Friday, October 12, 2012

Battle of the Leaves


Battle of the Leaves

If you live somewhere besides where palm trees sway, then you know what time of year it is - leaf pick-em-up time.  I have a love/hate relationship with my oak tree.  The majority of the year she is magnificent; but, right now I'm in the getting tired of picking up after her phase.  Admittedly, the squirrels are no help, they chew on the small branches and send them to the ground.  The wind blows still others down and before you know it the yard looks like a hurricane just came through and you know it's time to rake - AGAIN.

Our neighbor also has an oak tree and for all the years that we have lived next door to them, there is only one couple picking up leaves and it's not them.  The theory that folks don't understand and it's really simple is this - eventually somebody HAS to pick up the stupid leaves.  They can blow all over your yard and down the street but eventually some poor sap is going to actually have to bag them up or we'd be buried in oak and maple leaves.  Well guess who that sap has been for the past 26 years?  Yup, you're looking at her.  Why you ask?  Two reasons: I can't stand a messy yard (something to do with my OCD I think) and I also don't believe that my leaves should be allowed to blow willy-nilly into my other neighbor's yard who doesn't own a leaf dropping tree.

Trying to always be positive, we think of leaf bagging as intentional exercise which it is. But does that mean I have to pick up all the leaves on the street?  Apparently so since I'm among the minority who have those lovely brown bags lined up at the curb on recycle day.  For now I'm clinging to the vision of the tree in all it's glory during the summer!


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