Monday, September 24, 2012




What a dull topic for a Monday you're thinking.  And, you'd be right if I was talking about the biggies.  But, I'm not.  Nope, I'm going to mention the seldom recognized daily and/or monthly observances that go unnoticed by the masses.

For instance, today is Cherries Jubilee Day!  Hooray - I think.  I've never had one.  Have you?  Something about putting my food on fire sounds a bit scary to me.  But, if this happens to be your dessert get into the kitchen and start cooking.

I found a site that for the month of September alone says there are 66 (not making this up) observances.  They range all the way from some that make sense to the downright silly.  Because after all who celebrates a radish?  Can't stand them.  As a child, I planted radish seeds in a patch of dirt underneath the dryer vent.  Don't know if the heat from the dryer had anything to do with it, but the radishes were big.  I "harvested" them, washed them off to marvel in their glory and then they were largely uneaten.  Didn't eat them as a child and I don't eat them now - I do, however, appreciate their beautiful color.

The one observance for September that I noted and people we are going to have to hurry to get in an adequate amount of celebration as there are only 7 days left - Be Kind to Editors and Writers Month!  Hint, hint - I'm a "writer" of sorts.  :)   As I've said before writing is lonely.  It's you, your thoughts, a white screen and a blinking cursor that sort of mocks you if you don't start typing!  As you write your business letters and/or emails, you probably don't think of the cursor.  Today, just sit in front of your screen for a few minutes and watch that stupid cursor blinking at you until you get going again.  You'll see what I mean.

Since this is a vacation week for me and now I find out also an entire month devoted to writers and editors, I'm going to pour myself another cup of Jamaican coffee that I received as a gift from a friend and retire to my favorite chair and read a book!


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