Saturday, July 28, 2012




Naps should be mandatory - for everybody - every day.  Think how rested we all would be and probably nicer too!  We'd wake up rejuvenated and ready to take on the remainder of the challenges of the day.  And the good news is that naps can be taken just about anywhere.

Just ask Jeff about me and a moving vehicle (plane, train, bus or car).  I can sometimes be asleep or well on my way to "z" land before we leave our street.  There is something just so relaxing about being bobbed around inside a vehicle.  I even have a little neck pillow because Jeff is convinced that one day my head is going to snap off my body - pretty sure it won't - but nice of him to worry.

Now come weekends we're talking about serious napping - even planned napping.  Knowing that as soon as lunch is over, you COULD head upstairs,close the blinds, gather up the animals (and they're always ready to nap), pull the covers down and sink in.  I don't know about you but when I take a nap sleep comes easily and I get a couple of hours of very deep and restful zzzzzz's.  Why this doesn't happen at night I have no idea.

When I put new blinds in our bedroom I opted for room darkening because I wanted the bedroom to be black as pitch when I go to sleep, whether it be 1:00 in the afternoon or 10:00 at night. 

Napping on the sofa is okay and it's where my mother always took her naps.  Of course, we children never thought of it as real sleeping so always felt free to bother her with some small trivial piece of nonsense.  And, she never used a blanket.  I always, even in the deepest part of summer, have to have a little something to throw over the top of me, particularly my feet.

So Saturday is here.  I checked my calendar (twice) and once I get my two mandatory obligations out of the way in the morning - I'm free.  Perhaps I'll gather up the dogs, get my nap blanket and snuggle down for an hour or so.

Enjoy your weekend - live dangerously - take a nap.  You'll feel better for it.


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