise - destination anywhere. Obviously, I would need for Stacey to be able to come with me. As far as walking goes, I'm now able, most of the time, to walk through a store (minus the cart)!! This is progress, small progress but steady. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day. And, this old body isn't going to become "buff" (can you imagine that?) in a day.

I hope your weather is much better than ours.

See you tomorrow.




Saturday, November 9, 2019

Christmas Shopping


Trust me, I can see your eyes rolling around in your head. Some people enjoy doing their shopping at the last minute. Others, such as myself, have already created a list, for most of the family. I find that boys and men are difficult to shop for. You probably don't want to know this, but there are 46 days until Christmas. I remember when the boys were young, and they wanted one special gift. Nintendo comes to mind. We would get a babysitter, and go out at night to scour the stores. This was long before Amazon, who makes shopping quite easy. Perhaps too easy.

This morning, I literally went through all the catalogs I've received. I tore out pages of things that I might want to buy for somebody. Other catalogs, I just wrote down the name of the item. Next, I'll go to Amazon and hopefully to find said items, and put them in my saved list.

Since we spend the holidays at one of the boys' houses, there really isn't much of a reason to decorate. I know, that sounds like Scrooge. But, in my defense, Jeff has a lot on his plate, and dragging down Christmas items seems like one more chore he would have to do. 

Just because I no longer decorate, doesn't mean that I don't enjoy Christmas lights and the music. Used to be I would load up our CD player with my favorite music, and start listening to those songs right about now. Now, I'm able to listen to all genres of music, including the oldies from the 60's. Which, in my opinion, was the best music. 

The music today, makes no sense to me. It just seems like a lot of noise. While the music of my teenage years, is now played as "elevator" music. I doubt that the music of today, will ever be "elevator" music. Please don't send me "hate" mail if you disagree. If you weren't a teenager in the 60's, then you might like the music of today.

Off to the races.


Friday, November 8, 2019

Crispy and Clothes


Perhaps even by Jeff's standards, he might call the weather today "crispy". For me, I absolutely believe it's colder outside. This morning, Jeff started up the fireplace (love not having to haul in wood), in the den, and it's nice and cozy in there. Other rooms in the house, not so much. Warmer clothes are definitely needed now.

I did a very nice job of organizing my spring and summer clothes in drawers (I know how very Marie Lundo of me). Now, I have to go through the drawers and take out all the summery clothes and replace them with my fall and winter clothing. One of the "big" problems I've having with my clothes is that well, they're too big! I know everybody should have this problem, it's a first for me in many years. I'm in a learning curve when it comes to ordering clothes. I'm used to buying much larger clothes than I'm wearing now. 

The other problem I'm having is keeping my rings on. There is no way that I'm not going to wear my wedding ring, but lately, it has come close to falling off. Amazon to the rescue. I have ordered some inexpensive new rings in a much smaller size (6) to guarantee that my wedding ring won't go flying off! I would be heart broken if I lost this beautiful ring.

The fireplace guys were out yesterday, to adjust the central flame. Jeff and I still think that flame is a bit too high, but we were assured that everything was okay. Bella loves sleeping by the fireplace, and at night she gets up beside us, and she's better than an electric blanket! This cooler weather means we need a "two dog" night! Of course, with both of the girls in bed with us, also means that sometimes it gets difficult to turn around.

The HOA will be coming by on the 18th and they'll pick up any leaves in the street. Prior to the leave pick-up, I would like Jeff to, in his spare time (and he has so much of that), blow all the leaves out of the flower beds and yard and get them into the street.

We still leave a bedroom window open, since we like our room to be more on the cool side. We believe we sleep better if the room isn't too warm and you can burrow under the covers.

Happy Friday every one.  




Thursday, November 7, 2019



Yesterday afternoon, I went to see a "memory" doctor. I know that's not his official title, but it gives you a general idea.

Good news was that while I have "brain shrinkage" (how is that even a thing?) I don't have any signs for a serious condition, like dementia for example. 

While Jeff was away, and this only happens on my watch, something or everything breaks down! Our gas fireplace had one flame that was just too tall. While I would have liked to used the fireplace, but I was concerned about the flame. The repairman just left, and fixed the flame. It's a good thing too because the temperature is beginning to drop. The entire back of our house is windows, so it's a challenge to keep the den warm. And, this is where I spend most of my time. Watching TV, reading or napping! 

The weatherman is beginning to use the "s" word (some snow). This year, Jeff didn't put the snow shovels away. Might as well keep them in the garage, since winter is just around the corner. I went to the Farmer's Almanac, to see what their forecast is. From reading the almanac, it doesn't look like we're going to have "foots" (that's what Scott calls it) of snow. 

Since Jeff and I work (I don't think laundry and dishes count), most of the time we don't need to venture out. Being retired, I don't have to make a call to see if the office is closed and/or delayed.

Depending on where you live, you could get those "foots" of snow, or enjoy the sunshine in California and Florida, for example.




Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Creature That Lives Under The Porch!


Sorry about no blog yesterday. I was having technical issues (probably caused by yours truly)!

For many years, we have a "critter" that lives under our porch. We have no idea what kind of animal it is, because we try and stay away from each other. Could be a hedgehog, perhaps. When we had some landscaping done, which involved putting new mulch in the flower beds, there was an area close to the foundation, and the workers were reluctant to add mulch. Reason?  I guess at eye level, the workers were able to see this animal who lives under the porch. It took some amount of persuasion, from the supervisor, to put the mulch down.

From time to time, this animal comes out from underneath the porch, and it just happens that we might be on the porch at the same time. Both the animal as well as ourselves look at each other, and then he scurries on his way. I guess we could try and catch him, but we're not wanting to do that. Unless the house begins to tilt from the underground tunnels, we don't see any good reason to try and capture him.

When we do cross paths, this animal is fairly large. And, he must come out at some point to eat. What he eats, I have no idea, and actually don't really want to know! Based on their sizes, I'm assuming that it's a wood chuck. 

Cute cartoon:
Image result for how much does a wood chuck weigh

Ground hog:
Wood chuck:

Image result for picture of wood chuck 

Talk to you tomorrow.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...