Tuesday, October 16, 2012




For those of you who don't know, Benjamin is my 4 year old grandson who lights up my world.  And today Benjamin is coming to stay until Thursday.  What a treat.  When Benjamin visits he divides his time between our house and our neighbor Kim.  Kim, now referred to as Auntie Kim, and her family were a big help (and still are) to Jeff and I when Benjamin was a baby and lived with us.  Kim is much more physical than I am so she helps out with the running, jumping and burning off little boy energy.  I am the quiet spot at the end or beginning of his day.  We read books, play in his kitchen and watch his favorite movies while munching on popcorn.  It's unique,  it works and always has.

My reward after working all day will be to come home and see Benjamin and we hope those eight hours go by really fast!  Experience tells me that the hands of time will move just as fast today as they did yesterday.

I hope you have something to look forward to at the end of your day.


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