Friday, November 1, 2019

Odds and Ends


With a title like that, you can already tell that I don't have just one thing on my mind. I've got lots.

Yesterday's weather here was Mother Nature doing her best to make us believe in her. After the unrelenting rain and high winds we had yesterday, really makes me a believer. By the time trick 'n treaters were out, I doubt that they stayed out very long. It was a miserable evening. Today, however, it's beautiful outside.

Jeff says there is a "nip" in the air. I, however protest. At the back of the house, which is all windows, it's darn right cold. Time to turn on the fireplace. And, right now I'm pulling out sweaters. I actually like this time of year. It's chilly, but most people don't wear a coat.

Tomorrow, we're going to Andrew's house to celebrate Elly's 10th birthday. I don't know what we're having, but Jeff and I were told to bring the makings for garlic bread. 

As a mother, it is wonderful to see our extended families enjoying time spent with each other. The truth is that I am no longer in charge. My psychiatrist tells me it's okay to want to be in charge, that's only natural. But, she also said that it's my time to sit back and let the girls handle holidays, birthdays, etc.

I made pumpkin bread yesterday. I was hot so I went outside and sat on the front porch. Unfortunately, I didn't set a timer, and by the time I came back inside, the bread was done - I mean really done.  Let's put it this way. If you think of a black and thick lava flow, then that's what the top of my bread was. Argh. I also discovered that if we cut away the blackened part, the bread underneath was very good, and didn't taste like charcoal! I guess my success in the kitchen is no longer about cooking and/or baking. Nope, now I just stick to washing the dishes. And, the two glass pans I used to make the bread, are going in the trash today. There is no way that we'll be able to remove all that black stuff. Better to just get new ones.

Jeff made chicken soup from scratch yesterday and it was very tasty. The only fault I find, and it's an ongoing one, is he puts mushrooms in the soup. He likes mushrooms, and I hate them. I suppose if he had cut the 'shrooms' into smaller pieces, I would have probably not even noticed that they were in the soup. While eating my soup, I pick around the mushrooms, and try to avoid them, if I can.

One of the positive reasons that come from dieting, is smaller size clothes. I started my high protein diet in November last year. I have lost 40+ pounds, and now can truly say I don't have anything to wear. Last time I was with my trainer, she told me to go home and throw out the pants that I was wearing. They were clearly several sizes too big. I tossed out those pants, as well as the ones I was wearing yesterday. When you can grab your pant leg and have inches between the pant and your skin - it's time to get rid of them. 

I no longer diet, but I still drink the high protein drinks, because the flavors taste great (truly) and the water also fills you up.




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