Sunday, September 30, 2012

Just Things


Just Things

Last day of September.  Can you believe it?  I certainly can't.  The leaves are falling faster from my oak tree than I can pick them up.  And about all the acorns I've been picking up - well according to the web instead of tossing them out - I should be selling them!  There are people who are actually selling bags of acorns.  Apparently, some varieties of the acorn can be ground up for eating - who knew?  I was thinking more about lining up my acorns on paper and spraying them gold and using them for decoration.  I know it would be more time consuming than tossing them - but think how pretty they would be all sparkly in a bowl.

Yesterday afternoon Jeff and I went to Wegman's (grocery store) for dinner!  This place has the most amazing food section I've ever seen.  Jeff went straight for the Asian fare while I stuck to comfort food - fried chicken and mashed potatoes.  Water is free.  Of course you don't drive all the way to the grocery store and not buy ANYTHING.  So we bought apples (two varieties), some crab soup makings, mini scones (230 calories if you eat three) and a mini multi-berry pie.  Okay I know it was heavy on the sugar side - but that does happen to be my weakness.  Jeff is all about salt and fat. 

We are catching up on Season 1 of Homeland because the show has received some great reviews.  We took sometime yesterday in the middle of the day (shocking) to watch several episodes.  Luckily, Showtime was running some kind of Homeland show day and I think we captured all of season one. 

Speaking of tv, I hope that all of you have planned out your tv watching for this week.  666 Park Avenue starts tonight as does Amazing Race (a must see for Jeff and I).  Good Wife returns and the finale of The Great Food Truck Race ends tonight.  I realize that last show may not be compelling to everyone; but, I enjoy it.  It just seems like there is an excess of good shows on Sunday night and then the rest of the week dwindles down a bit.  If you're as anal about this as I am, then you have already highlighted the must record shows in your tv guide (I use orange) so that you don't miss anything.

I went to the art studio and picked up the latest art projects that Stacey and I did earlier this week.  All I can say is beautiful.  Stacey made a glass flag and it looks amazing.  I made a bowl for Benjamin to eat popcorn, ice cream or cereal from and other than the kind of wiggly line dividing blue from yellow it looks good.

Also, noticed today that I'm up to 13 followers which always gets me excited. 

Last but not least I have completed (finally) a draft of part two of Wilma (next greatest novel).  Jeff is getting anxious for that new plane I keep promising him if I ever publish Wilma, so I had better get cracking.  In part 3 I need to wrap up my loose ends and figure out a way to have the good guys (Wilma and Jane) win.  There is no way that I will allow Wendell (evil villan) come out on top. 

Have a wonderful Sunday and tomorrow I'm back to the office, which is okay because this past week has been amazingly relaxing.


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