Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)



I have just returned from having my head 'shrunk' which I do twice a month whether I need it or not.  My doctor has loaned me a "SAD" full spectrum light box to use each day for 30 minutes to see if extra bright light makes any difference in my depression.

I set the box up on my side table near my chair where I do just about everything from reading and knitting to coloring.  I did some catalog reading (favorite pastime) and knitting under the watchful eye of the box.  It's too soon to tell, obviously, if I will become giddy with joy after using it.  I can tell you this the sucker is bright and after you turn it off, your eyes need a few minutes to adjust to the 'dark'.

This loaner box is large and heavy; but, the doctor says they now make lights that are much more compact and easy to transport.  Some patients apparently take them to work every day - the "glow" must be impressive.

So with some medication adjustments today and my new best friend, wish me luck as I continue to travel down this seemingly never ending road of depression.  I'm being honest about this because I believe mental health conditions, of all kinds, should be talked about openly and without the stigma associated with them.

Here's to many days of sunshine for me!


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