Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Gloomy Day


I woke up, at the usual time. What this actually means is that the girls are getting restless, and want breakfast. They must have internal clocks in their tummies, because they wake up at the same time every day. Sleeping in is not an option, unless Jeff comes downstairs and feeds them. But, by the time you do all that, you are then wide awake. And, that's why it makes sense to have an afternoon nap!

Jeff has asked me to come to his office this morning and sort out some paper. I don't like going into his office, simply because Jeff and I do things differently. With my OCD, I have to have everything just so. This is the way my work space has always looked. Even now, with my little office, everything has to be in it's place, or it becomes really hard for me to concentrate. 

For years, um since 1974 to be exact, I offered to do the paperwork. It was kind of fun back then. I kept the paid bills, and kept them much longer than necessary. Flash forward to the present day, the amount of paper to keep track of is nearly a full time job!  At the moment, I have a box full (truly) of paid bills, some of which date back to last year! I told Jeff that it was time for a purge. I see no reason or advantage to keep months and months of paid bills. My theory is that if "x" company hasn't been paid, they'll let us know. So, this morning, I'm going to go through the paid bills, and start moving them out of their current box, to either a shred or burn pile! It's time.

Ada comes today, so I have to "tidy" up the house. Jeff doesn't understand this, but I know I'm not the only woman, who does this, before having someone come into your house to clean. It's a thing. I think we do this, so that someone who cleans our house, doesn't actually see how messy we are!

Yesterday, one of our neighbors came out in her yard, and Jeff and I visited with her, at least six feet apart. Other than that conversation, I have only been out of the house once. I don't get too restless, I have a ton of books to read, crossword puzzles to do, and, of course the occasional reality tv show!

Thought for the day: "every month invite someone to lunch who is more successful than you."



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