Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Getting Sick


Every time you read the paper, or watch the news, the only news is the virus. How many are suck and how many have died. If you know me, then you also know, that I suffer from anxiety (and other things). And, all the news about the virus, is doing absolutely nothing for my anxiety.

Jeff went out last weekend, and went to the regular stores. We didn't need much, but we were running low on milk and eggs. WalMart, as you can suspect, had more empty shelves than usual. Jeff, went to a local grocery store to buy milk and I think eggs (but not really sure about that). He also as a treat bought sour dough (the real kind) bread. The kind of bread, that we kept ordering, until it was suggested that we order food, or gently urged to leave the restaurant. We left the restaurant, with a less in our pockets, but full stomachs.

For the most part, we are sheltering in place. This is easy for me, as I'm somewhat of a recluse, and have been for many years. However, sheltering in place is hard on Jeff. He, likes getting out of the house, taking the top down on his car, and basically for a bit of time,have no troubles. It's a lot for Jeff to do his work (the paying kind), taking care of me (and I really do feel bad about this), and making sure that I have lunch and dinner. I know my present condition, which is likely going to get worse in time, will be like  a stone he has to carry around.

Some of you, may remember the flu in 1975. This was before flu shots, and if you caught the flu, which we both did, unfortunately, left you feeling like a wet rag for many days. At that time, our oldest son, who decided in 2013, that he wanted nothing to do with Jeff and I. Oh, where was I. Jeff and I took turns taking care of him, and eventually asked my parents to take him to their house. Having gone through such a terrible illness, I think we were first in line (just a figure of speak) to get our flu shots. And, we faithfully get the shot every year. 

I will admit that I am a bit or perhaps a lot paranoid right now. For the most part, I think I'm safe if I just stay home. I would love to see the families, but I think it's better for me not to do so right now. I love all of them, and mentally I'm sure that they are all healthy. But, my heart tells me something else.

Quote for the day: change the flavor your toothpaste when you buy a new toothbrush!

Stay safe everyone.


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