Monday, October 29, 2012

Discretionary vs. Non-Necessary


Discretionary vs. Non-Necessary

I live in an area where occasionally Mother Nature makes it difficult if not impossible to get to work.  Whether to go or stay at home is a decision I make that is fraught with worry and guilt.  On the one hand, if I don't go and everybody else makes it in - I'll look wimpy.  But if I do go to work and I'm the only one in the department - does that make me a hero or a fool?

I really appreciate the news broadcasting that all non-necessary employees of the U.S. Government may stay home.  All I can think of is - we have non-necessary employees.  Take me for instance.  I'm pretty sure in the big scheme of things where I work I could be considered non-necessary.  I'm a secretary.  I don't make big decisions or attend meetings.  I do secretary stuff.  I hate to think of myself as non-necessary, I think that's a horrible demeaning description of some one's job. But facts are facts.

Discretionary is another word that I hate to hear about going to work.  Is it your discretion not to go to work or does that decision belong to your boss?  At some level folks can work remote, so they can stay home safe and get paid.  I don't have that luxury.  If I don't show up and the building isn't closed I take it as PTO or without pay.  

Last night the Feds closed down for today but my employer did not.  The recording on the phone was use discretionary leave.  I couldn't enjoy my Sunday shows adequately because I was fretting about what to do today.  We have, of course, established that I worry endlessly.  This morning instead of bounding up at 5:00 I knew that the recorded message isn't changed until 7:00, so I remained in bed.  At 7:00 when I got home I heard the words that free me of all worry and guilt - the building is closed.  Yeah team.  

Outside it's dark and raining so I did what every school kid and worker who has the day off does.  I fed the dogs, returned to bed and slept for another 3 hours!  Gotta enjoy an extra day off to the fullest!  

Hope all of you are safe and that your power stays on.


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