Sunday, September 30, 2012

Just Things


Just Things

Last day of September.  Can you believe it?  I certainly can't.  The leaves are falling faster from my oak tree than I can pick them up.  And about all the acorns I've been picking up - well according to the web instead of tossing them out - I should be selling them!  There are people who are actually selling bags of acorns.  Apparently, some varieties of the acorn can be ground up for eating - who knew?  I was thinking more about lining up my acorns on paper and spraying them gold and using them for decoration.  I know it would be more time consuming than tossing them - but think how pretty they would be all sparkly in a bowl.

Yesterday afternoon Jeff and I went to Wegman's (grocery store) for dinner!  This place has the most amazing food section I've ever seen.  Jeff went straight for the Asian fare while I stuck to comfort food - fried chicken and mashed potatoes.  Water is free.  Of course you don't drive all the way to the grocery store and not buy ANYTHING.  So we bought apples (two varieties), some crab soup makings, mini scones (230 calories if you eat three) and a mini multi-berry pie.  Okay I know it was heavy on the sugar side - but that does happen to be my weakness.  Jeff is all about salt and fat. 

We are catching up on Season 1 of Homeland because the show has received some great reviews.  We took sometime yesterday in the middle of the day (shocking) to watch several episodes.  Luckily, Showtime was running some kind of Homeland show day and I think we captured all of season one. 

Speaking of tv, I hope that all of you have planned out your tv watching for this week.  666 Park Avenue starts tonight as does Amazing Race (a must see for Jeff and I).  Good Wife returns and the finale of The Great Food Truck Race ends tonight.  I realize that last show may not be compelling to everyone; but, I enjoy it.  It just seems like there is an excess of good shows on Sunday night and then the rest of the week dwindles down a bit.  If you're as anal about this as I am, then you have already highlighted the must record shows in your tv guide (I use orange) so that you don't miss anything.

I went to the art studio and picked up the latest art projects that Stacey and I did earlier this week.  All I can say is beautiful.  Stacey made a glass flag and it looks amazing.  I made a bowl for Benjamin to eat popcorn, ice cream or cereal from and other than the kind of wiggly line dividing blue from yellow it looks good.

Also, noticed today that I'm up to 13 followers which always gets me excited. 

Last but not least I have completed (finally) a draft of part two of Wilma (next greatest novel).  Jeff is getting anxious for that new plane I keep promising him if I ever publish Wilma, so I had better get cracking.  In part 3 I need to wrap up my loose ends and figure out a way to have the good guys (Wilma and Jane) win.  There is no way that I will allow Wendell (evil villan) come out on top. 

Have a wonderful Sunday and tomorrow I'm back to the office, which is okay because this past week has been amazingly relaxing.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Last Day


Last Day

This is my last day of vacation because Saturdays and Sundays don't count.  So this time next week I'll be sitting here, probably about this same time (early) and counting the hours until quitting time that afternoon.  Such is the way of life.  With regard to what we would call good times (vacations for example)  - we are either looking forward to them or dreading the end of them.

Except for the trip to the beach and the art studio with Stacey this week, I have stayed home.  I'm good with that.  After all here at home I have endless cups of free coffee, plenty of food, comfy slippers, my Kindle, my iPhone with games, coloring books and the second half of "Wilma" (world's next greatest novel for those of you who don't know who she is) to revise.  Why go out?  Pretty much everything I need is here.

I need this down time to recharge my batteries (the mental ones) to keep plugging along.  I worry as little as possible, am grateful every day that the mail comes and "we" (the battery company we run as a family) aren't being sued!   It's the little things that count.

I miss work - some.  I miss my daily catch-ups with my friends.  I miss the mental stimuli of tending to my work and realize (though I complain) that I do need my job to help me feel vital and to give purpose to my life.  I remember well when my parents both retired fairly early and then sat in matching chairs rocking their days away until they died, which didn't take very long. 

My extra days off, along with medicine, help me with my depression and anxieties.  I need a little more quiet than others.  I know this and so I arrange time off, generally without pay, to tend to myself.  Luckily, I have bosses who understand my kind of "crazy" (which is my word for depression) and are okay with the down time.

Today I'm going to enjoy the dappled sunlight that comes into my living room in the mornings and sit quietly.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Small boy, Sand and Water


Small Boy, Sand and Water

Yesterday morning we took Ben and Stacey to the airport so that we could begin our next most excellent adventure - an afternoon at the beach.  If you are a non-flyer then you may be unaware that you don't just simply hop into the plane, push some buttons and are off the ground in mere minutes.  Nope, that's not how it's done at all.  If just Jeff and I are going flying - I bring a book and stay inside the flight school's office until we're close to "T-minus".

Our first challenge of the morning was combating the wind while Stacey tried to take our picture for a future article of mine (yes I said mine) that will be published later this year.  I won't believe it until I see my name in print - but when I do - you'll ALL hear about it.  Anyway back to the picture.  The wind was quite strong so all of the pictures have my hair blowing everywhere.  Not a problem for Jeff for two reasons: (1) he has no hair; and (2) he was wearing a hat! 

After picture taking and untying the plane with Ben's assistance, then you have to put Ben's carseat in the back of the plane and get it securely strapped in which takes time.  Finally, the four of us are inside, doors are shut, and we're ready to go.  Then, I sitting in the backseat with Ben, must convince him that he must wear his new very lightweight headphones and that if he wants to speak the microphone has to be very close to his mouth.  He got the headphone part but the microphone merely got in the way of his sucking his thumb while he took a short nap.

Once we landed in Ocean City, NJ it is a six block walk to the beach which is quite doable.  The beach was nearly empty which we were expecting since it was the middle of the week and definitely off season.  In the wind, we set up our bamboo mats and weighted them down with towels, shoes and anything else that we could find.  Stacey and Ben had changed at the airport into their bathing suits and they both raced down to the water, which was delightful they told me.

The last time I remember Ben being at the beach he was still in diapers and waddling more than walking and the waves were scary.  Yesterday fear wasn't part of Ben's vocabulary at all.  He and Stacey bobbed around in the waves (yes she held on to him - he's not that brave yet) and had a wonderful time. 

Once Ben wore himself out he returned to the sand and then he and Jeff began burying each other's feet amidst a lot of giggling when Ben, in particular, would wiggle his toes free.  This game was endless fun for both of them and Stacey got some get pictures of the two of them playing together.

Unfortunately, all good times have to come to an end and packing up and leaving wasn't part of Ben's plan at all.  There were tears, which I understood completely, but we promised him that there would be other trips to the beach and there will; but, probably not until next spring.

Luckily the airport had an outside shower so that the sand didn't have to come inside the plane.  The downside of all that luck was it's a COLD shower and Ben really didn't enjoy that part at all.  Still, once he was dressed he was able to help Jeff untie the plane and we quickly settled inside the plane and almost before take-off Ben was taking a nap (microphone adjusted out of the way).

As a special treat for Stacey, we flew over her and Andy's new house being built in Virginia and she was able to get some amazing pictures.  I believe she was thrilled to be able to see her new house from a completely new "angle".  We told her to tell Andy that aerial pictures are about $250!

That was our day and for reasons Jeff and I couldn't understand we were both exhausted.  We watched a little television and were in bed quite early.  Today, I will take the beach toys outside and wash the sand off and put them away for another time.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012




If having Benjamin and Stacey stay with us yesterday was wonderful, then last night at bedtime was heaven.  Why?  Because Benjamin sleeps between Jeff (Pop Pop) and me and it's the best feeling in the world.  Young children love with all their heart and they are innocent and it's beautiful.  We get in bed surrounded by all of Benjamin's favorite books and one or two stuffed, as well as real animals and snuggle beneath the covers.  I read the books using my very best variation of voices for the different characters.  Benjamin laughs a lot so I'm either doing a really good job - or I just sound silly.  I'm fine either way.

Once the lights are out, Benjamin wants to be held and touched and we repeat our love for one another before the room gets quiet and everyone is dreaming away.  In the morning, there is a gentle tap and light whisper "Mom Mom" which I immediately hear.  We cuddle and talk and holding on to a young boy in the early morning light has to be the best way to wake up - ever. 

I have left Benjamin upstairs with Jeff and I can hear the giggles and soft voices between the two and it's heart warming.  Young children tend to cling to females and I like to give Jeff an opportunity to be alone with Benjamin when I can.  Some day I suspect that Jeff will be a more interesting play pal than me while they do all that manly stuff like building something and getting dirty, which are two things I don't happen to excel at!

After breakfast today we'll load up the car with our sand buckets and head to the plane for what I hope will be a great day at the beach weather wise.  I already know it will be another memory making time with Benjamin and one that Stacey is bound to catch on film.

Let's celebrate the special relationship between grandparents and grandchildren - there is nothing like it in the world.  There is a quote out there that goes something like this "if they had known how much fun grandchildren would have been - they would have had them first". 

Go hug a little person, it'll make your day.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Today's Visitors


Today's Visitors

Today, Benjamin and his mother (Stacey) are coming for an overnight visit.  In case you don't know Benjamin is our 4 year old grandson and obviously Stacey is his mom.  Grandchildren are delicious and Benjamin is super yummy.

I've been to the store and have readied my pantry for a 4 year old's tummy - chocolate milk, pop tarts, mac 'n cheese and other things only small children will eat, especially if they are fussy eaters.  This morning I am baking a cake so that after dinner tonight there will be dessert.  I wouldn't be a worthy grandma (though he calls me Mom-Mom) if I didn't have a goodie or two waiting for him. 

If you know Benjamin's history then you know that my neighbor, Kim, and her family are  emotionally invested in this child too.  So when Benjamin comes to visit, Kim and I share him.  This afternoon Benjamin is staying with Kim which he'll love.  Kim is all the things that Mom-Mom isn't.  She is very active and they go hiking and running and trampoline jumping.  Then when he's worn out, he returns to me for my favorite activities - hugging, rocking and reading stories.  It's the perfect combination and one we have perfected over the years.

While Benjamin is running around getting all that 4 year old energy out of his body, his mother and I are going to the art studio to do ceramics and glass fusing projects.  Stacey is super creative and will be able to assist her non-creative mother-in-law today!  Once we're done playing artist, she and I may hit a store or two because there's probably something we need/want!

The reason for the visit?  You mean other than me being a great Mom-Mom and mother-in-law?  Tomorrow, weather permitting, Jeff is flying us up to Ocean City, NJ for a day at the beach.  I think the water is going to be cold but the sand is still there and I've packed up sand toys for castle building and a beach ball for chasing.  The airport is close to the ocean, has a fabulous diner and there are even showers so we don't have to track the sand back into the airplane.  Bonus!

Stacey is an amazing photographer so she is going to take pictures of Jeff and I with the plane for our Christmas cards.  Likely, we'll take some extra pictures of us with Benjamin too. 

Here's hoping that tomorrow is an amazing weather day and that Benjamin keeps his headphones on!  So here's hoping not only for blue skies tomorrow but warm weather. I think I'll pack a sweatshirt just in case!


Monday, September 24, 2012




What a dull topic for a Monday you're thinking.  And, you'd be right if I was talking about the biggies.  But, I'm not.  Nope, I'm going to mention the seldom recognized daily and/or monthly observances that go unnoticed by the masses.

For instance, today is Cherries Jubilee Day!  Hooray - I think.  I've never had one.  Have you?  Something about putting my food on fire sounds a bit scary to me.  But, if this happens to be your dessert get into the kitchen and start cooking.

I found a site that for the month of September alone says there are 66 (not making this up) observances.  They range all the way from some that make sense to the downright silly.  Because after all who celebrates a radish?  Can't stand them.  As a child, I planted radish seeds in a patch of dirt underneath the dryer vent.  Don't know if the heat from the dryer had anything to do with it, but the radishes were big.  I "harvested" them, washed them off to marvel in their glory and then they were largely uneaten.  Didn't eat them as a child and I don't eat them now - I do, however, appreciate their beautiful color.

The one observance for September that I noted and people we are going to have to hurry to get in an adequate amount of celebration as there are only 7 days left - Be Kind to Editors and Writers Month!  Hint, hint - I'm a "writer" of sorts.  :)   As I've said before writing is lonely.  It's you, your thoughts, a white screen and a blinking cursor that sort of mocks you if you don't start typing!  As you write your business letters and/or emails, you probably don't think of the cursor.  Today, just sit in front of your screen for a few minutes and watch that stupid cursor blinking at you until you get going again.  You'll see what I mean.

Since this is a vacation week for me and now I find out also an entire month devoted to writers and editors, I'm going to pour myself another cup of Jamaican coffee that I received as a gift from a friend and retire to my favorite chair and read a book!


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sleeping vs. Napping


Sleeping vs. Napping

There are some things in life that are necessary to keep our bodies running.  One is food and hurrah for that.  Who doesn't love food?  Obviously, some of us eat more food than is really necessary for our bodies - but that's a different story.

Sleep is a requirement for our bodies and some of you readers may be able to 'z' away each night for 8 or more hours.  If you're like me, then you are trying to eek out 4 or 5 hours, which, in my case, is  way less than I need.

This is where naps come in.  The difference between sleeping and napping is that one is a requirement and the other is a luxury.  Napping, for me, is akin to having breakfast out - almost sinful.  I love on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon when the chores are done (or as many of them as I'm going to do) to climb into my bed and snooze for a few hours.  The sleep I get during a nap seems to be of a much better quality than what I get at night.  I have no idea why - but exhaustion may be part of the answer!  The nice part is that my two dogs are ready to make the ultimate sacrifice and stop running around the yard barking at falling leaves and nap with me - so all is quiet - and this makes everyone happy.

One of the very cool things about having Ben as a baby was that he napped - a lot.  And so did I.   Even now when he visits and begins to fuss up about a nap, I know that once I've read him a few stories, pulled the covers up and we snuggle in, he'll be a goner in minutes.  Works every time.

It's Sunday and deliciously cool outside.  Hurry and get the necessaries out of the way, perhaps turn on a football game, recline back and you might actually even see a few plays!  A very fine way to spend some quality time with your favorite chair or sofa. 

Have a relaxing Sunday.


Saturday, September 22, 2012




Due to Jeff's committment to hosting a pilot activity in Frederick all weekend, we each celebrated our anniversary apart.  I think my day might have been slightly better than his.  Jeff had to do the banking and drive down to the warehouse to fire one of our long term drivers.  After that, he rushed to Frederick to begin the ferrying of arriving pilots to their hotels.  That last activity was pure fun for him.

As for me, I went to my favorite salon and received a heated stone massage, facial and manicure.  The massage was fantastic.  Even with my eyes closed random thoughts kept running through my head, but interestingly enough they didn't stay.  They began as a niggle and ended as quickly as they arrived.  Amazing.  By the end of the massage I was melted butter.  I could hardly put my robe on I was so relaxed.

Still being in the completely zoned out stage I continued to relax during my facial.  The good thing about massages and facials is there is no talking - I like that.  The lights are dim and there is some  peaceful music playing in the background, otherwise not a sound.  Perfect.

Once I stopped being Cinderella and returned to the real world, I came home and did some intentional exercise by picking up the day's batch of fallen oak leavs and acorns.  I can't believe that there are any more acorns on that tree, I'm sure the squirrels must have gotten them all by now.

Since we are replacing our wood burning fireplace with a gas log insert, there was no need to keep the stacked firewood left over from last year.  I advertised it on Craigslist and miracles of miracles several people wanted it.  Admittedly, the price was low especially for nearly an entire cord of wood.  Somebody picked up the firewood this week, so my job was to go out and rake up all the leaves and leftover wood chunks and get rid of them.  After 26 years it will be kind of nice to try and grow grass there again. 

The rest of the day was quiet and I watched my favorite shows at night: Project Runway, Top Chef Masters headed the lineup.  Tonight, since I'll still be alone, I have lined up two movies, a cold soda and a bag of popcorn waiting to be popped! 

Enjoy your Saturday.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Our Anniversary


Our Anniversary

Readers, today is our 38th wedding anniversary and sometimes it seems as if it was yesterday.  If you had told me in 1974 that first of all I would be this old I would have laughed - because in my mind back then 62 was really old!  If you had told me that we would end up with three sons, 2 grandsons and move clear across the country I wouldn't have believed you.  And, of course I would never have believed that Jeff would learn to fly and we'd have a plane and wander aimlessly through beautiful blue skies and wispy white clouds.  Who would have thought?

Jeff, in honor of our special day I wrote the following for you:

I was nervous as I stood at the front of the church
Getting ready to walk down the aisle to marry you
It wasn't you I was nervous about, it was me
How could I be sure that this marriage would succeed

Our vows were simple and easy to say
I'm reminded of them each and every day
We've done so much in 38 years
Raised the boys, a few dogs and a cat
Even moved across the country - how cool was that?

Over the years we have walked side-by-side
Through the ups and downs that live provides
You held me up when life was too much
You never let me fall or even give up

Sometimes 1974 seems like a long time ago
And then again it was just yesterday
When we were young and bold
Whereas today we are gray and old(er)!

I don't need much on this special day
Just you and me like it's always been
Flying high in the sky above the clouds
Asking for nothing but 38 more

Love you P

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Betty Crocker Award


Betty Crocker Award

I bet you were unaware that you had a celebrity albeit a minor one in your presence did you?  Well I had my 5 minutes of fame back in 1967 as a senior in high school.  It's a fact.

I was a business major in high school and took only the most basic of home economic classes to fulfill requirements.  I wasn't too bad in the cooking class and even managed to produce a tasty dish of Welsh Rarebit.  Sewing class was a whole different ballgame - I really sucked at it - and I hated it.  I didn't care if my seams were crooked or my facings weren't perfect; but, apparently the teacher did because my grades reflected my inadequate abilities.

But back to my fame.  The senior girls competed in the spring for a local Betty Crocker Award that could become even a regional or national award.  Trouble was the home economics teacher didn't feel she had an adequate amount of girls to take the test so ALL senior girls had to participate.

What a waste of time and paper.  There were endless questions like: "you are having 8 people for dinner at 6:00, what time do you start cooking your 4 pound roast?"  This was followed up by another inane question about the temperature for your roast.  The answers were multiple-choice but "who cares" wasn't a selection!

I read questions about stuffed turkeys, uneven cakes and other useless (I thought) mundane stuff and here's how I answered - this is the truth I swear.  I just went down the questions and answered A-B-C-D etc. and then started over.  Well guess what my friends I won!  The home economic teacher, as well as her students, were not very happy with me so I kept the fact that I guessed all the answers to myself.  No sense adding insult to injury.

Needless to say my guessing game didn't afford me any further Betty Crocker awards but that was okay with me.  I wasn't, at the time, interested in anything having to do with kitchens and food.  Now had they given me a typewriter challenge that would have been a completely different story.

I just checked out the internet and there are actually stories about past winners.  Who knew?


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Loss of a Friend


Loss of a Friend

Last week Jeff and I lost a friend that we had known for over 30 years.  During our younger days while living in Southern California, Jeff and Skip enjoyed making major renovations to our little dumpy house.  The renovations were of course welcomed - the problem was that they generally did their best work after dinner late at night!  I remember them deciding that a wall in my little dining area should be expanded upon and sledgehammers and drywall dust flew around the house after 10:00 at night!  Trust me when I tell you that my house missing large bits and pieces was not just a one time deal - nope they did it several times.  They always did the "rough" work but it took a long time to get them to actually finish a project.  Yet, even though I remember my impatience with the two of them at the time, I now realize those were some of the best times Jeff and I had. 

Here's a quote from Leo Buscaglia that seems fitting for today:

"Ancient Egyptians believed that upon death they would be asked two questions and their answers would determine whether they could continue their journey in the afterlife.  The first question was, 'Did you bring joy?'   The second was, 'Did you find joy?"

I can certainly answer that our friend, Skip, gave joy as well as many great and wonderful memories to us.  As for the second question I can't answer that for him, but I'm pretty sure the answer is yes for he enjoyed life very much.

We'll miss you very much Skip.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Can Sharks Fly?


Can Sharks Fly?

We had a community tank of fish many years ago and one of our favorite fish was called a neon.  It was blue and red striped and about as long as a paper clip, lightening fast and cheap.  Our tank had too many neons in it to count, a real school of fish.  Perhaps the fact that they were cheap made them our favorite fish!  We also thought angel fish with their long wispy fins were beautiful and had several of them as well.

There was the much required sucker fish that kept the tank clean and minded his own business as he grew large from eating algae.  It was a lovely, friendly tank and everybody got along.

Then Jeff bought a shark for the tank.  Don't panic it was nothing as big as a great white, just a small 5" or 6" guy that the fish shop assured us was non-aggressive.  At first things went along swimmingly and then we noticed as we watched tv at night, we could actually COUNT the number of neons that we had and that the angel fish fins were looking a little ragged.

We knew we had to face facts.  Our "non-aggressive" shark was apparently more of a school yard bully than we had been led to believe.  Soon there were no neons to count and angel fish don't swim so well without fins.  The decision was easy - the shark had to go.  The night before we were going to return the shark to the store, Jeff put him in a separate tank with a few inches of water.

At the time we were living in a house with 1970 avocado green shag carpet (which by the way was just lovely in case you were wondering).  The first thing that greeted us the next morning was an empty shark tank and a shark flopping around on the carpet - kind of like a fish out of water!! (Couldn't resist).  I believe that we got to the shark in time to save him and return him to the store.  If my memory is rusty on this particular detail, perhaps Jeff will weigh in.  Once at the store we once again bought dozens of little neons and even a few new angel fish and once again our tank was returned to its former peaceful state.

So to answer the question posed earlier - yes, sharks really can fly - what they can't do is swim on carpet.  Perhaps my old tired green carpet might have looked like the open sea or more likely he was just trying to make good his escape!


Monday, September 17, 2012

Smart Phones


Smart Phones

For years, I, along with millions of other people, got along just fine with a home telephone and maybe if you were living on the edge - an answering machine.  Then somebody invented a cell phone and the first ones were huge and ungainly and I easily resisted the urge to drag one around with me.

I finally got a cell phone a few years ago which I thought of as my "911" phone.  I didn't know my cell phone number (still don't actually), couldn't remember how to answer the phone and was barely able to make a call.  I carried it around in my purse faithfully every day and even remembered to charge it occasionally!  My family knew better than to call me on it - for two reasons - (1) I seldom associated the sound with my phone and (2) when I did I was just as likely not to answer anyway and never answered  if I was driving.

This year I got a yen for a smart phone, not for making or taking calls but for the other stuff.  I wanted an electronic calendar, a way to take notes (i.e., list of medicines you're taking, books I need to read, etc.) and have remote access to my contacts and emails.

I've had the phone for several months now and love it.  I've only made about six calls from it.  And I still see no need to be talking to somebody when I'm driving around even though I'm able to make/take calls from my steering wheel.  But the convenience of being in a doctor's office and have them ask me about the meds I'm taking. I can produce the answer in a flash.  No more stammering around trying to describe a pill (because I'm sure there is only ONE orange oval shaped pill out there).   I can book my next nail appointment easily while I'm standing in the salon AND will know immediately if I have a conflict.  How cool is that?

The sound I use for incoming emails is glass breaking (I have no idea why) and when I hear that sound, I'm exactly like Pavlov's dog.  I HAVE to check my email and I HAVE to do it right now.  Nine times out of ten the messages are junk emails - you know the kind - buy this, invest in that - send us a million dollars.  Those kind of messages.  As early as I get up each morning you would think that I would know by now that an incoming email at 5:00 in the morning is NOT from my closest friends.  But I still check anyway.

Before I got my new fangled phone I'd check my email once a day when I got home from work.  That was it.  Now I, like most others, are in a frenzy to check for incoming emails as soon as possible.  It might be important - but seldom is.

My phone has that person you can talk to and tell her to do things for you.  Of course I can't remember how to find her to tell her to do anything!  Guess I'm going to have to look that one up.  And, I have no earthly idea how to retrieve a voicemail.  Better check on that too.

Here's to advancing technology that makes it possible for more people to find you more often.  Do we really need to be connected with the world 24/7.  Think about it, but I gotta go - I have an incoming email!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

How Many Staples?


How Many Staples?

The real title of this blog should be "How Many Staples Are Too Many Staples" but that just seemed wordy.

A long time ago, I worked for a remote insurance claims office.  It was just my boss and myself and insureds doing stupid things and some of them doing stupid things over and over again.  I had big windows and lots of spare time that I could use as I wished.  I suppose my boss would have been fine if I had brought in my ironing (but I don't iron - that's another story).  At the time I was painting on cloth which was very popular in the 70's so in my down time I painted on a spare desk.  

Once a month or so all of our closed files were boxed up and sent to the regional office.  The files were then reviewed before they went on to who knows where. 

Here's where human nature and staples collide.  Think about it, you're working with a stack of paper and need to add one more piece on top.  What do you do now?  Do you take our the previous staple(s) or do you just put ONE more staple in the stack of papers.  I don't know about you but I was pretty lazy so I just kept adding staples onto staples.

After boxing up one month's worth of closed cases, I received an interoffice envelope from the supervising secretary at the regional office.  Guess what was inside?  If you guessed staples, you're right.  Eileen (who was 110 in my opinion) had removed ALL of the staples from ALL of the files, COUNTED them and returned them ALL to me!  Counting the staples took a lot of time and was probably over the top when a simple message would have probably sufficed.  Thing is - I never - added an extra staple to anything - or at least anything that Eileen was going to see!

So if you've ever had to copy a file that has a zillion staples, all of which have to be removed, you will appreciate the theory of ONE staple or else a big clip.  Lesson learned.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Trading Stamps


Trading Stamps

Let's take a walk down memory lane shall we.  As a young girl, I remember being given the privilege of licking pages and pages of S&H green stamps into books for my grandmother. The fact that the glue was horrible didn't matter, I just loved watching the books fill up knowing that the reward was something she'd order from the catalog.

As an adult, I collected Blue Chip Stamps and was lucky enough to have a store in the town where Jeff and I lived.  Again, the thrill of finishing more and more books was very appealing and then I could go to the store, books in hand, and "buy" something.  I have tried hard to remember what fascinating thing I traded my stamps for but I'm betting it was along the lines of a new coffee pot or toaster.  Very exciting stuff.

I was sad to see the stamps go by the wayside.  However, in doing some research on the internet (The Wizard of all knowledge), I found that Sperry & Hutchinson (S&H) while no longer using trading stamps now have have something called S&H Greenpoints which they introduced in 2000.  And, if you are still holding on to old S&H books you can, in fact, still redeem them through the Greenpoints catalog.

There is a set of instructions on the internet (5 steps) on how to redeem your books which looks like a lot of work to me and not nearly as much fun as it was when we dried out our tongues just for the sake of getting something "free".

Another tidbit of history, the S&H stamps were founded in 1896 and were given as a reward for customers paying cash.  The stamps were at their most popular from the 1930s through the 1960s.

An example of the value of the trading stamp during the '70's and '80's was one stamp for each 10 cents of merchandise purchased.  A typical book took approximately 1200 stamps to fill - or $120.00 in purchases.

I just checked on Ebay and there are auctions, more than you think, of people selling either stamps, filled stamp books or the redemption catalogs - and even more interesting - people are bidding!

I'm amazed at what people are selling and buying.

Happy Saturday.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Shopping Bags


Shopping Bags

I don't know how it is where you live, but in this county if you don't bring a bag in to the store and you have to use one of theirs it costs a nickel.  The nickel is more of an annoyance than anything, if they really wanted to get people's attention the bag would cost let's say a dollar.

Once I knew the resolution was going to pass I went out on Ebay (of course) and bought myself a dozen bright red shopping bags.  I gave half the bags to a good friend of mine.  The remainder of the bags sit in the backseat of my car ready and waiting.  Unfortunately, waiting is all they do.  I almost never get into a store with my own bag(s).  Sometimes I even put a bag in the FRONT seat and still forget it.  It's just not a routine I'm used to.

It's not just me.  I have seen a lot of people who carry out a small stash of groceries or sundries in their hands rather than pay for a bag.  If you were to ask them I bet all of them have a bag or two in their car.  They just forget - like me.

Last week I went out and did some clothes shopping and when I got to the register THEN I remembered where the bags were.  Did I pay for a bag?  Nope.  I told the clerk, as she must hear a hundred times a day, my bags are in the car.  So I carried my new clothes in my arms out of the store just like everybody else.

When I do happen to remember the bags I applaud myself.  Hurrah for me I think.  I love my bags, they are sturdy and they are my favorite color, so why in the dickens can't I remember them?

So if you have a suggestion on how to remember to take a bag(s) in the store with me, please share it.  I need all the help I can get.

Have a great Friday.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Acorns and Squirrels

Acorns and Squirrels

We have ONE, count 'em ONE oak tree in our front yard but it must be squirrel grand station somewhere high in the tree and out of sight.  Each evening Jeff uses the blower to get the acorns and bits and scraps of leaves that have been munched off into a pile.  My job is to get out the broom and dustpan and pick up the acorns, some of which still have the nut attached.  I must pick up a thousand acorns each evening and dispense them into a yard trimmings bag.  By the time recycling comes around that bag is full and heavy.

So here's my issue with the squirrels.  Well, one of my issues.  If they're going to go to all the trouble of knocking the acorns to the ground they should at least have the decency to TAKE the nut and just leave me the little hat.  Otherwise, what was the point of throwing them down in the first place.

Also, squirrels please don't bomb our cars when we back out of the driveway.  Every day when I back out I am greeted with the sound of acorns hitting the roof of my car.  I know those acorns don't fall by accident - nope you guys are intentionally tossing them down like grenades.  Why do you do that?  We let you live peacefully in our tree and scamper up on our roof and along the fence.  In the dead of winter we've even given you corn cobs to nibble on, so what's the deal?  I don't think you're playing fair.

Okay, that's my beef with squirrels and acorns.  I can't decide that if there are this many acorns on the ground already we are in for a bad winter or my squirrels are just messing with me.

I know in some country cookbook there is a recipe for squirrel stew!





This week, sporting a new lunch box and a big smile Ben entered pre-school.  So where did the last four years go?  I remember him as a baby who fit nicely in my lap when we rocked in my chair several times a day.  He still tries to sit on my lap but now gymnastics are involved as he attempts to fit.  I remember finding his first tooth and having that same tooth gnaw on my shoulder!

I remember his initial messy feedings with a spoon and his lack of embracing green vegetables but loving the fruits and puddings (a boy after my heart).  Watching him try to feed himself, first with his hands and then with an awkward hold on a baby spoon.  The dogs particularly enjoyed that phase of Ben's life!

I remember Ben standing up at the coffee table, which I think is where most kids start, and then taking two steps and falling down.  His persistence was a wonder to watch and it wasn't long that he was toddling around the house and getting into all sorts of undiscovered treasures (like kitchen cabinets).

Ben would sing to me on the way to daycare and he loved it when I rolled his window down so he could catch the wind with his hand.  After Ben had fully mastered the art of walking and then running, he thought it was good sport before getting in the car to show me how fast and far he could run.  Ben enjoyed this game of cat and mouse much more than I did, particularly after he discovered that I couldn't keep up!

In his first day of school picture (thank you Stacey for taking it), I saw a boy who was on his way to tackle the world, which I believe he will be able to do easily.

Here's to Ben growing up.  He's a wonderful boy with a loving heart and a charming smile.  It is wonderful to watch Ben grow and I look forward to each new phase of his life.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012




I have had a love affair with books since I was a very young child.  My father used to read to me every night from the Little Golden Books (remember those?).  As I grew older and could read for myself my adoration for books did not dim - merely increased.  As a teenager I read voraciously and as a result was in constant trouble.  I'd "forget" to set the table, fold the laundry or do the dishes.  Books were and are a wonderful escape.  In a book you can be anyone and go anywhere and do anything.  The possibilities are endless.  

In the 60's I read wonderful authors such as Jacqueline Susann (Valley of the Dolls) and Harold Robbins (Carpetbaggers).  Lucky for me my mother had zero interest in books and wouldn't have known a "g" rated novel from a more risque one.  I reread Carpetbaggers a few years ago and it was just as good then as it was 40 years ago.

While I have moved away from "real" books in favor of electronic ones for which my bookshelves and nightstand thank me, there are two books that I will always keep.  One is "The Ladies of the Club" by Helen Hooven Santmyer and the other is "The Stand" by Stephen King.  Both of these are tomes and if thrown could seriously injury someone.

I don't read everything Stephen King writes but what I have read of his, The Stand is by far my favorite.  As for The Ladies of the Club I used to loan it out to friends because I loved the book with its very lengthy descriptions of everyone and everything.  The book was always returned within days and an apology that they just couldn't wade through the pages.  No apology necessary, to each his own.  

When I moved to Maryland and began working for attorneys, they suggested that I read less of Danielle Steele and try to expand my interests by reading more murder and mayhem type of books.  The first book they suggested I try was "Stone 588" by Gerald Browne.  The story is about a diamond with power and I loved it.  I have given it as a gift to numerous friends over the years.  

By trying that one book I was launched in many new directions and read many thrillers and mysteries filled with lots of bodies and gore.  A few years ago I mostly gave up on that kind of book and went back to what I refer to as "gentle reads" or "cozy murders".  Cozy murders does, of course, involve a murder but the sleuth is generally an amateur old busybody who gets in the way of the police and everyone else.  The murder makes the story - there is no blood - it's clean and quick - and we move on to finding the killer.  

As for gentle reads they are generally about a small town where not much happens, which is fine with me.  One of my favorite authors, who doesn't publish much, is Fannie Flagg.  If you haven't read anything by her, do yourself a favor and get to the library or the bookstore.  Her books are wonderful, peaceful, funny reads that will make you sad when they end.

Before sitting down to chat with all of you, I uploaded a new book on my Kindle called Harriet Beemer Takes the Bus which is about an old woman who bets her son that her ankle isn't broken.  If the ankle is broken (and it was), she must sell her house and move in with her son and daughter-in-law.  I think it's going to be a great read.

Enjoy your Wednesday and thanks for the positive comments which give me renewed energy and enthusiasm.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012




What does that mean you ask?  It means Begin Every Day Selecting Tremendous.  Before you leave your house in the morning, be prepared to tell anyone who asks how you are that you are TREMENDOUS.  I've tried it and it works.  Of course, I have also been known to use FABULOUS when asked.  When you say it you may not 100% believe it, but it will make the day for the person receiving such a positive remark.  I know, I've seen it.

Don't grumble your way to the coffee bar each morning.  Nope.  Smile at everyone and even if your life is in the toilet, try and be positive.  The good vibes you rub off on person A will have an impact then on person B and so on.

Slap a smile on your face before you enter the office and greet everyone warmly.  The dividend of seeing someone smile in return is your payoff and it's worth it.

Try it tomorrow or even today!


Taking a Rest


Taking a Rest

To my two faithfully followers (and you know who you are), I'm taking a rest.  Having something to write every day is harder than you might expect and lately I feel as if I have turned out nothing of value.  I need to write from my soul about something I care about and I just haven't been doing that (in my opinion).  So I've decided to take the pressure off of me and stop trying to come up with something each and every day that is worth reading.

I will continue to write because it's what I do; but, it just won't be daily.  I'll write when I have something to say and hopefully that will be at least weekly.  When something pops into my head I can write volumes - what I can't do - is write when it feels forced, which is where I am at the moment. 

Thanks for being here every day I appreciate it.  


Monday, September 10, 2012

Christmas Shopping

Christmas Shopping

Did you know that there are only 106 days until the jolly man visits us once again?  Me either but I was curious enough so I went to the internet (source of all knowledge as well as junk trivia) and there is an actual website devoted to the Christmas countdown.  Seems a bit much to me but to each his own.

I didn’t always start shopping early but I do now  Why?  Because I like it.  I don’t just go to a mall and stroll into a store and casually buy.  Nope, I’m an online shopper and I’m looking for the unique and unusual.  I want to find something that you didn’t know existed.  I love the hunt, always have and probably always will.

I already have a few items purchased and have a pretty good idea what to buy whom, except for adult sons and Jeff.  I suppose anything I gave the boys in the color green would be an appreciated gift but that is taking the easy way out in my mind.  I’ll just have to scratch my head until I come up with something.  Trust me I will. 

I have a list of possible gift items for family and friends.  From there the sky’s the limit.  I search Ebay, Etsy, Craigslist and catalogs looking for just the “right” gift for everybody.  I know that I probably put too much effort into this gift giving business; but, I can’t seem to help myself.

My mother made Christmas a big deal while we kids were at home. There was a scavenger hunt one year for our big gift.  She wrapped things uniquely, liked it when packages rattled (and so did we) and allowed us to paw through the packages under the tree endlessly.  I did the same.  Some nights all of Andy’s gifts would be in the front of the year and the next night it would be Scott or Kenny.  Everybody jockeyed for the front position!

Benjamin is easy to buy for.  He’s 4 years old and everything he opens gives him the WOW factor.  It’s a wonderful age when a simple puzzle causes him to inhale and put his hands to his face and exclaim “oh my goodness.”  Hearts actually expand when he open gifts!

Buying for me is pretty easy too – at least I think so.  I leave trails of evidence everywhere.  I pull out the particular page in a catalog, circle the item with a colored marker and leave it on the refrigerator.  I get those dots real close together for my family.

Jeff has in the past surprised me with very special gifts that produced tears.  One of those gifts was an antique cabinet lined in satin.  A beautiful piece, unexpected and loved it then and still do.

Jeff is very hard to buy for.  He doesn’t want much but the best gift I could give him this year or any year would be a newer and bigger plane.  I think a new plane isn’t in the budget this year; but, Jeff don’t ever give up hope you never know what the future is going to bring.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fresh Air and Things


Fresh Air and Things

It's Sunday morning and I've been busy.  I've done my time in front of my SAD light, done a load of laundry and worked on paperwork in the office with Jeff for a couple of hours.  I think he and I have hammered all the issues that popped up this week back into the ground.  Not exactly a perfect Sunday morning; but, if you get the nasty stuff out of the way first then the rest of the day is free (more or less).

For the first time in months, we have opened up the house to let the fresh air blow through.  I'm expecting a call from Pepco any minute now asking if everything is okay.  I'm sure I'm one of the top paying customers because I do like to be comfy cool all summer long.  Of course in the winter we pay all our money to the gas company because I like to be comfy warm!  Just to be clear I'm seldom completely satisfied with the temperature here or anywhere.

Yesterday, I went back to the art studio and picked up my finished treasures from last week.  Not bad I must say.  The glass fusing and ceramic plates both came out nice.  There were a number of first timers there yesterday that wanted to see my glass creation, and they oohed and aahed.  Perhaps their reaction was a little over the top; but, it was nice to hear.

I hate to just run in, pick up and leave, so I did another glass fusing and ceramic project - bigger this time.  The clerk remembered me from last week so she did the glass cutting for me and made suggestions on how to finish my piece.  The large ceramic plate I finished I hope is good enough to give to Stacey for a gift.  I painted it in speckled paint and put a darker speckled B in the center of the plate.  If it doesn't look good - then I can keep it for myself.

Jeff has grated some zucchini for me so I think it's time to warm up the oven and make some zucchini bread.  Remember I have already given you guys the recipe.  A slice of zucchini bread with a cold glass of milk or a warm cup of coffee - heaven.

Gotta run, off to the kitchen to bake.  Enjoy your Sunday.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...