Friday, March 20, 2020

I'm Late!


Let's talk about the good stuff first. For starters, it's Friday, so if any of you are still working, you appreciate Friday.

For starters, if you're reading this, then you're still with us, and obviously, since I'm blogging, I'm still here too.

This a scary time in history. Normally, it's the flu season that creeps up on people. And, depending on the strain, people can get really, really sick. Jeff and I have lived through a very rough flu season. Once the flu shots came out, we were first in line. (not factually, of course, but you get the idea).   

I'm a reclusive, so being in the house, doesn't bother me. Jeff, on the other hand, does become restless. We thought today was going to be a warm, sunny day. The kind of day where you put the top down and just drive. But we're not having that kind of day.

I read in the paper this morning, and it should not be a shock to us "normal" folk, that the rich and famous people, are getting checked for the virus immediately. So, it really is true, money talks. Personally (no hate mail please), I find the fact that people are put in basically two groups: those that have a lot of money and/or famous: and, then there's us, the hard-working folks. The folks who get all excited with a 2% raise. A raise that doesn't give a person a leg up, after taxes.

I checked. There are 540 billionaires right here at home. Can you imagine how much good they could do, if they parted with, let's pick a number - $1M. Do you know how much good that would do for the people who are struggling paycheck to paycheck.

There was a time, when Jeff and I were newly married. We would go to DQ, and order just one ice cream cone. The three of us would take turns with that ice cream. This is a fact and a relatively sad one. But we survived.

I'm more anxious and frankly scared of what is happening now, and wondering what to expect in the future.

There are families who have school age children at home. How do you and they cope day-to-day. Jeff and I no longer have children at home. So, it's just the two of us to prevent boredom.

The local grocery stores are opening up early in the morning, so that elderly folk can shop with less of a crowd. The hours aren't the best, but this is a time to take advantage of having gray hair! Jeff is planning to go tomorrow. The shopping hours are from 6:00 am to 7:00. 

Many stores are starting to have "elder" hours of shopping. Normally, Jeff would go to his favorite store - WalMart. Since we need very little, he's going to shop in a "real" super market. He'll get milk and eggs for sure. Jeff just has to brace himself for the much higher prices. Let's face it, you have to pay for higher priced groceries. This is not a time for WalMart to come into the picture.

Now, as Jeff makes his grocery list, I'm hoping that everything he thinks we need, and/or want, are available at the store tomorrow. 

Holidays you didn't know about: National Kick Butts day; and National proposal day! But, researching stuff, I came across these "national" holidays. Enjoy.


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