Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A New Day


A New Day

What can I tell you about today?  Let's see how about it's 6:02 am and I've been up and at it since 3:00.  Why can I sleep so well on vacation - correction vacation away from home - than I can here?  While in Minnesota I slept every day until at least 6:00 and sometimes lazed away the day until 6:30!  Now I'm back home and the insomnia has returned.  I took this week off so that I could have a good solid week to tidy up after being away.  It is perhaps the list of chores that I assign (or require) to myself that adds to the irregular sleep pattern.  When I'm away, what's the biggest chore that I do each day? I make the bed, which takes all of two seconds. Since breakfast is included in the price of the room, I don't even have to fix or think about what to eat nor do I worry about cleaning up the dishes.  If you are so inclined - and you're not feeling "green" - when you travel you can throw your towels on the floor (which would be a big no-no at home I can tell you), eat on the sofa and not feel too obligated to chase the errant popcorn kernel that has fallen between the sofa cushions.  Perhaps that's why it's called vacation.

For me it's not physically being on vacation that's the best - it's mentally being on vacation.  Last week for instance my mind (which is always over active) was temporarily put on hold.  I willed myself - not easily mind you - to keep my mind unengaged from worry.  I tried hard and for the most part succeeded in not worrying about the family business which is sometimes (nope most times) a worry a minute.  I didn't fret about what was going on in my real job, nor did I check my work emails - at least until I came home!   Instead I spent my days reading, shopping, knitting, doing my puzzles and writing my blogs.  Another words, I didn't do much.  And it was a good thing.

So while I'm still on vacation at home for another week and my body knows this - my mind has been revved back into overdrive.  In only one day I'm back to being the family's "solution finder" and I'm no longer resting - mentally, which might account for the early wake-up call.

For those of you who got up too late to see, the sunrise was beautiful and the world was quiet.

Time to make coffee now for Jeff - since I drained the pot already!  And the dogs internal clock tells them and subsequently me that it's time for breakfast.  So gotta run.  Enjoy your day.


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