Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Paper Products and Leather


I know, those two things have absolutely nothing in common. So, let's address paper products first. Jeff and I, have always kept plenty of toilet paper, paper towels, and Kleenex. It's just what we do. I did a little research, snooping actually on our neighbor hood web site. While I was poking around, I noticed several offerings of toilet paper and wet wipes. I went to one of my favorite places, Ebay, and did a search for toilet paper. Boy, was I surprised. One roll of porta pot grade toilet paper, can be yours for the mere price of $250,000. Yes, you read that right. And 12 rolls will set you back, only $2,450.00. 

As I sit at my desk, I am so angry with myself, because I accidentally hit the wrong button and a lot of my blog was deleted. Unfortunately, this has happened to me more than once. 

Let me see if I can remember what I had been writing. My memory isn't the best right now. Government suggests having a "go kit" filled with the necessities of life, such as water, a three day supply of non-perishable foods, whistle (got that), dog food (we're covered)  a first aid kit and needed medicine. I think having a full tank of gas in your car isn't such a bad idea. 

The virus has caused a nation wide panic, particularly since we don't have any idea when we will return to normal. A snow storm is predictable, and hangs around for a day or two, depending where you live. But, you pretty much know that you will be stuck inside your house for "x" days. 

There is a picture of a woman at Costco buying a coffin. I have never thought, and didn't realize that you could buy a coffin at a store. Seems like a strange purchase to me. The lady knows, and we don't, why she is purchasing a coffin.

For the most part, Jeff and I are sheltering in place. Since I'm a recluse, this isn't really a problem for me. But, it's harder for Jeff. I think later this week, we're going to have warmer temperatures. If so, I think we should take Jeff's car out, put the top and windows down and just drive. There is something freeing about wind in your hair, or in Jeff's case, wind around his hat!

Before I hit the wrong key again, I'm going to sign off. Be safe.


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