Friday, May 29, 2020

It's In The News!


What to blog about today was easy for me. You can't open a paper or watch the news channel, to not know about the horrible death of George Floyd. It's apparent from watching countless pictures, that Floyd had done nothing wrong. His only crime, as far as I can see, was that he was a black man.

So, while one officer put his knee on Floyd's neck, even when the police were standing by, and he kept saying he couldn't breath. Mind you, there were three other policemen who just stood by. Why didn't they interfere? That's anybody's guess. I know there are good policemen as well as bad policemen. Police say that they are there to protect and serve. So, what happened that day?

Oh, to be sure, the officers have been put on administrative leave. And, to my thinking, that's taking the least possible action. The officer who had his knee of Floyd's neck, essentially murdered him. (That's just my opinion, so no hate mail). 

Statistically, in Minneapolis, black people are killed 13 times greater then they kill white people. To me, and again just my opinion, some police, not just in Minneapolis, but pretty much everywhere, are racially biased. And, in this day and age, that shouldn't be allowed. This sad turn of events, reminds me of the song "Why Can't We Get Along". In some circumstances, it appears that we just can't, or some choose not to do so.

The news channels, play the arrest of Floyd over and over again. One news reporter from CNN was arrested last night. He kept asking the police why he was being arrested, and there was no answer. To make things "right", the Governor of Minnesota, apologized. After watching the riots at night, which reminds me of the riots in Watts neighborhood, which lasted from August 11th to August 16, 1965. Thirty four people died during the course of the riot.

To my mind, it doesn't seem like we've gotten rid of racial bias. Tomorrow, approximately 740 people are going to protest in Cleveland. And, they have the right to do so. 

I would never be part of a protest. I guess I'm just too scared, and for the most part, I keep my opinions to myself. If you don't say anything, then you can't get involved in a heated he/she said debate.

My prayers and thoughts go out to the people of Minnesota. And, I hope in time, the riots will ease up or simply stop.

Please stay safe. 



  1. Thanks. I always appreciate comments - preferably the "positive" ones. Stay safe.


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