Monday, May 4, 2020



When I write "Ramblings", what that actually means is I have no earthly idea what exactly I should blog about. This is also known as writer's block, a condition that most writers suffer from time to time.

Weather wise, you couldn't ask for a better day. Nice breeze, warmer temperature and lots of sun. Definitely a day to be outside. But, obligations come first - blogging, as well as my usual chores. Those "usual" chores, as you know by now, are boring, and truthfully, don't actually want to take them on. If you keep the doors closed on spare bedrooms, then the need for tidy organization doesn't really matter! The only company we have, is Benjamin, and he doesn't give a hoot about our spare bedroom. And, that's a good thing truly.

At the moment, I am gathering up things for (a) donations; and (b) the making of my "sister box". I may have explained this before, and while it does take a bit of time, it's a wonderful thing when you are on the receiving end. Reminds me of Christmas, and you're the only one getting presents. It's a really good thing. Since I don't get out on my own, and likely will never be able to do so, I went "shopping in the house" and was able to find many beautiful (at least I think so) gifts for my sister.

Each morning, while having breakfast, I watch CNN, until I think my head is going to explode. The numbers of cases are climbing, and unfortunately so are the number of deaths.

You would think that by being a recluse, staying home wouldn't matter much. I guess my answer is that before the quarantine, I could go places, like Target with Stacey. I could hug all of my family, all of whom I miss terribly. 

I don't want to go to WalMart with Jeff. Because I get out of the house seldom, I like to browse a bit. Jeff says that once in a store, we're not there to shop, we're there to buy. And, I want to do the exact opposite. You know, browse through the garden center, to look at all the beautiful flowers. Since we have a large hole in the front yard, where the large tree was removed, we cannot plant anything in that spot. I think I'll gather up any fake flowers I can find in the house, and "plant" them there. Or, I can put seashells (I have many from years at the beach) on the big dead space. It has to remain empty for many years, and I understand that, but that doesn't mean it has to remain "un-decorated"!

Closing, and I hope it's sunny and bright wherever you are. Please stay safe, Jeff and I are staying in place pretty much all the time (99%), but we still need to get out for grocery store. Basically, you can eat (bad option), watch crappy television (and I'm bored with doing that), nap (and the girls enjoy a brief snooze) or take on a project! 


 Image result for picture of flowers

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