Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July


Happy Fourth of July!!

Good morning everybody.  I hope you get up super early to enjoy the beautiful day.  Jeff left very early this morning to do some work on the plane so I have the day to myself.  I addressed post cards to Ben (printed labels from home and brought stamps - how efficient am I?).  I'll send them tomorrow and we'll see if they all arrive on the same day.

It looks like it's going to be another scorcher here so I might just say inside a bit more. This morning I will do my chores - washing some clothes.  Since it's so hot outside, I think I can put them out on the patio and they'll be dry in a flash for much less cash!

This is a huge hotel and you even have to check in with the parking lot attendant when you come in to make sure that you are a guest.  Our room looks over the lake  and we have a back door that opens on to the patio.  If it was cooler you could sit there and watch the boats and people too.

The piloty stuff doesn't really begin until tomorrow and then all the meetings and get togethers will begin.  Jeff looks forward to this a bit more than I do (duh - you think?)  One of the ladies I met in the Bahamas will be here tomorrow so I'm looking forward to seeing her again.  

Oh can I just tell you how much I dislike typing on a laptop?  Let's just say that the space bar and I don't work at the same speed and I'm forever going back to fix the run on words.  The large drawbridge here is huge and when  the big ships come in the bridge just raises and lowers, so it's not a traditional drawbridge.  Someone last night told us that years ago that pedestrians were allowed to "ride" the drawbridge when it was going up and down - but they don't do that any longer.  Understandable but it was probably a thrilling ride.

Oh by the way I'm taking pre-Christmas orders for my unique one-of-a-kind 6 foot ragged edge and holey hand knitted strips of yarn.  Guaranteed to never see another "scarf" (scarf sounds better than calling it a strip, but it's a strip) any where like it!  I'm working on a red and white strip today - very patriotic.

Enjoy, I'll talk to you later.



  1. I hope you have time to go to the lake walk on Lake Superior.

  2. I'm very original Mitch so I'm wishing you a Happy 5th of July. We did part of the lake walk yesterday and got to see one of the really biiiiiiig ships go under the bridge. I have pixs but have no idea how to add them to the blog. I will seek guidance from a computer guru - there must be someone like that around here! Having a great time. P

  3. They did not hold the fireworks here in Gaithersburg because the crews that are working on the power outages here are camped out there with all their equipment. Bummer! But it sounds like you all are having enough of a good time to make up for the disappointment of all of us locals. Cheers!


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7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...