Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Nice Day and Virus


Yesterday, Jeff and I had our first phone call visit with my psychiatrist. It was a bit odd, but perhaps could be the way of the future. I hope not.

Later this week, I am going to have a video chat with another doctor who is now part of my "team"!  If, you had told me years ago, that I would actually have many doctors caring for me, I wouldn't have believed you.

I had my early morning dose of CNN news. You get to see both the number of cases as well as the number of deaths. Both numbers are sobering. In the past week or so, Maryland has had 200 new cases and 35 deaths. You can't help but wonder, when (or if) this nasty virus will go away. I'm okay with social distancing. If, you seldom leave your house, then your risk of catching the virus is small. At least that's what I think.

I'm going to get a box and will make it a "virus" box. In the box, the thermometer, masks, gloves, etc. If, I could pick up some kind of joy, I'd put that in my box too! As a child, I was a girl scout, and being prepared was hammered into us. Now, as an adult, I view life in much the same way. Why wait until disaster strikes, to buy necessary, and mostly unavailable, items - thermometer, disinfecting wipes, etc.

I'll put all of these things in a box that I'll label VIRUS. It won't take up much space, and once (fingers crossed) the virus is over, the box can be sealed up and put in the basement. I really had to struggle to find a no contact thermometer, as well as masks. I did find on Etsy, a piece of crochet with two buttons on each side. To use, you put the elastic under your ears, and attach them to the buttons, which is on your neck.  They look like this:

And. you can find many people who make these ear savers. And, of course there is always Amazon, who have these ear savers available to buy. You know that I'm all about comfort!

In my spare time, of which I have lots, I am preparing my "sister" box to send to Marilee. Since I don't go out to shop, the things I'm going to send her, are things from the house. And, I hope she likes them. The last time, if my memory is correct, we last saw each other 23 years ago, at Mom's funeral.

Jeff has a large box of documents that need shredding. I like to do my shredding the day before Ada comes. Why? Because when I dump the shredder's contents into a bag, sometimes (actually, all the time) pieces of paper manage to escape the bag. I suppose you could just put your shredded documents in the recycle bin, but then you stand the chance of bits of paper in the street. And, nobody wants that. 

The shredding has to go into a yard recyclable bag. Then, I transfer the contents of the plastic bag, into the appropriate yard bag, staple up the ends, and then throw that bag into the recycle bin. This is serious business. Perhaps, you remember a time when the mail arrived, and you simply put your bills, documents of all sorts, into a trash can. Obviously, this was a long time ago.

Wherever you are, stay safe, wear your masks, and do the social distancing thing.





  1. Good Morning! I look forward to the "sister box" I love you...I'm getting a new puppy next Saturday...another labrador.

  2. Oh we love Labs, and have had several in the past. Bella, my service dog, has a lot of lab in her. She's a very special dog. I know you will enjoy your new puppy!


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