Friday, May 8, 2020

Animals for Sale on Craigslist


I'm not really in the market for another dog, but I check out the dogs on Craigslist from time to time. While I love "the girls", there is a part of me, that would like to have a small or tiny dog. I think they're called purse dogs, because they can easily fit into a large bag. Daisy, who was supposed to be a "smaller" dog, weighs in around 40+ pounds. Way too heavy for me to pick up, much less carry around!

What I've seen when looking at dogs on Craigslist, is the excuses. Excuses, such as: we didn't know the puppy would grow into such a big dog (dogs such as a Cane Corso, for example, who can weigh in from 90 to 120 pounds). 

I adopted this dog, but my apartment manager won't let me keep him/her. You know full well, that the person adopting a dog, already knows that the apartment manager doesn't allow dogs. My thought is - why did you take a dog anyway?  I'm not a dog, but if I were, I think I would find it unsettling to go from one owner to another.

I'm at work all day, and have no time for the dog, who stays in a crate during the day. Again, you knew going in, that you worked all day. And, again I ask you what was the rationale of getting a dog in the first place.

I'm moving, I'm sick, my children are allergic to dogs, the excuses go on and on.There is a neighbor, who ties up his little dog, and leaves the dog in the front yard. I'm sure that the dog doesn't stay out in the yard for very long, but still.

One of the first things we did when we moved into this house, was to have a fence built. We wanted to be good dog owners, and not let them wander around. When Daisy was a puppy, she could and did jump into the neighbor's yard. Fast forward to today, and Daisy is big and/or heavy enough that she can no longer jump a fence.

I just did some quick math. The medium life span of a regular sized dog is about 11 years. Jeff and I are both 70, which means we would be approximately 81 years old. After checking out these numbers, it is possible that Daisy and Bella could be the last dogs we own.

Jeff always tried to get his Grandfather to get a dog. His Grandfather's excuse was that he'd love a dog, but, he couldn't bear the thought of the dog dying. After hearing that, Jeff stopped urging his Grandfather to own a dog. When he went to the desert, and I can't remember whether he had a little home there or not, he would take Jeff's parents little dog for company.

Both of the girls are special in their own way. Bella, the hound that I use as a service dog, always seems to know when I'm suffering. Once I start crying, Bella comes to me and puts her front paws on my legs, then I can lean over and give her a very long hug. I'm not sure how dogs know when to help their owner. But, giving Bella a long hug, which she tolerates, begins to calm me down. It's wonderful to own such a great dog, that we picked out from a rescue organization.

Supposed to rain most of the day. Rain is good for all things green outside, but not so much for we little humans. 

Cat'S Paw, Hand, Cat, Human, Trust

Stay safe everyone.



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