Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Morning


Sunday Morning

It looks, but doesn't feel, like the fall.  It's very gray outside and it rained most of yesterday.  A rainy Saturday or Sunday are good things sometimes.  You feel no inclination or need to work outside - it's raining after all.  Yesterday, I made jambalaya heavy on the shrimp, sausage and spice.  Jeff and I can't seem to make "normal" portions of soups and stews so there is no enough jambalaya in the fridge to feed us and/or another family for several days.  Perhaps I will freeze some so that the next time we get a hankering for the South, we'll just defrost.

Slept in today until 7:00 - half the day's gone already.  I "read" the paper which is generally pretty depressing, particularly with all the Colorado news.  I have spent my time marking up the tv guide for the week, I don't want to be unprepared when a new cooking/food/craft show comes on and lucky for me there is a new cooking show coming on.  Yeah.

Jeff glued the hand and umbrella back on one of my clowns yesterday and did an expert job.  I don't believe when I bought the clown off of Ebay that the seller disclosed that not just one but both hands had been broken off and glued back.  Had I known this, or paid more attention, I would have immediately moved him to the CDS (clown disabled shelf) and my cleaning lady, who is new, already knows you don't touch them ever.  I may have to make a second shelf; because, the first one is getting kind of full.  

Today, is paper pushing day - personal and business.  There are bills to be paid, bank statements to be reconciled, papers to be filed, time sheets to be prepared and letters to be written.  Jeff and I could spend entire days up in the office and never be done - because the work is never done and never will be.  It's as simple as that.  And knowing this it's about as much fun to work in the office as it is to visit your dentist (and no offense to any dentists out there).  

I hear the beep of the coffee pot, so I'm going to fill up my warmed over from yesterday coffee with some fresh stuff and avoid cleaning the kitchen - just yet.  It's raining outside - I have time.  Have a wonderful Sunday.


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