Monday, September 3, 2012

Children Are.....


Children are a gift  A gift that not everybody receives.  A gift that not everybody appreciates.  A gift that is special.  A gift that is unique each and every time a newborn baby is born.  Children are a gift that will test your patience a hundred times over before he/she reaches adulthood.  Children are innocent, they love unconditionally, they give good hugs and kisses though sometimes a bit sticky.   Is it worth the trip?  You bet.

A quote I read recently said that there are not 7 wonders of the world - there are 7 million wonders through the eyes of a child!  How very true.  Just take a small child on a walk and be patient because they really do stop and smell the roses. And pull weeds, pick up garbage and throw rocks.  They will also hold your hand secure in their little bodies and hearts that you, the adult, are going to take care of them, try to prevent them from falling and comfort them if they do.

In a perfect world you would take your child, put them in a bubble so that nobody and nothing could ever harm them.  Unfortunately, the world isn't perfect and we can't protect our children against everything and everyone.  Part of the growing up process (and you know this) is to scrap a knee, not make the team, have the perfect guy/gal break your heart and all of the other things we go through until we become adults.

Once we are adults, buddy we are on our own - unless - you are going through live with a partner, a soul mate, a significant other, a best friend.  If you are then when your world is tumbling down around you, your partner will pick you up and carry you to safety.  I know this is true because my partner, my best friend, has had to carry me more times in 38 years than I've had to carry him.

So not just for today; but for always remember the children.  Remember how special they truly are and how blessed our lives are for having them (even when they try our patience and you know they will). Appreciate their innocence - because it won't last.  Love their spirit, their growing independence, their joy and their love.

If you're lucky enough to have a child around you today, how wonderful for you.  Give them a hug and tell them how special they are.


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