Monday, March 16, 2020



It will not come as a surprise to any of you, that big box grocery stores, like Costco and WalMart have had very long lines to just get in the store. And, the 6 foot rule in a crowded store, is currently not in effect.

Jeff and Bella went out yesterday, but Jeff found both stores easy to maneuver, and fewer people than he was expecting.

We didn't need much. But, because milk was in short supply (i.e., none), he went to a "regular" grocery store, where he could buy milk, and sour dough bread for me - makes the best toast!

Watched the debate last night. For me, it was more exciting, than the other debates where there were more people debating. Ideal candidate for me? Whoever can beat Trump later this year. And, for me that is of the upmost importance. (Please no hate mail if you disagree).

It's a perfectly beautiful day outside. This is the kind of weather where I want to go outside and tinker in the yard. But, I have a limited amount of time to do this. 

There is a program here, called "Elder Helpers". They can help you with gardening, driving you somewhere, and many other things that a person like myself could need. 

My increase in age, and a brain that isn't always functioning at 100%, leaves me quite vulnerable. Sad but true. Jeff and I watch a show, let's say yesterday, but I can sit down today and have no recollection of seeing it before. I assure Jeff that I'm not playing a game of can't remember. Nope, this is the real thing. And, it's frustrating. Will this be the new me? Will my memory issues get worse over time? I'm not sure, but I believe that it will. When I think back to the things I used to do, it's fairly depressing for me. I have even taken myself off the car insurance as a driver. My license has to be renewed in 2022, and at the moment, seems doubt-able that I will even renew my license.

Purple Heart is coming tomorrow to pick up 3 large bags of clothes. What's inside those bags? I have no idea. All I know that whatever is in those bags, doesn't fit me now - i.e., too big! I weigh twice a day and that is possibly too much, but I watch the numbers on the scale very carefully.  

Since starting my diet if you will, my BMI has gone from 47.6 to 38.9. Even my new BMI score considers me obese, but I don't think of myself as obese. Full figured? Yes. Pleasantly plump? Yes. A person can find many ways to look at themselves, and always looking for the best weight possible.

Have a doctor's appointment, so closing for now.

Quote for the day: try putting potato chips on your next peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Or, if you were Elvis, if I recall correctly, he liked bananas with peanut butter.


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Closing Up Shop

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