Friday, November 22, 2019

Bella, The Counter-Surfing Dog!


From the time that Bella could reach the counter tops, she has "surfed" them, looking for food. We do know that she doesn't like green peppers, because we find them on the floor! Apparently, she is selective about what she eats.

Normally, before we go to bed, we "Bella Proof" the kitchen. Foods, like bread, bagels, etc., can and generally are taken. Last night, Bella was at her best. She found a plastic container that had a spoon in it, of Jeff's chili. She ate everything, but she was considerate - while the container was empty, she left the spoon! Jeff's chili that he made, was a bit on the spicy side. Who knows maybe Bella is suffering with a tummy ache today. If we set a mouse trap, with cheese or something equivalent, on the counter, would she still go for the food? We don't want to hurt her, just discourage her. Last night, when we went to bed, Bella didn't come upstairs right away. I told Jeff that she was looking for food. Sadly, I was right.

Now that Bella is 3 years old, she has gotten over, for the most part, stealing shoes, socks, cellphones, underwear, and things like that. I know this about her, but before bed, put my shoes in a safe place.  

We're having a very gray, rainy gloomy day. And, yes I have my "SAD" light on.

Today, is National Go For a Ride Day", as well as "Buy Nothing Day" (that one is boring), but to try to be fair to Jeff, I'll "attempt" to buy nothing! Wish me luck.


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