Monday, July 2, 2012

Vacation - Day One

up 7/1/012

Well friends and readers (who by now should be friends) I am just wrapping up day one of my vacation.  And because The Bassett Good Luck Genie was with us again,the day didn't start out exactly as planned (do they ever?  The problem wasn't getting to the airport on time or anything like that - we were both early and ready to go.  Trouble was that N874T was having a "Monday" and when we got all nestled inside our cozy aviation home,there was one of those troubling "pay attention to me" lights on.  Nothing serious but I got back out of the plane and went inside the flight center where the a/c was on!  I am not a complete fool.

I never fly empty handed so I had at my disposal a variety of "toys" to play with - I had my knitting, writing paper (bloggers don't get a day off), puzzles and books. By noon the mechanic suggested that we might want to go to the airport cafe for a bite of lunch, which we did.  We split a fine corned beef sandwich in about two bites (okay maybe four) and by the time we got back to our girl, things were looking better. So instead of wheels up at 8:00 or so, it was 1:00 - a little bit of a late start but better late than never.

We made one quick stop in Ohio for fuel and potty necessities and arrived in Bloomington Illinois at around 5:30 pm just in time for dinner.  My brother was at the airport waiting for us and because we were a bit late we went straight to dinner.  My brother had picked out a great restaurant and the food was excellent.  I ordered filet because I always do and it was yummy as were the garlic mashed potatoes.  More food than we could eat so we gave our "tovers" (as our boys call them) to our nephew and his family.  There is going to be some good eating going on in their house tomorrow.

It was a short visit but lovely nonetheless.  It was wonderful to see my brother and Barb (his wife), their children and their children.  A lovely family (has to be they are related to me!) and the kids were all very patient with us adults and our grown-up conversations.  Although I managed to get in a few good stories about Grandpa that they hadn't heard before!  Hee Hee.  Visiting relatives is such fun.

We're at the hotel now and no it's not one of ours but it's close to the airport and that's more important for this  trip. So it's now time to rest because tomorrow we are going to be up at first light (or maybe 9:00) and get on down the road to Duluth.

I may have difficulty getting in two blogs a day while I travel so be patient.  I hate typing on a laptop and it takes me twice as long to type anything.  Where is my mouse again?

More tomorrow.,


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