Sunday, July 15, 2012

Giving Thanks


Giving Thanks

Today I would like to give thanks to somebody who helped me in my first life (i.e., first marriage).  Her name is Doti and I haven't seen or heard from her in 37 years, which for purposes of today's post doesn't matter.   What does matter is that I feel strongly that I need to say thank you to her for helping and possibly saving me during a very dark period of my life.

Doti and I worked together and she was older than I was by many years.  Doti and her husband were financially stable and I was not.  To be honest, I was poor - nearly poverty poor.  I had no money and  I didn't drive. Doti knew all this and knew that I brought a brown bag with a sorry assortment of food to work every day.  Each week Doti asked me out to lunch to a local restaurant offering a two-for-one" lunch.  I knew that the restaurant had no such deal; but by saying so Doti allowed me to have some pride and she knew that I knew what she was doing.  But, once a week without fail I sat down in a restaurant and had a great meal.

Doti did other things for me during the time we worked together.  She helped find someone willing to take me to and from work every day and even on one very sorry occasion took up a collection at work so that I could go to the doctor.

What Doti did for me was throw me a life preserver that allowed me to keep afloat during this 
period of my life.  Why am I telling you all this now?  Because I haven't forgotten what she did for me so many years ago.  And I wanted to give thanks to an amazing woman who was there when I needed her.  To honor this wonderful woman I try and pay it forward as often as I can and hope that I have or will make a difference in someone's life.

Thanks Doti.

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