Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sorry For The Delay


I would have blogged sooner, but my computer was having "difficulties". The problem was probably me, however it doesn't matter about the "who"! If there is a chance for me to screw things up, I am able to do it multiple times in a day. 

I have set the Tivo up to record the public testimony, starting today. You know, that I don't "do" politics, but for today I'm making an exception. Much like when JFK was assassinated (8th grade English) or the horror of 9/11 (at work), this piece of history needs to be heard and remembered. Okay, that's all I'm going to write about politics.

We had "some" snow yesterday. It arrived in a hurry, and was gone in a flash. I know it snowed, because our open bedroom window has the white stuff on the screen. Not exactly the amount of snow that Scott would have wished for, much less our weatherman - he loves snow! Me, not so much. I shouldn't complain, because our compute is just going upstairs. I will tell you that the one positive side of being retired, is the ability to make an appointment when ever I choose. While working, you had to "check" in with the other secretaries to see if there was any conflict to their schedules. And, don't get me started about trying to plan a two week vacation!

I used a thing called "eraser" that took away most of the blue/black dye that the girls gave me. Now, I'm left with reddish hair (hate it), but I am finally seeing some gray/silver hair coming back, and this makes me happy. Perhaps, I should semi-permanently dye my hair silver, and see how that looks.

The house will be cleaned today, and frankly it's probably the best day of the week! There is only one bedroom and bathroom upstairs. She doesn't clean the living room, since I haven't been in there for many months. My office, like Jeff's only needs vacuuming. The rest of my work area is filled with papers. I have my desk and then two other pieces of furniture on both sides of my desk. There is paper to shred, paper to file (ugh) and paper that requires attention (double ugh). I know when Jeff and I were married in 1974, I told him that I would take care of the paperwork. At that point in time, we only had a few bills, a checkbook that needed to be reconciled. This was long before everybody shredded pretty much everything. I don't know about you, but Jeff and I shred pretty much everything that has our name on it. If it's a catalog, then I shred the back that has our address on it. in this time of identity fraud, the less you are putting out there, you can be vulnerable, when it comes to your privacy.



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