Friday, September 21, 2012

Our Anniversary


Our Anniversary

Readers, today is our 38th wedding anniversary and sometimes it seems as if it was yesterday.  If you had told me in 1974 that first of all I would be this old I would have laughed - because in my mind back then 62 was really old!  If you had told me that we would end up with three sons, 2 grandsons and move clear across the country I wouldn't have believed you.  And, of course I would never have believed that Jeff would learn to fly and we'd have a plane and wander aimlessly through beautiful blue skies and wispy white clouds.  Who would have thought?

Jeff, in honor of our special day I wrote the following for you:

I was nervous as I stood at the front of the church
Getting ready to walk down the aisle to marry you
It wasn't you I was nervous about, it was me
How could I be sure that this marriage would succeed

Our vows were simple and easy to say
I'm reminded of them each and every day
We've done so much in 38 years
Raised the boys, a few dogs and a cat
Even moved across the country - how cool was that?

Over the years we have walked side-by-side
Through the ups and downs that live provides
You held me up when life was too much
You never let me fall or even give up

Sometimes 1974 seems like a long time ago
And then again it was just yesterday
When we were young and bold
Whereas today we are gray and old(er)!

I don't need much on this special day
Just you and me like it's always been
Flying high in the sky above the clouds
Asking for nothing but 38 more

Love you P

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