Thursday, September 27, 2012

Small boy, Sand and Water


Small Boy, Sand and Water

Yesterday morning we took Ben and Stacey to the airport so that we could begin our next most excellent adventure - an afternoon at the beach.  If you are a non-flyer then you may be unaware that you don't just simply hop into the plane, push some buttons and are off the ground in mere minutes.  Nope, that's not how it's done at all.  If just Jeff and I are going flying - I bring a book and stay inside the flight school's office until we're close to "T-minus".

Our first challenge of the morning was combating the wind while Stacey tried to take our picture for a future article of mine (yes I said mine) that will be published later this year.  I won't believe it until I see my name in print - but when I do - you'll ALL hear about it.  Anyway back to the picture.  The wind was quite strong so all of the pictures have my hair blowing everywhere.  Not a problem for Jeff for two reasons: (1) he has no hair; and (2) he was wearing a hat! 

After picture taking and untying the plane with Ben's assistance, then you have to put Ben's carseat in the back of the plane and get it securely strapped in which takes time.  Finally, the four of us are inside, doors are shut, and we're ready to go.  Then, I sitting in the backseat with Ben, must convince him that he must wear his new very lightweight headphones and that if he wants to speak the microphone has to be very close to his mouth.  He got the headphone part but the microphone merely got in the way of his sucking his thumb while he took a short nap.

Once we landed in Ocean City, NJ it is a six block walk to the beach which is quite doable.  The beach was nearly empty which we were expecting since it was the middle of the week and definitely off season.  In the wind, we set up our bamboo mats and weighted them down with towels, shoes and anything else that we could find.  Stacey and Ben had changed at the airport into their bathing suits and they both raced down to the water, which was delightful they told me.

The last time I remember Ben being at the beach he was still in diapers and waddling more than walking and the waves were scary.  Yesterday fear wasn't part of Ben's vocabulary at all.  He and Stacey bobbed around in the waves (yes she held on to him - he's not that brave yet) and had a wonderful time. 

Once Ben wore himself out he returned to the sand and then he and Jeff began burying each other's feet amidst a lot of giggling when Ben, in particular, would wiggle his toes free.  This game was endless fun for both of them and Stacey got some get pictures of the two of them playing together.

Unfortunately, all good times have to come to an end and packing up and leaving wasn't part of Ben's plan at all.  There were tears, which I understood completely, but we promised him that there would be other trips to the beach and there will; but, probably not until next spring.

Luckily the airport had an outside shower so that the sand didn't have to come inside the plane.  The downside of all that luck was it's a COLD shower and Ben really didn't enjoy that part at all.  Still, once he was dressed he was able to help Jeff untie the plane and we quickly settled inside the plane and almost before take-off Ben was taking a nap (microphone adjusted out of the way).

As a special treat for Stacey, we flew over her and Andy's new house being built in Virginia and she was able to get some amazing pictures.  I believe she was thrilled to be able to see her new house from a completely new "angle".  We told her to tell Andy that aerial pictures are about $250!

That was our day and for reasons Jeff and I couldn't understand we were both exhausted.  We watched a little television and were in bed quite early.  Today, I will take the beach toys outside and wash the sand off and put them away for another time.


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