Monday, May 25, 2020

Happy Memorial Day


For all of you who are still working, and most of my friends and family still are. When I was working, I really looked forward to a three day weekend. In my thinking, at the time, was: a day for chores, and grocery shopping. I forget what I did on the second day, but I know that on the third day, it was all about R&R - rest and relaxation. Possibly, not the best use of my time, but it worked for me back then. 

This morning, Jeff and I had breakfast (duh), and then found a couple of episodes of "Expedition Unknown". While I know in my head, that these episodes are taped, for their "ah" moments. But, in my heart, I know that these episodes are staged, at some point or another. But, because I am seldom critical of television shows, I watch, partially because - well it's just fun for me.

We recorded last night's concert, and we'll probably watch it today. Sometimes, ah, most times, I can be watching a show, and fall dead asleep. I particularly do this after breakfast every morning. I mean laundry and dishes can wait, they were dirty before, so no harm or foul if I don't get to them today.

Jeff and I haven't been tested for the virus yet. We've only been out of the house 3 or 4 times since the stay at home order was put in place. And, of course, you know that entails a visit to WalMart. We don't shop. We have a list, grab those items and get out of Dodge as soon as we can. We wear masks and try to keep the appropriate social distancing. And, then once home, wash our hands and Jeff's beard right away.

We don't seem to be very interested in dinner at the moment. A bowl of cereal suits me fine (Sugar Smacks) of course. I now have an abundance of bananas, which normally go into the cereal bowl. Since, I can't use them all up, today I'm going to mash up bananas and put them in the freezer. Then, when I need bananas for some baking project, I can pull them out and defrost them. Easy. 

Yesterday, I was keen on making banana bread. But, every recipe on line called for  more products than I was willing to mess with. Actually, Jeff does the cooking and baking now. I guess with my somewhat limited skill set now, I seem to always forget something, or put in more than I should. Stuff like that.

I am, however allowed to use the remote control! Heady stuff.

Enjoy your day. Stay safe everyone.


Image result for picture of memorial day


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