Tuesday, May 26, 2020

sunny Day in the Neighborhood


It's a bright, sunshiny day in my neighborhood. We have several days of rain coming our way, and that only means not riding with the top down. If it's warm outside, Bella lays on the floor of the backseat. As people, we don't seem to suffer from the heat. And, the only downside is ending up with a farmers tan - basically just the forearm. 

As I watched all the people everywhere playing in pools and going to the beach, there were several problems. One, social distancing was not being practiced, and obviously no masks. If you did wear your mask while playing in the sun and water, you would basically end up looking like a racoon! Not a good look for anyone. Snarky thought - the President must be using a tanning bed, because the area around his eyes is white.  (No hate mail please - this is just an opinion - mine).

Andrew et al, sent me a color changing orb which has a remote, so that you can change colors, and a little wooden stand. Jeff hooked it up yesterday, and I'm having a lot of fun going through the colors! It doesn't take much to please me. Right now the globe is a light shade of red. It's beautiful. I think it's purpose is to calm me, particularly because of the situation we are currently in. 

I'm hoping that we don't have to have a virtual Christmas, because that would really suck.

The new scale Jeff bought for me, since I've become a weigh twice a day person, gives you your weight. But, once you get off, you either get a red light (you gained) or green light (you've lost pounds). So far, happy to 
I'm report that I'm just getting green lights. I have a maximum number for my weight, that I won't go past. You know you're in trouble when you have to keep adding those "x" sizes to your clothes. Purple Heart loves me, because the last time I donated, I gave them all my "fat" clothes. My rationale is that if you don't own any larger size clothes, then you have to stay on some kind of diet - high protein (which is what I used) or simply white knuckling your way to weight loss. For me, the high protein diet, seldom leaves you hungry, and the number on the scales consistently moves to the left. I've lost approximately 44 pounds - and I'm super proud of me.

I'm waiting for several items from Amazon that Jeff and I can use now, and if needed, later in the year. Of course, everything comes from China, and it's a very slow boat!

I have two items that I want to make for Wendy and Stacey for Christmas. I know, hold your breath, until I'm finished! Hopefully, these items will look good.

Enjoy your "logically" Monday.

Stay safe.


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