Thursday, September 13, 2012




This week, sporting a new lunch box and a big smile Ben entered pre-school.  So where did the last four years go?  I remember him as a baby who fit nicely in my lap when we rocked in my chair several times a day.  He still tries to sit on my lap but now gymnastics are involved as he attempts to fit.  I remember finding his first tooth and having that same tooth gnaw on my shoulder!

I remember his initial messy feedings with a spoon and his lack of embracing green vegetables but loving the fruits and puddings (a boy after my heart).  Watching him try to feed himself, first with his hands and then with an awkward hold on a baby spoon.  The dogs particularly enjoyed that phase of Ben's life!

I remember Ben standing up at the coffee table, which I think is where most kids start, and then taking two steps and falling down.  His persistence was a wonder to watch and it wasn't long that he was toddling around the house and getting into all sorts of undiscovered treasures (like kitchen cabinets).

Ben would sing to me on the way to daycare and he loved it when I rolled his window down so he could catch the wind with his hand.  After Ben had fully mastered the art of walking and then running, he thought it was good sport before getting in the car to show me how fast and far he could run.  Ben enjoyed this game of cat and mouse much more than I did, particularly after he discovered that I couldn't keep up!

In his first day of school picture (thank you Stacey for taking it), I saw a boy who was on his way to tackle the world, which I believe he will be able to do easily.

Here's to Ben growing up.  He's a wonderful boy with a loving heart and a charming smile.  It is wonderful to watch Ben grow and I look forward to each new phase of his life.


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