Tuesday, July 3, 2012




Well folks after an uneventful plane ride we arrived in Duluth and boy is it hot here.No breeze, high humidity and the swimming pool wasn't even refreshing.  How sad is that?  After we picked  up our rental car and Mom Mom had already cruised and bought at the Cirrus' gift shop (it's there so you must get something), we gave a ride to the hotel to another couple and since we rented the smallest car possible, it was a full load.  After registering, we went back out in the car to go to WalMart because yours truly was running out of yarn and forgot to bring sunscreen!  No trip at least no Bassett trip is complete w/out a trip to WalMart.  I found my yarn and sunscreen and some microwave popcorn since the room has a microwave.  You know in case we have a movie night.

Tomorrow Jeff is flying at 6:00 am to meet the "plane whisperer" who is going to try and help Jeff with some reoccurring problems with the plane  - oil pressure sensor being one which will really get your attention when the screen says you have zero oil and in reality we had 49 pounds - does get your heart going just a bit if you know what I mean.

Took a long nap today and slept well and afterward went for a walk and had a taco salad at a cantina filled with lots of people who were much younger and louder than we are/were. Didn't finish my salad so I'm going to have a great lunch tomorrow while Jeff is away.  There are several antique stores right across the street from the hotel so if they're open tomorrow I should have a good day.

It's about time for me to start thinking about Christmas presents and found several things in the window tonight - even some for other people!

It's late and I'm all worn out with all this free time so I'll write more tomorrow. Yes I've taken pics and will post them once I figure out how you do that.,

Later P

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