Friday, May 29, 2020

It's In The News!


What to blog about today was easy for me. You can't open a paper or watch the news channel, to not know about the horrible death of George Floyd. It's apparent from watching countless pictures, that Floyd had done nothing wrong. His only crime, as far as I can see, was that he was a black man.

So, while one officer put his knee on Floyd's neck, even when the police were standing by, and he kept saying he couldn't breath. Mind you, there were three other policemen who just stood by. Why didn't they interfere? That's anybody's guess. I know there are good policemen as well as bad policemen. Police say that they are there to protect and serve. So, what happened that day?

Oh, to be sure, the officers have been put on administrative leave. And, to my thinking, that's taking the least possible action. The officer who had his knee of Floyd's neck, essentially murdered him. (That's just my opinion, so no hate mail). 

Statistically, in Minneapolis, black people are killed 13 times greater then they kill white people. To me, and again just my opinion, some police, not just in Minneapolis, but pretty much everywhere, are racially biased. And, in this day and age, that shouldn't be allowed. This sad turn of events, reminds me of the song "Why Can't We Get Along". In some circumstances, it appears that we just can't, or some choose not to do so.

The news channels, play the arrest of Floyd over and over again. One news reporter from CNN was arrested last night. He kept asking the police why he was being arrested, and there was no answer. To make things "right", the Governor of Minnesota, apologized. After watching the riots at night, which reminds me of the riots in Watts neighborhood, which lasted from August 11th to August 16, 1965. Thirty four people died during the course of the riot.

To my mind, it doesn't seem like we've gotten rid of racial bias. Tomorrow, approximately 740 people are going to protest in Cleveland. And, they have the right to do so. 

I would never be part of a protest. I guess I'm just too scared, and for the most part, I keep my opinions to myself. If you don't say anything, then you can't get involved in a heated he/she said debate.

My prayers and thoughts go out to the people of Minnesota. And, I hope in time, the riots will ease up or simply stop.

Please stay safe. 


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Just Stuff


Mother Nature just can't make up her mind. Warm weather, which means"shorty" pants. Don't have a heart attack - I mean shorts that come to my knee. Believe me, old legs, such as mine, are not all that attractive! Just saying.

I start my day, and I shouldn't, watching CNN while I munch on my toast. This, is probably not the best way to start my day. The number of deaths is now over 100,000. How are we going to grip on this virus. Not just me, but lots of other people, miss seeing their loved ones, and getting a hug. I know, or I guess I know, that someday we might return to our "normal" lives. But, my fear is that we may not like what that "normal" is.

I watch on television, the number of people who flocked to the beaches, minus masks, and not participating in social distances. With large crowds of people on the beach, or in a pool, may be a breeding ground for new virus cases. I do understand that if your aim is to get a suntan, then wearing a mask, would make you look like a racoon! Ladies are too vain to even consider wearing a mask. Even if it's a decorated mask, such as below, it's still a mask. By the way, the mask on the bottom sells for $120.00. While I know we're going to be wearing masks for a long time, I'm just not willing to pay for probably an over priced mask. I will admit that both of these masks, are well above the standard of masks, but still.



 Since I'm a senior citizen, with some medical issues, I'm wondering if I should wear a face shield. You wear a mask, obviously and then add the shield. Double protection for us older folks. I don't want this virus, to be the end of me. Okay, I don't how I want "to go out", but I'm absolutely sure it's not this way!

Have to go to the store today. Last week, I somehow dropped my reading glasses on the garage floor. Jeff didn't see, and I don't blame him, but he drove over my glasses! Only damage was to the frame. Guess I'm in the market for new frames. And, I had been fairly fine with the broken frame, but today a lens fell out, time to replace.

Wherever you are, please stay safe, and follow the guidelines.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Traveling to Maui


Stacey and I did some communicating yesterday, about hopefully our trip to Hawaii. We (meaning me) want to go on our 50th anniversary. I bought a beautiful candle on our honeymoon, and want to take it with us and light it up. 

Since this trip is a few years away, that gives the family more time to plan. Anyone, who doesn't want to go, can stay home. It may end up being an all girl, with the children, vacation.

If Jeff comes, I would like to renew our vows during the time we're there. Last time we went, we only stayed one week. But, in actuality, two weeks would be better. However, there is that little thing about money. Vacationing in Hawaii is expensive, partly because all products and/or food have to be flown or shipped to the islands. Definitely, have to start saving, beginning with just coins! The big bucks come later.

Andrew's been doing quite a bit of traveling, and staying at Marriott hotels. It's possible that he might have enough Marriott points as well as airline miles, perhaps to help with the cost. And, that would be helpful.

There are some things that Stacey would like to do, including visiting a volcano and driving down the Hana Highway. Stacey would be able to take absolutely beautiful pictures of nature. Jeff and I have done the Hana drive, and won't be doing it again. The trip takes a number of hours, and perhaps someone else would like to go on the highway with her. Absolutely, don't take children! Can I say bored?

Stacey's camera will be working overtime. And, her pictures are so beautiful. She will have a good time.

Anyway, it's a long time to dream about a vacation. But, I intend to keep dreaming.


The 10 Best Beaches in Maui | WhereTraveler

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

sunny Day in the Neighborhood


It's a bright, sunshiny day in my neighborhood. We have several days of rain coming our way, and that only means not riding with the top down. If it's warm outside, Bella lays on the floor of the backseat. As people, we don't seem to suffer from the heat. And, the only downside is ending up with a farmers tan - basically just the forearm. 

As I watched all the people everywhere playing in pools and going to the beach, there were several problems. One, social distancing was not being practiced, and obviously no masks. If you did wear your mask while playing in the sun and water, you would basically end up looking like a racoon! Not a good look for anyone. Snarky thought - the President must be using a tanning bed, because the area around his eyes is white.  (No hate mail please - this is just an opinion - mine).

Andrew et al, sent me a color changing orb which has a remote, so that you can change colors, and a little wooden stand. Jeff hooked it up yesterday, and I'm having a lot of fun going through the colors! It doesn't take much to please me. Right now the globe is a light shade of red. It's beautiful. I think it's purpose is to calm me, particularly because of the situation we are currently in. 

I'm hoping that we don't have to have a virtual Christmas, because that would really suck.

The new scale Jeff bought for me, since I've become a weigh twice a day person, gives you your weight. But, once you get off, you either get a red light (you gained) or green light (you've lost pounds). So far, happy to 
I'm report that I'm just getting green lights. I have a maximum number for my weight, that I won't go past. You know you're in trouble when you have to keep adding those "x" sizes to your clothes. Purple Heart loves me, because the last time I donated, I gave them all my "fat" clothes. My rationale is that if you don't own any larger size clothes, then you have to stay on some kind of diet - high protein (which is what I used) or simply white knuckling your way to weight loss. For me, the high protein diet, seldom leaves you hungry, and the number on the scales consistently moves to the left. I've lost approximately 44 pounds - and I'm super proud of me.

I'm waiting for several items from Amazon that Jeff and I can use now, and if needed, later in the year. Of course, everything comes from China, and it's a very slow boat!

I have two items that I want to make for Wendy and Stacey for Christmas. I know, hold your breath, until I'm finished! Hopefully, these items will look good.

Enjoy your "logically" Monday.

Stay safe.


Monday, May 25, 2020

Happy Memorial Day


For all of you who are still working, and most of my friends and family still are. When I was working, I really looked forward to a three day weekend. In my thinking, at the time, was: a day for chores, and grocery shopping. I forget what I did on the second day, but I know that on the third day, it was all about R&R - rest and relaxation. Possibly, not the best use of my time, but it worked for me back then. 

This morning, Jeff and I had breakfast (duh), and then found a couple of episodes of "Expedition Unknown". While I know in my head, that these episodes are taped, for their "ah" moments. But, in my heart, I know that these episodes are staged, at some point or another. But, because I am seldom critical of television shows, I watch, partially because - well it's just fun for me.

We recorded last night's concert, and we'll probably watch it today. Sometimes, ah, most times, I can be watching a show, and fall dead asleep. I particularly do this after breakfast every morning. I mean laundry and dishes can wait, they were dirty before, so no harm or foul if I don't get to them today.

Jeff and I haven't been tested for the virus yet. We've only been out of the house 3 or 4 times since the stay at home order was put in place. And, of course, you know that entails a visit to WalMart. We don't shop. We have a list, grab those items and get out of Dodge as soon as we can. We wear masks and try to keep the appropriate social distancing. And, then once home, wash our hands and Jeff's beard right away.

We don't seem to be very interested in dinner at the moment. A bowl of cereal suits me fine (Sugar Smacks) of course. I now have an abundance of bananas, which normally go into the cereal bowl. Since, I can't use them all up, today I'm going to mash up bananas and put them in the freezer. Then, when I need bananas for some baking project, I can pull them out and defrost them. Easy. 

Yesterday, I was keen on making banana bread. But, every recipe on line called for  more products than I was willing to mess with. Actually, Jeff does the cooking and baking now. I guess with my somewhat limited skill set now, I seem to always forget something, or put in more than I should. Stuff like that.

I am, however allowed to use the remote control! Heady stuff.

Enjoy your day. Stay safe everyone.


Image result for picture of memorial day


Friday, May 22, 2020

Weather for Ducks!


I guess because I don't really look at the calendar much anymore, I didn't realize that Memorial Day was this weekend. But, for the "few" people who are still working, it's a three day weekend! And, when I was working, I always enjoyed a long weekend. Bad part about a long weekend, I used to dread having to go back to work!

With the girls there is no such thing as sleeping in. Their internal clocks go off generally at 7:30. Oh, we sometimes do get an additional few minutes, but it's not worth staying in bed. The girls begin to move around, Daisy, in particular, gets in Jeff's face. Of course, one they've been fed, both dogs return to their beds for a morning nap!

I have to confess, that after my breakfast, I become really sleepy, so I take a quick snooze as well.

It's raining today, which is good for the grass and ducks. But, for us meek humans, and I'm certainly one of them, I don't like getting wet when I go outside. Showers don't count - warm water!

I checked with the weather folks to see what's going to happen this summer. They predict there will be 13-19 named storms and 6-10 hurricanes. Hurricanes, like tornadoes do a lot of damage when pounding a city. My memory is sketchy (ya think), but I can't remember if any of the real nasty storms have landed on our doorstep. 

While we would both like to own property at the beach, that will never come to fruition. Jeff and I are at this point in our lives, where to fix a beach house, possibly over and over, is no longer our "thing". We both like our simple life. Mind you, there's no real excitement, at least not at the moment. 

And, when a lot of rain is predicted for out area, I'm glad we live at the top of the hill! Mind you, our backyard becomes a swamp. When the girls come back inside, I can tell if they've been outside because their paws will be wet. Sam, our terrier, would come inside and allow me to put his paws, one at a time in a warm bucket of water. Pretty sure that while Bella would be okay with dunking her paws, Daisy would not.

I can hope that all of you have a wonderful Memorial Day holiday. I'm thinking cook-outs, and homemade ice cream! Yum.

Stay safe everyone.


Thursday, May 21, 2020



I have had an interest in all things Titanic for years. I have read books, obviously saw the movie, etc.

In today's paper, there is an expedition of divers going to the wreckage site of the Titanic. Their goal? To retrieve the Marconia telegraph machine. Oh, how I would love to be there. Wouldn't you? Imagine if you will, that you could some how "float" around the ship, and it's interior. Well, that's just a pipe dream, but that's what dreams are all about!

This is a picture of what the telegraph room would have looked like on the Titanic.


After all these years, the Titanic, obviously is deteriorating right before our eyes. The ship has been underwater, since 1912. That's over a hundred years sitting in salt water. And, time has not been the Titanic's friend.  The ship has severe decay caused by salt corrosion and metal eating bacteria.

Image result for picture of titanic today

Titanic 3-D mapping expedition sets sail today – Boston Herald

Many personal items of both the crew and the passengers have been found over time. Three hundred and forty bodies have been recovered. While,1,160 bodies have never been found.

And even though many years have passed since 1912. In my opinion, as well as doing research, the Titanic shipwreck remains the most famous.

The last survivor of the shipwreck, was a woman who was 97. She was two months old, when the ship went down.

That's all the news I want to write about. Writing about our virus, just gets me too emotional right now.

Stay safe.



Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Flo From Progressive Insurance


All of you, at one time or another, found a commercial that, for no specific reason, drives you nuts. And, my least favorite, but often shown, is Progressive Insurance's commercials with Flo.  

Flo is shown in multiple places, and one that comes to mind is her in front of a corn field. Flo has been at her job since 2008 and has been in 100 commercials. Now, I personally find the commercials with Flo causes me to grit my teeth. Perhaps, it's because the commercials are "somewhat" on the silly and/or stupid side. 

But, checking on Flo, she makes $1 Million a year, and her net worth is $6 Million. So, for the person who portrays Flo, is doing all right for herself. 

Flo is akin to that stupid Geico Gecko. That silly little gecko, has the most annoying voice that I've heard in years. The top voice actor behind the gecko earns around $89,720. Pretty good living for probably very little work!
Nice if you can get a job like that. But, for most of us, we are "chained" to our individual office space from, 8 to 5. And, I can assure that over my 50+ years working in an office, I never was paid any thing close to what Flo earns.

"National"  holidays for today are: Be a Millionaire (I'm trying) and National Rescue a dog day. 

As always stay safe.

Image result for happy picture for today


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Blast from the Past!


I am curious! About what? Um, just about everything. I will watch a television show, and then the next day, feel strongly about doing research.

But first, those of you who were a teenager in the 60's, will remember not fondly, those assignments requiring some research. Back in the olden days, research meant a trip to the library. You remember those don't you?

Many years before my brother and I were in our teens, Dad bought a set of encyclopedias, but rather than buy something easy to use, he bought Collier's encyclopedias. I know that Dad had really good intentions, but they were of little use to me. The print was very small and in 1962 there were 24 volumes! All the volumes were very heavy and was printed with small type. I can't imagine being able to read the contents today - bad eyes! What I really wanted was a set of World Books. By the way, the World Book is still being published today. The most current printing is 14,000 pages distributed among 22 volumes.

Colliers was originally published in 1950 to 1951. And, in my sole opinion, should have stopped there!

If I needed to research a subject, first I went to the encyclopedias. After that, Dad would drive me to the library so that I could continue to research my subject matter. Back in those days, you may recall, there was no such thing as a computer, much less Google! Nope, research boiled down to encyclopedias, as well as books. But, we survived. Dad would always take me to the library, and wait patiently for me to check out books. 

Dad was an extremely patient person. Very little ruffled his feathers. I am, like Dad, very patient. If were supposed to leave the house at "x" hours, I'm always ready to go.

The last paper that I turned in during my senior year, was about the world ending and how it did so.  Fast forward to today, and all we see and hear is doom and gloom. So many people have died, that I tell Jeff the locusts must be coming next!

We've been in the house so long, that I almost don't remember what our "normal" used to be! And, that's sad. I'm afraid that this new "normal" - gloves, masks, etc. might be with us for some time.


Monday, May 18, 2020

What's In A Name?


What's in a name you ask? Here's one thought that I've had. Why do some people, mostly women, attach their non-married name to their new last name?

I've tried doing this with my names. It just doesn't click. My birth last name was Carr. Okay, so I've tried putting my name in order, Patti, Carr, Bassett. It just sounds silly. So, let's try: Patti Jo Carr, Bassett. Hmm, not a winner.  

I have family as well as friends, who have been able to incorporate their original last name to their married name. And, their names seem to make sense. So, why doesn't mine? Who knows. Whenever, Jeff and I are in the south, everybody calls me Patti Jo. Back here at home, nobody uses my middle name. And, I have no idea why not.

I believe that back in the really olden days, the last name of Carr, was originally in England and eventually to Ireland. Wouldn't it be a kick if I had some royal blood in me? Of course, there is no chance for that. Dad always told me that he believed, again the olden, olden days, the Carr family were thieves, and robbed carriages! Great, What a great heredity. 

Then, there's my middle name Jo. Again, unusual circumstances for that name too. My mother went to a dentist, who's assistant's name was Jo. The dentist was having an affair with Jo. Mom liked that name so much, that Jo became my middle name. So, when you think about my lineage, I came from thieves and a woman who destroyed a marriage. Perfect. I've got a lot to be proud of.

When Wendy and Andrew started talking about names for what they thought of as "tadpole". Andrew wanted Wayne to be Benjamin's middle name. Wendy didn't want the name Wayne. Turns out, that the name Wayne is related to convicted and alleged murderers. A list done in 2008, showed that there were 223 killers with Wayne as part of their name! Great. 

Andrew doesn't like his middle name, with is Todd, named after a favorite uncle. IBoth Scott and Jeff have the same middle name: Thomas. I've told him, that he can always change his middle name. And, apparently to do so, turns out to be easy.

That's today's discussion about names. Everything and anything, you wanted to know! Please stay safe and indoors as much as possible. Even though, some, if not all of us, are trying to hang onto our sanity! As they say, this too will pass. Okay, I'm generally a patient person, but, while I have everything I need here at home, it's beginning to feel like prison!

Bassett Family Crest / Coat of Arms JPG or PDF Image Download

Carr Family Crest / Coat of Arms JPG or PDF Image Download

Friday, May 15, 2020



Hair? Seems like a silly subject - but wait - women and perhaps even some men, are getting desperate for a hair cut.

What I've noticed is "quarantine hair". I have always admired women, who really know how to style their hair. Unfortunately, that person isn't me. 

Going to a hair salon can become quite expensive. For years, I went to the same salon once a month. And, then in 2013, when I upended my life, I stopped going.

I turned to one of those franchised salons, whose name I can't remember. And, having routine haircuts, was cheaper, the outcome was spotty.

Then I discovered "quarantine hair"! A light bulb went off in my head. If I, really "don't"  do my hair - curlers, hot rollers, etc. I decided I should just cut my hair off. And, I did. The barber, per my request, took my hair really short - and I love it. It's not so short that my scalp is showing, which I think I wouldn't have liked at all. The cool thing about "quarantine hair" is (a) you're free to get this kind of cut, since nobody is going to see you, and (b) it's short enough that my hair looks the same day and/or night.

We have dog clippers, and I think the next time my hair starts to grow back, Jeff can give me a trim using our clippers. Remember, I'm not going to style, just a wash and go "do". And, I have now reached an easy hair cut that requires no fussing at all.  

We are seeing more and more women, who sport this kind of hair style.Here's a picture of an actress before and after.
Kristen Stewart 

My hair isn't quite as short as in the picture, but mightily close. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. Now, when we go out in Jeff's car, with the top down, I don't have to worry about my hair blowing in the breeze!

While most of us are "sheltering in place", now is a good time to color your hair, pink for instance if that's a color you have always wanted to try.

"Holidays for today:

National Chocolate Chip Day (yum) and National Pizza Day (double yum). Bicycle to work - nope, that's not going to happen. 

I'm doing good to walk around the circle on our street, pushing my rollator, just in case I need to sit down.

Stay safe everyone.


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Nap Is Over!


Hello everyone. I just finished my after breakfast nap. Oh, how I love retirement! Trust me, by the time you get to where I am, a nap is considered essential on my "what to do" list!

I listened to the "talking heads" this morning, I blame them for my nap. I really do start the day filled with good intentions. But, the longer I check out today's problems, their shows genuinely put me to sleep. After all, how times a day do you have to hear about how dire things are. Trust me, me and you, already know about the news, none of which is on the positive side.

The amount of deaths continues to rise every day. And, I count myself lucky, since I am not part of the stastics. And, who beside myself, are getting or have already gotten "quartine fever"! It's not like I have any place to go, I just want the option. Hope that makes sense.

With the numbers of people having the virus, and the upward number of people who have died, gives me pause. If, I stay home 99% of the time, my chances of getting sick, are close to none.

Govener Hogan’s announcement means that  manufacturing may resume and retail stores may reopen at up to 50% of capacity with curbside service and delivery encouraged. Such retailers include clothing and shoe sellers, pet groomers, car washes, art galleries and bookstores. Barbershops and hair salons also may open with up to 50% capacity, and by appointment only. Maryland's "stay at home requirement" will be lifted tomorrow at 5:00 pm. This means that "sheltering in place" will no longer be a requirement. This is good because I was just about to go Lonnny Tune crazy.  And, perhaps some of you may also be waiting to get out and about. Of course, you still must wear a mask and maintain distance. Something tells me that after you can move around the state you will be itching to go somewhere anywhere! My fear, of course, is that once we get out and starting to move around, the number of deaths will rise. And, if they do, we'll have to return to our "new normal" - back in the house. And, it will be hard to put the horse back in the barn. Just saying. The county we live in, is still having to shelter-in-place. Urgh.

Really the only thing I have to do today, is wrap up my treasures, and put them in my sister's box. The Mail Box store is open. So when I'm ready to ship the box, I'll know where to go! Unlike at the post office, the mailbox store doesn't get very crowded. And, that's a good thing.

Our "holiday" for the day is - biscuts. I can truly get behind this holiday. 

How to Make Biscuits - Handle the Heat 



Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Today, if I read the weather predictions correctly, the temperature is going to be on the warmer side. Hence, shorty pants. And, if it turns out to be not so warm, I'll just have to change clothes. 

I don't know about you guys, but we haven't had much of a spring. It's been mostly rain, and according to the gurus that predicate this sort of thing, we have had an average of 11 inches of rain. Imagine if that had been snow! The boys would be so excited - Jeff not so much. We had a neighbor years ago, that told us, black was beautiful. He meant that a shoveled driveway would be easier for Mother Nature to get through to the driveway and melt the little snow that still existed. Over the years, Jeff has hung on to that helpful tip, and goes out several times a day to shovel. When the boys lived at home, obviously, their chore was to shovel. Having daughters, but I can't speak from experience, are wonderful. But, having boys meant some help around the outside of the house.

I want to start on a hobby project that has been inside it's box for several years. When Bella was a puppy, a whole bunch of stuff went out through the doggy door. Cell phone, completely ruined. And, she took out the box that held my diamond facet art kit. The box she chewed on, but did leave most of the contents alone. So, now that I have time, I want to work on this picture, but find I don't have the necessary tools. Thank heavens for Amazon.

Ada comes today, so I'll do a "bit" of cleaning. Jeff thinks this is silly, but cleaning up around the house, particularly the kitchen, then that's time for her to do other things. She gets paid to clean one bedroom, two bathrooms, den and kitchen. I'm not particularly fussy, and can easily overlook fingerprints near light switches, etc. I let her do the major things, and I can handle smaller things - or not! I guess it has something to do with my mood and/or energy level.

I exchanged an email with my sister yesterday. I haven't seen her since Mom passed away, which was about 20 years ago. After reading her email, she and I have a lot in common when it comes to our children. 

Going to try and gather all of my "sister" items and prepare to get my sister box on it's way.

I know you are holding your breath to know what today's "national holidays" are. Well here they are:

Apple Pie Day
Frog Jumping Day
and Fruit Cocktail Day 

I can really get behind the apple pie day. Since, I don't have a frog, that adventure is out for me, but I do have fruit cocktail in the pantry!


Enjoy your day and stay safe.



Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Shredding is the job of the day!


I can't put it off any longer - and believe me I've tried. I have two boxes in my "office" filled to the brim with paper. And, obviously when trying to empty contents of the shredder into a bag, bits and pieces fall to the floor.

Ah, but a solution! I am going to put a table cloth on the floor. When it's time to dump the contents, I'll do it over the table cloth. When my shredding is done, I can then just pick up the table cloth and put those bits and pieces into the bag.  Great idea, I think.

 According to the county, all shred must be in a lawn recycling bag, stapled shut. For me, it's easier to initially fill up a plastic bag, and then dump the contents into the lawn bag. So you can see, and perhaps even sympathize why I never look forward to "shred" day. I just realized that I had blogged about shredding the other day. Apologies.

Mother Nature can't make up her mind. It's a cold spring, or perhaps we're skipping spring altogether, and going to go directly into summer.

"National" holiday today is - Fudge Day! Now, that's a holiday that I could get behind.

Please stay safe, even though being in the house pretty much 24/7 is sooooooooooo boring!



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...