Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 101


It's not really been 101 days, kidding, but it seems like it. Shelter in place, stay where you are, and, don't get too close to anybody. This is very difficult. I would like to hug all of the family, and especially, the "little" people - Benjamin and Elly!

I started dinner last night. I peeled and then cut up potatoes to fry. Once Jeff came down, he took over. But, I'm safe, or safe enough, to do the dishes, oh and washing the clothes.

Our lawn people are supposed to come this week for our first mowing of the season. It was a nice day, so I took my broom (rather than a rake), and literally broomed (not a word, but you get the idea). Even with a broom, I was able to push all the leaves that are behind our box woods. After said leaves were in one pile, then I pushed them (yes, using the broom again), out into the yard. Now, if everything works out the way it should, the mower guys will not only cut the grass but the leaves as well. Perfect plan don't you think?

Today, instead of hugs, we've been reduced to elbow bumps. Sad.

This picture of a rabbit was painted by Benjamin using his feet! This makes Mom Mom very happy. Be safe everyone.

please turn on images to see artwork by Ben13830

Elbow bump - Wikipedia 


Monday, March 30, 2020

Virus 101


This ugly and scary virus started in February. Research, and you know how much I love doing that, says that our first case was on Feb. 1st, and reported 8 cases. At the moment, I am both scared and depressed. Since nobody can predicate the future, it may be another month or two before we can return "to normal", whatever that is.

If you watch the news, and I think everybody is, the number of cases, as well as the very depressing number of deaths, continues to rise.

On a personal note, Benjamin's birthday is next month. If they have a party for him, it will be small. Jeff and I won't be attending. We will either ship his birthday gift to him (Amazon, of course), OR leave the gift in their driveway. I actually don't like either of those options, but it is what it is. It's been so long since I've seen either side of the family (Scott et al and Andrew et al). So, in the last three months, I have left the house only ONCE.  It's a good thing that I'm reclusive. I have trashy television to watch (Bridezillas any one?), and stacks of books.

I had a friend call me yesterday, to tell me that she has been furloughed from her job. She, as well as many others, packed up all their belongings in a box, which I have always called the "shame" box. 

These employees are given one day each week, so that they don't lose their health insurance. However, if your "paycheck" doesn't cover the premium, they will be billed for the difference. I guess I should be glad that I "retired" when I did.

There is a website "home adoptions network". It's in North Carolina, but it's not the only way you can rescue, buy or adopt an animal. There are only so no kill shelters, but most shelters can only take in so many animals. 

At least when I packed up my cubby in 2014 I think, my boss and my friend allowed me to come in to the office after everyone had left for the day. It was an emotional experience, and one I hope to never repeat. I don't think Jeff can fire me, unless we run out of mayo! That was part of our marriage vows - though shall not run out of mayo or pickle relish.  😀

Happy picture for today:
 Image result for picture of puppies

Stay safe.


Friday, March 27, 2020

It's Friday


Well, readers and/or followers, I have once again did much needed research on what to buy or not to buy at Costco:

  • frozen fruits
  • maple syrup
  • toilet paper
  • olive oil
  • uncooked cookies. Example: you can buy 21 uncooked cookies for $7.99, or you could buy uncooked 120 cookies for $22.99.
  • Healthy bit size snacks
  • oatmeal
  • vanilla extract
  • cereals
  • plastic wrap
  • rotisserie chicken
  • peanut butter
  • bagels
  • cashews
  • batteries
  • milk
  • coffee pods
  • vitamins
Here's what not to buy at Costco
  • books
  • fresh fruits and veggies
  • ground coffee
  • spices
  • tissues
  • soda
  • cereal
  • plastic wrap
  • shampoo or soap
  • condiments
  • tooth paste
  • salsa
  • Kirkland detergent

I know that you all appreciate my research. Jeff and I are guilty of buying many of those products, both the yes and the no ones. One of the things we need to watch for is multiples of a product. Example, ketchup. Do you really need multiple bottles? The answer is no. in my opinion. Having multiple bottles, will: (a) not easily fit in the pantry; and our actual use of ketchup is low. 

WALMART: just a quick run through:
  • greeting cards
  • pet food
  • meat and fish
  • fresh produce
  • organic milk
  • maple syrup
  • toys
  • video games
  • books
  • magazines
You can do your own research regarding the buy and the buy nots ( I actually don't know to spell that, but you get the idea). Jeff and I buy several products on the "no" list from WalMart. Like, pet food, greeting cards and some veggies.

Call your mom. She's thinking of you!


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Sheltering In Place


Well, here we are - 120 days (the number is obviously not true, but it feels like it), of staying home. Been a recluse in the last few years, for the most part, I'm pretty comfortable staying in the house.

But, when do we safely go outside? Is there going to be some kind of signal, that says "all clear"? And, if we don't, then what do we do? Trump believes everything should return to normal by Easter. That is only a mere 17 days away. What is going to change between now and then, that will make it safe for all of us to return to "normal"? Whatever that is. I hope the situation we find ourselves in right now, does not become our new normal. 

Somebody shared his opinion in the paper, about elderly and sick people. As an elderly person with both medical and mental issues, I guess I'm one of those "people" that shouldn't be saved for the good of younger people. I'm paraphrasing here, so no hate mail please. We older folks, in his opinion, is that we don't bring anything to the table, so to speak. I guess we're just a drain on society. This man is only 56, let's see if he feels differently when he's 70! Of course, by then, this old person will be gone.

Jeff is going to the store today, to get essentials. I'm not sure what those essentials are, but it will do him good to get out of the house. If tomorrow's weather is favorable, and it's supposed to be around 60, I think it would be a good time for a ride with the top down. You just can't imagine how freeing it is to have your hair blowing all around. Plus, Bella likes riding in the car as well. Daisy, who is pretty much afraid of everything and everyone, stays home. Even when we stop for an ice cream cone, she won't move from her corner. Bella, on the other hand, is an ice cream lover. We have to be careful, because she doesn't lick, she bites. She makes quick work of an ice cream cone. Perhaps, we should order two cones!

Checking the statistics, 423 people have died in Maryland and there are 349 confirmed cases. And for the nation, 1,000 people have died. That's a lot of people in my opinion, and cases are rising every day.

Thought for the day: should you take the last doughnut at the office and throw the box away? I suppose one solution would be to take half of a doughnut. Then, you wouldn't feel guilty about an empty box.

My thought for today: Please stay safe everyone.  



Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Gloomy Day


I woke up, at the usual time. What this actually means is that the girls are getting restless, and want breakfast. They must have internal clocks in their tummies, because they wake up at the same time every day. Sleeping in is not an option, unless Jeff comes downstairs and feeds them. But, by the time you do all that, you are then wide awake. And, that's why it makes sense to have an afternoon nap!

Jeff has asked me to come to his office this morning and sort out some paper. I don't like going into his office, simply because Jeff and I do things differently. With my OCD, I have to have everything just so. This is the way my work space has always looked. Even now, with my little office, everything has to be in it's place, or it becomes really hard for me to concentrate. 

For years, um since 1974 to be exact, I offered to do the paperwork. It was kind of fun back then. I kept the paid bills, and kept them much longer than necessary. Flash forward to the present day, the amount of paper to keep track of is nearly a full time job!  At the moment, I have a box full (truly) of paid bills, some of which date back to last year! I told Jeff that it was time for a purge. I see no reason or advantage to keep months and months of paid bills. My theory is that if "x" company hasn't been paid, they'll let us know. So, this morning, I'm going to go through the paid bills, and start moving them out of their current box, to either a shred or burn pile! It's time.

Ada comes today, so I have to "tidy" up the house. Jeff doesn't understand this, but I know I'm not the only woman, who does this, before having someone come into your house to clean. It's a thing. I think we do this, so that someone who cleans our house, doesn't actually see how messy we are!

Yesterday, one of our neighbors came out in her yard, and Jeff and I visited with her, at least six feet apart. Other than that conversation, I have only been out of the house once. I don't get too restless, I have a ton of books to read, crossword puzzles to do, and, of course the occasional reality tv show!

Thought for the day: "every month invite someone to lunch who is more successful than you."



Tuesday, March 24, 2020

My Thoughts About Anything!


The obvious first thing to blog about is - well, the virus. Duh. Checked out some latest statistics: there are 395,807 cases, 17,235 people have died, and 103,736 have recovered.

Jeff and I are still sheltering in place. He's working. I'm doing laundry, probably more loads than I need to do. But, you've got to do something with your time! I don't mind the washing/drying part, but heaven knows that I hate folding!! This isn't much of a problem, for either of us, because who needs to dress up just to stay home. To be  sure, we do get dressed every day. It would simply be too easy to just stay in your jammies (however you spell it) all day. It would save you time when getting ready for bed!

Since we're all sick of the news of today, which is repeated over and over, by the ever present "talking heads", I know I should find something else to blog about.

Okay, let's go back to 1967, and I'm aware that some of you possibly weren't born by then, and that's okay.

In my freshman year, we were still living in California. One day, my grandmother decided to return to Illinois. After Dad retired from the Air Force, there wasn't any reason for us to remain in California. Dad was always a GM guy, and at the time, I think he owned a Pontiac Bonneville. To the best of my knowledge, the car looked something like this:

 Image result for picture of bonneville in 1967
We drove from California to Illinois. A very long road trip. We three kids were, obviously in the back seat, glamoring for the middle, because it had a hump, it helped define space for all of us.

In California, my class was somewhere over 4,000. You found a friend or perhaps two, and basically that were your buddies. If you had been a cheerleader or a jock, then you would have lots of "friends".

School in Illinois was so much different from California. There were somewhere around 47 in my class, and we moved as one. Building the float for homecoming, we all participated. Decorating the gym for the prom, again we all came together.

I think in my junior or senior play, I participated, and everybody else did as well. I don't remember the name of the play, but I was Hilda Swenson, a maid. We sprayed my hair gray, and Grandma found a friend who had those black, lace up "granny" shoes. I can't remember for sure, but think I was wearing an old lady dress. My Dad was part of the jury. When Hilda was called to testify I stomped from my seat to the stage. I didn't have a huge role, basically what I did for my employer, a rich stuck-up woman, charged for murder. I don't remember if the jury found her guilty. But, every night during rehearsal, we all gathered in the gym, found a mat, and sat back and waited for our role. Afterwards, there was a run to a local hamburger place, ate and then we all went home. Good times.

I attended the prom with a guy from college, who a good friend introduced me to. It was a date, and through all my years in high school, I think I only went on one date. I wasn't ugly, fat or suffering from acne. A male friend of mine, told me once that nobody wanted to ask me out because they felt inadequate around me. Huh? 

The gym had been transformed into a wonderful prom setting. Mom made my dress, which looked like this: I can't figure out how to get rid of the black and white dresses. My dress was the pink one, with the beading - and it was beautiful.


It was also the first time that I wore long gloves. Before starting to eat, you had to tuck in the fingers of the gloves inside the glove. Or, I suppose you could have just taken them off - which would have been easier.

I have many more memories about my high school years, but I've rambled on long enough.

"Any effort directed toward a worthy goal is time well spent"

Stay safe.


Monday, March 23, 2020

Is It Only Bad news?


Yesterday, Jeff and I watched the "talking heads", until we thought our brains would explode! I mean how long can someone watch the virus news? For relief from all the bad news, we watch a funny movie. A movie with Chevy Chase is a good place to start.

Had the weekend weather been better, we were hoping to take Jeff's car out, and drive anywhere with the top down. But, it rained yesterday and it's doing so again today. 

Not all the news is bad. Today, is Stacey's (DIL) birthday. Since we're supposed to stay 6 feet apart, the best we could do is stop in the driveway, have Stacey, Andrew and Benjamin come out for us to give them hugs using some form of sign lanuage. It's not the best way to celebrate a birthday, but for now, it's the best we can do. I love this picture I found on the internet, because it shows a long distance hug! And, as well as a picture of good news, which we all need right now.

Stay safe everyone.


Image result for special person special hugs
 Image result for picture of good news

Friday, March 20, 2020

I'm Late!


Let's talk about the good stuff first. For starters, it's Friday, so if any of you are still working, you appreciate Friday.

For starters, if you're reading this, then you're still with us, and obviously, since I'm blogging, I'm still here too.

This a scary time in history. Normally, it's the flu season that creeps up on people. And, depending on the strain, people can get really, really sick. Jeff and I have lived through a very rough flu season. Once the flu shots came out, we were first in line. (not factually, of course, but you get the idea).   

I'm a reclusive, so being in the house, doesn't bother me. Jeff, on the other hand, does become restless. We thought today was going to be a warm, sunny day. The kind of day where you put the top down and just drive. But we're not having that kind of day.

I read in the paper this morning, and it should not be a shock to us "normal" folk, that the rich and famous people, are getting checked for the virus immediately. So, it really is true, money talks. Personally (no hate mail please), I find the fact that people are put in basically two groups: those that have a lot of money and/or famous: and, then there's us, the hard-working folks. The folks who get all excited with a 2% raise. A raise that doesn't give a person a leg up, after taxes.

I checked. There are 540 billionaires right here at home. Can you imagine how much good they could do, if they parted with, let's pick a number - $1M. Do you know how much good that would do for the people who are struggling paycheck to paycheck.

There was a time, when Jeff and I were newly married. We would go to DQ, and order just one ice cream cone. The three of us would take turns with that ice cream. This is a fact and a relatively sad one. But we survived.

I'm more anxious and frankly scared of what is happening now, and wondering what to expect in the future.

There are families who have school age children at home. How do you and they cope day-to-day. Jeff and I no longer have children at home. So, it's just the two of us to prevent boredom.

The local grocery stores are opening up early in the morning, so that elderly folk can shop with less of a crowd. The hours aren't the best, but this is a time to take advantage of having gray hair! Jeff is planning to go tomorrow. The shopping hours are from 6:00 am to 7:00. 

Many stores are starting to have "elder" hours of shopping. Normally, Jeff would go to his favorite store - WalMart. Since we need very little, he's going to shop in a "real" super market. He'll get milk and eggs for sure. Jeff just has to brace himself for the much higher prices. Let's face it, you have to pay for higher priced groceries. This is not a time for WalMart to come into the picture.

Now, as Jeff makes his grocery list, I'm hoping that everything he thinks we need, and/or want, are available at the store tomorrow. 

Holidays you didn't know about: National Kick Butts day; and National proposal day! But, researching stuff, I came across these "national" holidays. Enjoy.


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Just Me!


While it's not particularly cold outside, but it sure looks dreary. The news is depressing, an I think the world could sure some good news right about now. But, I'm having trouble finding the gold at the end of the rainbow. For good news, I'm going to have to start a new search, and hopefully I'll find something good. And, if I do, I'll be sure to share!

I've stopped all my personal training for the rest of this month. I don't know who used the machine before me. Did they wash down the handles after each use?

It's this kind of pandemic, that makes me feel good about being a recluse. If the weather is really good tomorrow, perhaps Jeff, Bella and myself, may go out in his car. We'll put the top down, roll down the windows, and just drive. Some people thought we were nuts buying a convertible in the middle of winter. But if you use the heated seats and heated neck warmer, and provided it's not raining, it's a very relaxing thing to do. 

We still have my car for bad weather, or for purchasing a large item. But, she sits in the driveway now, waiting to be put in service! Because my health isn't too good, I have removed myself as a driver on the insurance policy. My license doesn't expire until 2022. If by that time, I am still too unstable to drive, I'll turn in my license. At this point, Jeff drives me to all my appointments, and never complains. Personally, I hate to see him lose time away from his job. Mind you, Jeff works many more hours than he bills. It's just who he is. 

I'm glad he's home, because I have a lot of trouble doing things now. Jeff patiently shows me how to do something, and when I try it on my own, I generally fudge up, how to turn on the television, make coffee, etc. 

It took me 20 minutes to remember Stacey's father's name. I remembered her mother's name, but truly struggled and searched for her father's name.

When, Stacey came over this week, and all we did was watch the "Bachelor", but it really made my day, to have company.  It's very good of Stacey, who has a busy life, to come and visit this old woman.

Unfortunately, I am still asking the same question over and over again. And, Jeff gives the answer over and over as well. I'm not trying to play the dumb card. Nope, I literally   don't remember. I can watch a tv show, one that we watched just a day ago together, and have no memory about doing so.

I think my memory is getting worse. I see the memory doctor in May, but wish I could see him earlier. I suffer from something as simple as being able to put on a bra. For some reason, I'm unable to successful run the washer. My fear is, that I'm doing the best I can right now. And, while I'm not sure, but likely will, worsen over time. And, here's where I really feel bad for Jeff. 

One facility I checked out (just doing my homework), has an entrance fee of over $300,000. And, that doesn't count monthly rent. Obviously, I won't be going there when  my memory is likely, to get it worse over time.

During one of my blogs this week, I was unable to find the % key. I've been "typing" since 1967, and how could I forget where a certain key is located. This, is maddening, as well as frustrating.

Quote of the day: there is no need to hurry a comfortable silence between close friends. 

Good News. World's oldest married couple celebrates 80th Valentine's Day together. Now, that's love.

Stay safe.





Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Getting Sick


Every time you read the paper, or watch the news, the only news is the virus. How many are suck and how many have died. If you know me, then you also know, that I suffer from anxiety (and other things). And, all the news about the virus, is doing absolutely nothing for my anxiety.

Jeff went out last weekend, and went to the regular stores. We didn't need much, but we were running low on milk and eggs. WalMart, as you can suspect, had more empty shelves than usual. Jeff, went to a local grocery store to buy milk and I think eggs (but not really sure about that). He also as a treat bought sour dough (the real kind) bread. The kind of bread, that we kept ordering, until it was suggested that we order food, or gently urged to leave the restaurant. We left the restaurant, with a less in our pockets, but full stomachs.

For the most part, we are sheltering in place. This is easy for me, as I'm somewhat of a recluse, and have been for many years. However, sheltering in place is hard on Jeff. He, likes getting out of the house, taking the top down on his car, and basically for a bit of time,have no troubles. It's a lot for Jeff to do his work (the paying kind), taking care of me (and I really do feel bad about this), and making sure that I have lunch and dinner. I know my present condition, which is likely going to get worse in time, will be like  a stone he has to carry around.

Some of you, may remember the flu in 1975. This was before flu shots, and if you caught the flu, which we both did, unfortunately, left you feeling like a wet rag for many days. At that time, our oldest son, who decided in 2013, that he wanted nothing to do with Jeff and I. Oh, where was I. Jeff and I took turns taking care of him, and eventually asked my parents to take him to their house. Having gone through such a terrible illness, I think we were first in line (just a figure of speak) to get our flu shots. And, we faithfully get the shot every year. 

I will admit that I am a bit or perhaps a lot paranoid right now. For the most part, I think I'm safe if I just stay home. I would love to see the families, but I think it's better for me not to do so right now. I love all of them, and mentally I'm sure that they are all healthy. But, my heart tells me something else.

Quote for the day: change the flavor your toothpaste when you buy a new toothbrush!

Stay safe everyone.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...