Friday, July 13, 2012

Last Day


Last Day

Technically, it's not my last day of vacation but it's definitely my last day of the regular work week of vacation.  I know I know - I have a strange way at looking at things; but, frankly, you already all know this about me and should be used to my brand of logical or (il) way of thinking.

I have had an amazing week of time at home and I could have filled my 5 days with things like scouring the oven, cleaning out the refrigerator, polishing silver (does anybody still do that?), and finding a more effective way to store clothes that no longer fit.  Thankfully, those clothes are too big and not too small.  Please don't suggest getting rid of them, I think that's just asking for bad luck - or in this case - weight gain.  Nope I'm keeping the bags of clothes which are now stacked up like little soldiers in a spare bedroom.  I could have  and should have organized the paperwork by date for BDI (family business).  And yet, I didn't.  I just kept adding the new sales calls on top of old ones and SOME DAY I will get them in date sequence.  It's necessary but not necessarily something that I enjoy.

But, I did none of those things.  Nope, I stuck to the necessary and rather required chores - cooking, laundry, dishes, recording new television shows (you have to be at the top of your game about finding new shows to watch, even if they are all cheesy) and taking trash and recycling cans to the curb.

So pray tell what did I do with all my free time?  I've been writing, knitting, shopping - on line of course - and coloring.  Yes people I said coloring as in coloring books.  Coloring is a very zen-like activity for me and it's the one thing that I can do for long periods of time.  Lately I have become restless and find it difficult to stay on task and that's where the coloring comes in.  For whatever reason this I can do and because I'm an adult I definitely stay within the lines!

Coloring books for older people are beautiful and very intricate.  I currently have a Tiffany window book and it takes hours to color each page.  I COULD follow the original pattern but what's the fun in that - I need to be original.  I have just ordered two new books: one is a book of clothes from the 1800's which should be fun and the other is flowers.  The neat thing about the flowers' book is that the lines are actually light gray so that when you finish coloring, the lines will virtually disappear.  How cool is that?

So on my final day off I'm going this morning to get my head shrunk and right after that we're packing up Mr. Ben who stayed with us for a few days back home.  As a souvenir I spray painted a rock copper that he's taking back home with him.  The rock originally came from the yard at the new house Andy and Stacey are building - so now we're taking it back - but brilliantly colored and sprayed to be shiny!  Don't worry I did a rock for myself and it looks great. 

So it's time for me to nuke my coffee back up to a more pleasing (i.e., warm) temperature.  I hope you all have a great Friday and I'll talk to you soon.


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