Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Where I've Been


I took a mini "vacation" from blogging. It's not so much that I didn't have something to chat about, I just decided to take two days off. Apologies.

For most of last week, I was in "political" mode. I could, as well as you, watch ad nassum (I know that's not a word, but as close as I could spelling wise.

I grab my coffee, Daisy (who is 99% of the time on my lap), and the remote. The depositions that went on last week, was a bit like watching a soap opera but definitely more interesting.

I have no opinion, or at least not one which I want to share, but felt sorry for the people who testified for hours and hours. They obviously, had taken notes because their recall of facts was amazing. Me? I can barely tell you what I had for dinner yesterday!

Switching gears now. Scott, Wendy and Elly came by for a quick visit. We don't get a lot of company, probably because I'm so reclusive. Unlike most people, I'm perfectly comfortable in the house. Let's face facts - there is no need for me to tell someone that I'm feeling fine (and I'm not). I can remember grocery shopping with Mom after Dad had passed away. The cashier made the mistake of asking Mom how she was. Instead, of the polite answer - I'm fine, Mom went into a  lengthy diatribe about her health. I finally had to move Mom along, since she was holding up the line. 

When people ask me how I'm feeling, my response is always fine. Fine isn't actually the way I'm feeling, but most people don't want or need to hear you rant on about everything that is wrong with you. Frankly, they just don't have kind of time! And, you gain nothing about that kind of telling. Save it for the doctor.

We had chili for dinner last night. Jeff does most, if not all, of the cooking now. And, he does an amazing job of making soups and stews. Only downside is his adding mushrooms - I hate them. And, for the most part don't feel they really add anything to dishes (but that's probably just me).

I'm having trouble finding the right size of clothes (pretty much everything is too big), and when I order things, I still have a tendency to order up a size. I should stop doing that.

My other problem is my rings. I ordered a size 5 to be used with my other rings. Nope, 5 is too big. Today, I've ordered 4.5 size rings. I hope these fit, because I love my rings and now constantly worry that the rings (wedding ring is a biggie) will slip off my hand. And, that would absolutely break my heart.

I'll talk to you tomorrow.



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