Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ladies Day


Ladies Day

One of the "prompt" sites I occasionally go to for brainstorms when I have none of my own encourages you to write about what makes you happy today.  Okay this is one easy prompt, especially today.  Why?  Because it's ladies day.  Yep, Stacie (daughter-in-law) and I are spending the day together.  

Since I took the additional week off from work (sadly without pay), I made several necessary doctor/dentist appointments but the majority of the week is just being at home and gives me plenty of free time.  So Stacie and I are taking advantage of my time off and have planned to spend the day together.  We have made some tentative plans but one that is set in concrete is the salon.  It's summer time and the tootsies need to be brightly polished so that we look good in sandals. 

After we're polished, then we have some shopping to do and I've even made a list of things that I need (alright, alright - want), at the craft store.  Some of my needs/wants are very reasonable and others - well not so much.  Do I really need metallic sparkly markers for my coloring? Yes people I still color in coloring books.  They actually make coloring books for the more mature audience.  For instance at the moment my coloring book is of Tiffany stained glass windows and the pictures are challenging and beautiful when finished.  Trust me when I tell you there is something very relaxing about coloring - even at 62!  I could live without the markers, but if I find just the right colors they might fall into my shopping cart, and once in there what are you going to do?  Throw them back out?  I doubt it.

We're going to look at fabrics for possible Christmas projects (for Stacie, not me). Promise me when I tell you that you don't want anything that I might make out of fabric.  I am infamous for making the only three-legged pair of pajamas during an economy phase I went through when Jeff and I were first married.  But that's another story and besides you remember that I'm the lady who can make you the unique ragged edge, slightly holey strip of yarn slightly disguised as a "scarf".

We may also hit the movie theater and watch a movie, which always seems sinful when it's mid-day and/or mid-week.  It's a good thing that movies change on Wednesdays because on Tuesday I was having trouble finding anything that I wanted to drop $8.00 on (senior citizen rate at night - and yes, I do qualify).  This morning I found two likely candidates worthy of my money that Stacie and I will think about when she gets here this morning.

Since Stacie lives a couple of hours away and I'm not generally available during the week, our alone time together doesn't happen very often and when it does it makes me happy.  I live and have lived predominantly in a "blue" world surrounded by men and boys and going out to be a lady all day and taking my time to go through a store aisle by aisle is a treat and one that I'm going to enjoy to the fullest.

I hope your day is going to make you happy.  :)


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