Thursday, October 18, 2012

Almost Heaven


Almost Heaven

You may have noticed that there was no blog this morning.  Reason?  A genuine lack of sleep caused me to oversleep!  I had barely enough time to swallow a cup of lukewarm coffee much less come up with something chatty for my blog.

Benjamin stayed the night with us and everything started off just fine.  Books were read, lights were turned off and two out of three of us (that would be Jeff and I) were ready to go to sleep.   The other person in our party was a bit chatty and wanted to be sure that I knew his tummy was growling and we should get up and feed it.  I assured Benjamin that if he went to sleep then his tummy wouldn't know it was hungry until breakfast.  I guess it was a good enough reason because he drifted off to sleep immediately.

Somewhere around midnight I realized I was being pummeled by a set of tiny but sturdy legs.  I decided it was easier to get up and sleep in the other room.  Good thing I did because after I got out of bed I realized that Benjamin was sleeping diagonal and I knew it would be a losing battle to try and straighten him up.

While sleeping (not really) during the night I heard Benjamin wake up and tell Jeff that his tummy was growling and they should get up.  I remained, in the other room, very still - there was no way I was going to get involved in this discussion!  Benjamin thought milk and cookies was the way to go but Jeff didn't see it that way.  I don't know what Jeff told him but he went right back to sleep.

I woke up at 5:50 this morning and was out the door by 6:15.  With all my natural beauty I just wash and go!  My hair dries on my way to work and my makeup consists of just lipstick so I hardly need anytime at all to be ready.  Luckily, Benjamin didn't wake up while I was getting dressed so there were no teary good-byes for the two of us.

Up to the point of being kicked around a bit, Benjamin curled up in my arms and we hugged and said our "I love you" to each other.  When doing this with a child, particularly a small child, it's almost heaven.  And definitely worth one night of not sleeping.


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