Thursday, September 13, 2012

Acorns and Squirrels

Acorns and Squirrels

We have ONE, count 'em ONE oak tree in our front yard but it must be squirrel grand station somewhere high in the tree and out of sight.  Each evening Jeff uses the blower to get the acorns and bits and scraps of leaves that have been munched off into a pile.  My job is to get out the broom and dustpan and pick up the acorns, some of which still have the nut attached.  I must pick up a thousand acorns each evening and dispense them into a yard trimmings bag.  By the time recycling comes around that bag is full and heavy.

So here's my issue with the squirrels.  Well, one of my issues.  If they're going to go to all the trouble of knocking the acorns to the ground they should at least have the decency to TAKE the nut and just leave me the little hat.  Otherwise, what was the point of throwing them down in the first place.

Also, squirrels please don't bomb our cars when we back out of the driveway.  Every day when I back out I am greeted with the sound of acorns hitting the roof of my car.  I know those acorns don't fall by accident - nope you guys are intentionally tossing them down like grenades.  Why do you do that?  We let you live peacefully in our tree and scamper up on our roof and along the fence.  In the dead of winter we've even given you corn cobs to nibble on, so what's the deal?  I don't think you're playing fair.

Okay, that's my beef with squirrels and acorns.  I can't decide that if there are this many acorns on the ground already we are in for a bad winter or my squirrels are just messing with me.

I know in some country cookbook there is a recipe for squirrel stew!


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