Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Season Jumping

Season Jumping

It's not yet August (although very close) and if you haven't been in a store for a while or looked at any of the paper's advertisements then you've missed the fact that it's already Back to School time. Aisles in stores are crammed with pencils, papers, notebooks, backpacks and lunch boxes.  By my calendar I believe the kids have at least another 30 days before the school bell rings.  As a mother of three sons I know that it doesn't take a month to gather up the needed supplies.  One trip through any discount store and you'll be able to outfit your little scholar with more things than he/she could possibly need.

I predict that winter coats will soon take the place of swimming suits in stores.  So if you think you're going to need a replacement suit - better buy it quick - before they've been packed up for the winter - by say September 1st?  Also, here's a news flash for the stores.  When it's 100 outside the last thing I want to look at, much less try on, is a new winter coat, boots, gloves or hats.  I know that if you shop when the new stocks hits the stores the selection is better - but no thanks for me.

I've also noticed a lot of distinct green, gold and rust-colored items in stores, a sure sign that autumn is about 2 months away!  Don't you want to be the first person on your block to put up a wreath of fall leaves?  I didn't think so.

I love the change of seasons as much as the next person but I don't believe that I need to do my Halloween shopping in September or buy my Christmas cards in October.  I believe there is a song that says "to everything there is a season".  So why can't the stores just allow us to enjoy the FULL season instead of continuously cutting it short.  Oh I know it's all about money but seriously give us consumers a chance to enjoy ALL of summer and ALL of fall before springing Christmas on us.

I confess that I do make a small exception for Christmas.  Or part of Christmas.  Not the decorating part - nope just the gift buying.  And over the weekend I bought my first gift - a camera for Benjamin.  Why do I do that?  Because I have learned over the years that it takes time - a lot of time - to buy the right gift(s) for the right people.  And the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas just aren't enough time to peruse my on line shopping options.  If I shop early then I'm not in a panic over slow shipping or a lost package, etc.  Since the boys are grown I'm able to stack up my gifts in the spare room and won't misplace them as I have in the past!

So people you better start hitting the stores today - there are only 146 days left until Christmas!  


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