Sunday, July 29, 2012



Seems appropriate to write about angels on a Sunday don't you think?  Are you a believer?  The heaven kind or earth kind?  I'm going to talk to you about why I believe that angels, in one form or another, are with us - here on earth.

My father contended that once he had passed away he was going to heaven (fingers crossed on that he said) and was going to be in charge of angel wing's and would make sure to save me a pair.  I'm not sure that when my time comes I'm going to see Dad in shipping and receiving passing out wings - but it's a nice picture - and helps me out when I start to miss him, even after all these years.

Today, I'm going to tell you about a woman who was not in my life, had no reason to be in my life and yet one day there she was.  She needs no name, because she already knows who she is for I've talked about out meeting many times.

At a low point in my life, right after Benjamin was born, a woman in my neighborhood, who I only waved to when passing by her house, walked into my life - literally.  I was out walking Benjamin because I was going stir crazy at home, had a death grip on his stroller insert because I was pretty sure that I hadn’t secured it properly, crying with frustration and there she was.  This neighbor saw us going by her house, came running after us and the rest is, as they say, history.

This neighbor followed us home and came into the house and fed Benjamin – and yet I still didn’t know her name.  I knew she had lived in the neighborhood for years, had children and a dog - that's all I knew.  This kind woman offered to keep Benjamin during the weekends or overnight occasionally to give Jeff and I a rest. Eventually, suffering from massive sleep deprivation I allowed her this privilege and it was a win-win for everybody.

This woman has in the past four years been a rock to me.  She has listened to me rant and rave, cry and shout.  She has kept Benjamin at her house countless times and he loves it there and on one occasion she even took him with her on their  family vacation.  Benjamin has been and continues to be showered with love and affection in her home and her children (all teenagers and beyond) love him like a little brother and are always anxious to see him.

I had nothing in common with her four years ago and today our commonality is Benjamin.  I'm older, sedentary, work outside of my home, reclusive and prone to depression.  She accepts and understands these things about me.  From day one I was honest with her that I don’t “pop” in to visit and I don’t make phone calls. When you work in an office all day the last thing you want to do when you come home is talk on that stupid telephone.  I admire this woman's many amazing qualities, her boundless energy, her willingness to help anyone anytime and a zest for life that I wish I had (or ever had quite frankly).

The fact that she came into my life when I needed somebody makes me believe that there is some kind of higher power or fate (whatever you want to call it) at work.  Otherwise, how can you explain her literally appearing in my life and remaining there.  There was no likelihood that she and I would meet and become friends and yet we did. 

Nope, I’m convinced that when you need it the most – an angel in the form of a human – appears. I am convinced that this wonderful woman was placed in my path on purpose. 

My thanks to whomever sent me an angel.  I will spend the rest of my life trying to be an angel to someone.


1 comment:

  1. You just don't see your own wings because they are behind you - trust me, they are solidly fixed!


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